I just left Green Valley, AZ, where I will be housesitting on some very special land and lovely house for the summer. Yahoo! Yesterday, I was headed to San Diego to housesit for a week. I took a detour to Joshua Tree National Forest, someplace that I pass up every time I head west and yet have never made the effort to stop, even though it's been calling my name for sometime. This time, I did! (Another blog.)
After a yummy dinner with my sister's family in So Cal, I continued on south to San Diego. When I began the climb up the steep driveway I started laughing. You've got to be kidding! Another spectacular home, in the hills of San Diego, complete with view of the city lights and swimming pool and spa! Wow! Whose the lucky girl?
With things seemingly going smoothly, why am I depressed? So depressed that I deactivated my Facebook. Why? I use it as a diversion when I sit down to write....Hmmmm, let me see what's happened since the last time I logged on...and...it just makes me feel bad about myself.
I read the Writer's Blog....before writing your book you should: Write an overview paper. Whose your target audience paper? Write an about you paper. Establish yourself as an authority. Whose work is yours like? Now, I'm just paralyzed. While it's all great information, I don't know any of the answers.
On Facebook, I get invitations to join this club and that webinar. Again, I just feel bad about me....why? I'm not doing it! They're all doing what they love...they're all making money, they're taking risks and they have friends. Not me:( (Yes, it's a small pity party, but we're in the shadow of a retrograde, so there!)
Well, the bottom line is...I don't know who my target audience is. (Not that I haven't been trying to figure it out!) I don't know how I want to continue my next book and I don't know anything!
The problem: I don't care about following people, who their friends are and what they ate yesterday. And I don't think anyone cares about that for me. I promote thinking for oneself, not following.
Someday when I learn how to use social media, I will! Until then....I'm taking a week off! I'm not working and I'm not writing any in my book! (Even though my BFF and I have a date to compare books when I return to AZ. I'll just have to go empty handed!)
What I know about contractions, is that there is a birth following! So for now...I'm going to enjoy this beautiful place and when the energy begins to flow again...I'll follow it...until then....Enjoy your summer! It's the official first day today:)))) Yahoo!