Sunday, December 30


I have been reading reviews for car dealerships and had to laugh when one customer was displeased with the dealer when they offered them a much higher payment than their budget. Finally after what seemed like hours of negotiations, they walked out. Guess what happened...the dealer came running after them  with a deal that exceeded their expectations. By this time they were so irritated they decided not to buy a car from them. 

Probably most of us have had this kind of experience in our lives. We negotiate, putting our best deal forward and when we're at the end of what we're comfortable with we walk away. The other party either changes their tune, we change ours or it's over.

I'm looking into buying a new car and I was sitting in a car dealer with my daughter recently.  I had just explained to her that I wouldn't be accepting any offer that they gave me, but that I would be walking away. I knew that once I did that and they didn't come after me, then they had given me the best deal that they could. Important information...I now knew what their bottom line was. 

It got me to thinking that's true in all areas of our lives. Most recently I've witnessed it in relationships of clients of mine. Example, One person has had enough and has gotten the courage to set a boundary...walk away. This doesn't mean forever, it simply means that we're given a chance to reevaluate how we are living our lives and if we want to continue on the same path. It's an opportunity for growth on both sides.

So the next time that someone walks away, think of it as a gift that you've been given; a glimpse into what their bottom line is. Perfect information to begin again with. 

TRY - Song by Pink - Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame, where there's a flame someone is bound to get burned. Just because it burns doesn't mean your gonna die, ya gotta get up and try, try! try.

Thursday, December 13


News about - 12.12.12 from Cayelin Castell, Shamanic Astrologer. 

From the Gregorian Calendar perspective we have now reached the last of the triple dates 12.12.12 this century and it falls on the Feast Day for Our Lady of Guadalupe with the Geminids Meteor Shower peaking December 12, 13, 14.

Plus, 12.12.12 the waning Moon is amplifying the magical Behenian star Antares, and Jupiter is with the opposite star Aldebaran very near where the Geminids is taking place...these two stars form a star gate axis of entrance into this realm and ascension from it. The Geminids are happening near the entrance point adding to the magic of this time. (I've done several Energy Treatments these past few days and the Spiritual Doors are definitely open!)

Now this information may seem a bit Greek to most of us, so what does it mean? Well, as I see it, it's just another opportunity to remember the support of Spirit and a reminder to stay awake and present in every moment, noticing things that are happening in our lives, especially the itty bitty things that don't seem like anything. God wants us to know that we are important and supported in every moment, even when things happen that seem overwhelming. 

I was interviewed on the local radio show here this past Monday. (You can listen to it via podcast by going to It was done in the lobby of a hotel and the commercial on the television had put up a phone number to contact, 444.4444. I began to smile. I got in my car, the temperature was 44 degrees and the odometer read 44. While this may not seem significant, it was a reminder to me of support from the angels...Big Time! Keep going! You're on the right path!

Remember to ask the question and then watch for answers by being aware of your surroundings. 

Embrace Change: Adventure is Out There! 

Tuesday, November 27


You remember the television series the Waltons, about a large family surviving the depression times or the Normal Rockwell paintings of family and the holidays. 

Well, one thing is for certain, life changes. At the very least, the children grow up and leave home. Add to the mix parents die, a spouse dies, siblings and friends move and you may find yourself with a Holiday Celebration that feels foreign or unfamiliar leaving you feeling sad!  What happened? 

As long as we try to cling to the way things used to be and celebrate in a way that feels familiar we may become depressed. 

This year, my family all gathered (the ones in town) at the local pub on Thanksgiving afternoon for a few beers, watch sports and to play pool. I did put in a small turkey early in the morning so that we could all have turkey sandwiches and everyone could take some turkey home. 

An 82 year old friend asked, "You're not going to have a turkey dinner?" I said, "For me, the most important thing is to have fun and cooking a full turkey dinner is not longer fun for me!"

So in order to enjoy the holidays completely, look outside the box of what was always familiar and do something new, something different and exciting!

When life happened, for me, (things were really different), I used to drive to Chico (about an hour and a half away), go to Mass, stop at Starbucks and get the Grandma's Turkey Sandwich with stuffing and cranberry sauce and go to quiet little spot overlooking Lake Oroville and just be. It was lovely. I loved the drive, no one was on the road, no one was at the lake except me and God. 

So start investigating now for Christmas. What sounds like fun? Remember to think about doing something completely different in order to feel the exhilaration of being alive! 

If you like being alone the holidays are a great time for that. I love to drive with no where to's like being on a different planet! No one is out! (Unless you're headed to the city of course!)
Whether you enjoy being alone or being with others do what makes you happy. Either way, do only what brings you JOY! 

Some thoughts: 
1. In town, two restaurants were serving free turkey dinners to anyone who wasn't cooking for themselves, not just homeless or people in need.  Go and eat or go and volunteer! See what's happening for Christmas!
2. Cook at your home and start inviting people who are alone for the holiday.
3. Volunteer for a project that serves the homeless.
4. Go away! Go someplace that makes you smile.
5. Find a church and sing in the Christmas Choir.
6. Sleep all day.

Whatever you do, don't cling to...doing things the way you've always done them. As long as I was doing that, I just felt like a failure and it was in my face....things had changed! 

Monday, November 26


Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Rumi 

My final days in Grass Valley, CA (I think:) I've been meeting people from my old church and even attended the Unity Church, meeting some wonderful people there. I went for a walk with an old friend and we were talking about Mass. Later that afternoon, I had planned to go to the 5PM Mass. But before that, I went to see an old friend who had moved to a retirement community in town. 

I knocked on her door and after hearing, "Come in!" I walked in. Her eyes lit up like I was Santa Claus! We visited and she told me about her bloody sheets that were soaking in the small bathroom sink. I offered to put new sheets on her bed, but enjoying the company, she insisted that we do it together. Later we then took her laundry to the washer and I walked her down for dinner. (Self-Care note: I was invited for dinner but said No Thank you, not this time.) 

Of course by this time Mass was over and I thought to myself, "I've just been to church." I joyfully spent time with another and I experienced God. Like Rumi says, There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. And for me, There are hundreds of ways to be with and experience God and sometimes it happens in sharing in a like minded communities (church), sometimes it happens in the presence of another and sometimes it happens all alone. And it's all GOoD!

Sunday, November 25


I just watched the old movie, Evan Almighty. Evan, a newly elected congressman, wants to change the world and he has his own ideas how that's going to happen. When Evan tells God of his plans, God just laughs. 

This newest leg of my adventurous life was for a month in a lovely home in my old stomping grounds, Nevada City, CA.

I knew that I was leaving here, unless a job or housesitting opportunity presented itself. Not having the security of a place to return to, I spent the first week in depression (not trusting)....what's going to happen next. 

I talked with an astrological friend who said that things may not open up for me until Nov 27, the end of a Mercury Retrograde. While I don't get too caught in living my life by what's happening in the sky, I find it interesting to note.

The next few weeks, I was able to settle down and enjoying each moment, breathing through each panty-twist and enjoying my time here, while doing a tad of marketing for my work and visiting old friends.  Well, at least until a friend and neighbor to the house that I'm staying out announced that the owners were coming home on Tuesday! Yeah, this Tuesday, four days from now Tuesday! It was only two days different than what I had thought, but you would have thought they were talking about a month! 

Since nothing has seemed to open up for me and my not actually having any real plans, I decided to leave Tuesday afternoon and head back south, stopping in Oakland.

As soon as I let go of how I thought things should be, later that evening a friend called and told me that she had met an interesting lady who needed help with moving and possibly housesitting. I contacted the lady and she wants to meet on Tuesday, Nov 27 (After mercury retrograde. It's not good to start new projects during this time.) Of course! The day I was planning to leave!  Self-Care note: I told her that I needed to come and see exactly what she was talking about before Tuesday. My old self would have just agreed with her request. 

I meet with her today and my prayer is that it will be really clear if this is a job that is mine. I'll keep you posted:)  Happy Sunday! 

Saturday, November 24


In the movie Chasing Mavericks, the young boy, Jake, was in training to ride the 30 foot wave, Mavericks with his mentor, Frosty. They were on a dive and Jake was practicing holding his breath. Just as he was about to run out of air, a fifteen-foot shark swam by. Jake nearly lost it when Frosty got to him to help him stay calm. When they got up top, Frosty, more than a little annoyed, asked what had happened down there? Jake, still quite shaken up said, “What do you mean, what happened? A fifteen foot shark swam by!” Frosty, sternly replied, “Fear is healthy, but panic will get you killed!

And so it is in our lives. Fear is healthy, well acute fear is healthy. (Chronic fear is paralyzing.) Fear is proactive. Fear tells our bodies to be aware, pay attention, stay calm and can even give us an extra boost of superman power energy known as adrenaline. 

Panic on the other hand is reactive. We don't take time to think you just react!  You've seen in movies where someone yells fire and people get trampled in the stampede of human hysteria.

No matter what happens in our lives, how things look, personally, nationally or globally, it helps to keep our heads on (common sense) and think through how we're going to respond. 

In the movie Apollo 13, when the astronauts need a way home because of a system malfunction, the men working on the ground were making crazy suggestions like, "If they only had and We've never tried..." Gene, the ground control chief said (Stop panicking) "Let's work the problem, people!"

No matter what happens in our personal lives, we can stay calm and centered by remembering to breath. Focus on the breath and then evaluate the situation. I use this technique when my life changes or doesn't change fast enough. (Not knowing what is happening next.) 

I used to react, spinning in chaos. I'd head out somewhere and then stop and turn around, not knowing which way to go. 

By stopping, (not panicking) and asking myself what the fear was about I could breathe through it and I was able to make clear decisions for myself. 

Just Remember to Breathe! Follow the breath, the breath is all there is....

Friday, November 23


The Cauldron of Transformation,
from The White Moon Gallery.
OK, we know that Somethin's a Brewin' (from previous post). Now the question is, how do we respond? In other words, what do we do about it?

Science has verified for us that there is a strong magnetic pull coming from the Milky Way affecting the planet and its inhabitants. However, the most important magnetic field happening now is the one in the human heart and that is where we begin, with our hearts, which by the way is the cure for the external symptoms caused by these intense energies.  

The tendency when things become uncertain is to hunker down and contract. But the invitation here is expansion and we begin with the heart. However, in order to expand our hearts, we have to know that they are healed and protected and that's the personal work

Doing our personal work is why we are here on this earth, to discover who we are, who we were created to be. It's also about uncovering and healing past wounds and hurts that everyone has. They're not used for blaming others but for seeing who inside is feeling sad, neglected, unloved or needing approval of others, and then with guidance, healing those little pieces of ourselves so that we can truly open our hearts, expand our hearts, knowing that it is safe to do so. 

How can we navigate these uncertain times? Well, one way is to do our personal work, know who we are, that we are safe, protected and being watched over by Spirit.

(Luke 12:7  Even the hairs on your head are not be afraid....) We'll continue this discussion tomorrow:)

Added note about the picture:
The ancient symbol of the goddess cauldron was reinvented by the patriarchy as a solar symbol, the chalice, which was used by Jesus at The Last Supper. It is still used as a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual transformation.

Tuesday, November 20

December 21, 2012 Spiritually and Scientifically – Somethin’s a Brewin’!

While the Hopis, Mayans and many Native American visionaries, recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age on December 21, 2012, scientifically, we know that the earth is coming to the end of a 26,000-year cycle known as The Great Year. Science further validates there is a magnetic field coming from the center of the Milky Way that is impacting earth (ie.,the weather) and its inhabitants.

Shamanic Astrology tells us that we are in the season (approximately 40 years either way) of the completion of this earth cycle, which they call, The Turning of the Ages.

As many of us can feel, time is speeding up! It’s kind of like winding up a top. The closer you get to the end the faster it goes. Once it’s complete, the tension releases and it starts all over again.

Whatever you call it, whatever the explanations are and whenever it happens is really irrelevant because right now, many of us are feeling the effects, the intensity, of this speeded up time. This speeding up of time is giving us opportunities to raise our energetic vibration, or become awake and conscious in our daily lives, to become enlightened or One with God. (The Journey ofthe Soul) Because we’re in the season of this shift, many of us are feeling more intensity in our lives and want the ride to stop so that we can get off! (Not happening, so hang on and try to enjoy the adventures that come with uncertainty!)

The Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end; rather, we’re simply in a time of transition from one World Age into another. In fact the Hopi Elders advise, Push back into the flow of the river…when you hang onto the side (resisting change, clinging to our narrow perspectives) that is when the energies intensify. Let go and let the flow take you. (Paraphrased)

How do we respond?  See you tomorrow! 

Saturday, November 17


As we near Thanksgiving our culture tells us that it is a day to spend with family and friends and to give thanks. Our religions tell us to give thanks everyday. But what happens on the days that there doesn't seem anything to be grateful for. I know, of course, you can always find something. 

I believe that everything happens in Divine Order, so even when things don't go as planned, I think it's to free up space for stuffed feelings and emotions to rise for healing and that something else is on the horizon that is BETTER! However, that doesn't negate the fact that some things feel, well for a lack of a better word, sucky in life.

I just helped one of my daughters move into her her studio in Oakland, a place she loves, a place that feels like home to her. (She went to college there.) Oakland, like all cities has good areas, not so good areas and up and coming areas, meaning people are moving into the not so good areas, buying and fixing the houses and claiming back life-giving space. The whole day that we were moving, she kept telling me not to leave anything in my car.

As you can imagine, making a decision to move and then doing it can leave a person wondering if they did the right thing, especially when the neighbors blared their music the entire first night! The next morning she went to grab a cup of coffee from the neighborhood shop and within five minutes her window was smashed and her backpack and computer were taken.

These are the times when it's difficult to find the blessings and things to be grateful for. 

With the people that I counsel, one of my issues with finding the silver lining in the clouds, (positive thinking) is that while it is absolutely imperative, (in its time) many times we gloss over the feelings that arise when the not so fun things happen. We just stuff them down, creating space for dis-ease to fester. 

These feelings are a gift. (There, there's something to be thankful for!) We have to feel what we're feeling. We have to talk about, analyze and see what other deep feelings and emotions space has been created for them to surface. Then, once that has happened and we've been truly able to let go and forgive, (A hint: it's mostly about forgiving ourselves.) then we can come to a place of real gratitude and thanksgiving. 

This is a beautiful short youtube you may enjoy.
I am thankful that YOU are in my life!  

Friday, November 16


"I remember nearly ten years ago, you said to me, You have to set some goals for yourself and I'll set the first one. You have to create a space to call home and it can't be your job!" I say to my long time friend over beer.

When Life Happened to me, goal setting gave me direction. Even now I see the importance of setting goals for myself. If you don't have a goal there is nothing to strive for. 

I hiked the Inca trail in Peru with my son who had a goal to hike Wayna Picchu, a 9,000 foot tall mountain that sits behind Machu Picchu. Although not an easy thing to do, I too hiked to the top as well. When I got there I remember clearly thinking, "If you know what Waynu Picchu is in your life, you can get it!

But I've decided that setting goals is the easy part. Having the vision and clarity for what it is one wants to manifest or create in their lives is a bit more challenging. 

In the movie, Chasing Mavericks, a true story of a young man knowing what he wanted, to surf Maverick, Jake had a vision and with help from his mentor Frosty, set daily goals in order to attain his dream.
It is easy to get caught up in the everyday routine of really nothing. Even in retirement, I've witnessed that we can be happy with a walk, golfing and happy hour. While good, there is more! We were all created with a passion for something to share with the world! What is it? The possibilities are limitless. Once we have the vision, we can reach the goal, simply by taking many baby steps forward. But with a goal, they're all pointed in the same direction! 

And now my friend, you are living a life full of joy and passion! 

Friday, November 9


Money....what is it anyway? Certainly in our society we have to have it to live, or do we? Recently a friend said to me, "I love the way that you barter to get the things you need and want." 

Bartering has become so second nature to the way that I move through life that I didn't even realize that it is different than how most people live.  I was telling my business coach that I'm always surprised when I travel to hear the concerns of the general population, "These economic hardship times!" I never really notice it. I've gone and done anything that I've wanted. Of course I don't have the regular securities that others may find necessary for their comfort level, like health insurance or retirement. 

I was reviewing my last blog and the statement "I need the money!" was such a ridiculous thing to say that when I reread it, I had to LAUGH OUT LOUD! Of course there is truth in it, but it seemed so desperate! 

Money is simply energy. It is a means of exchange that we use, the same as bartering, to get the things that we need and want. Listening to and experiencing first hand other people's lives and experiences of finances, I've come to the conclusion that it's all relative. The old saying, the more you make, the more you spend, is still alive and well.

I have been allowed the privilege of being able to supplement my income by working part time because I have had the most amazing house sitting jobs. While I treasure my time to work on my own personal projects and the freedom to follow the flow of energy,  sometimes, I do miss the structure of a regular job, the energy of other people and of course the regular pay check! 

I've been on several job interviews in the past week, just walking through open doors to see if anything sticks and trying to really trust that everything is in Divine Order. 

But today... I alternate between strategizing for my projects and wanting to snuggle back to in's cloudy and chilly.....and I thinking to go to Alaska....are you kidding me? Well, at the very least, it would make for great blogging material!)

Wednesday, November 7


After five days in my new house sitting job, I finally learned how to turn on the radio! While working on my projects, I overheard the radio announcer say, "Come tomorrow to watch a video and have an interview for working in Alaska for six months. The money is good if you don't have any ties and can be gone for that long!" 

Well my ears really perked up! Alaska! I've never been there! The money is good....what...$50,000 for six months? That's good money! Not knowing where I'm heading next and where my next buck is coming from I'm open to checking out all options!

Today as I walked into a room full of young men and one young girl, I hadn't been aware of the fact that I was the only old lady there! I took a spot in the back of the room, anxious to hear about this great money opportunity and adventure all combined into one! 

The facilitator was very clear about the fact that this was not a glamorous opportunity or even a chance to see and experience Alaska, it was a hard job in a seafood processing plant with long hours. 

"You will be working mostly 12 hr shifts, either the night or day shift and you can work all the way up to 16 hr days. There is no guarantee of hours. If the boats catch a big load, you work until it is processed. There may also be days when there is no work at all and then you don't get paid." "The work is hard, it's lifting, it's cold, damp, noisy and smelly." she continued. The only good news, while the contract is for six months, the January shift is usually finished in three! 

The whole time, I'm scanning the paper they handed out that told about the operation and noticed the pay...the great money is $7.75 an hour! I could barely contain myself! Oh, yeah, over 8 hours you get time and a half, $11.24. I spent my time trying to figure out how much I'd make for the time I'm away. I guess the benefit is that you can't spend any money while you're there, being 812 miles from Anchorage. When you're on the island, you're on the island! If you leave early, you have to get you own ride back to Seattle. 

I raised my hand and asked the only question, "Is it dark all the time?" Nobody else seemed to care.

While my daughters and I have had a great laugh over the whole idea, the really funny part is that I haven't closed the door. I haven't been to Alaska and I haven't worked in a fish factory. (Not sure I'm missing much with the latter!) And...I need the money! 

Like the other jobs that I've been interviewing for, the diverse jobs in completely different areas of the west, I'm just going to wait and see what ...if any jobs are offered to me, then I can make a decision.

In the meantime, I'll follow the flow until it stops, laughing at the silliness of life! While this is something that I would do once for the experience (and money, lol), there are people who will be doing this kind of work for their whole life! I'm really lucky! 

Today reminded me of a line in Mamma Mia, a movie that I travel with and watched the other evening..."It's an adventure Harry!" 

Tuesday, November 6


As you know from my last blog, I was getting ready to leave the place that I have called home for the past two years. 

I knew that it was time to leave before I received notice to move. In fact, I had told a friend that I had been watching myself clean out things and was thinking a shift was coming, it was like having an Outer Body experience! Even though I had been feeling stagnate, I didn't have the courage to initiate the change for myself and so the Universe stepped in. 

After a series of three speaking engagements for the Catholic Church in Los Angeles, talking about GPS for Living and the importance of Self-Care in our lives, I left on a vision quest trip with my Irish friend to Hawaii.

When I returned, my friends helped me sell, clean and pack for the next leg of my journey. It's amazing how much crap on can accumulate in a two year period. I moved into the space with the contents of a 22" suitcase and backpack and left with a car full to the brim. As my friend put it, "You couldn't put a peanut in that car!" My three foot tall solid wooden Happy Buddha, reminding me to Find the Joy, rode proudly seat belted in the backseat. 

Heading to Northern California for a month long house sitting gig, I had a lot of time to reflect while making the 15 hour drive. Still following the Flow of Energy, and trusting that everything is in Divine Order, the not knowing where the doors are going to open up for me after the end of November,  can get me into a panty-twist if I don't stay present and in the moment. Where will I go? How will I make money? Blah, Blah, Blah!

I have been here now for 4 days and I had to give myself permission to rest. My mind starts its little being in charge of my body and I have to step in and set some boundaries. So trying to find balance, I let myself sleep, some work and then took a drive to the Yuba River with my God daughter. I hope this finds you all well. 

Wednesday, October 10


The Evolve to Live Team has traveled to LA from AZ and back, three weekends in a row. We left at 3AM on Friday, returning about midnight on Saturday, the first weekend. We met lovely people and while we sold a nice percentage of products, (1/3 of my session purchased products), it didn't cover the cost of the trip.

The second weekend, we had the same results. Amazing people, promising comments and the sales were about the same. This night we decided to stay the night in San Diego and we were royally supported by The Universe as we stayed in The Marriott in Old Town for $70! I do know that energy is money and we are supported in ways that can be different from our own perspectives, however as you know, bills need to be paid. 

When I arrived home from the long drive, there was an email waiting for me that said something to the affect of "Thank you for watching my house. I'd like for you to leave by Dec. 1." 

I instantly began to panty twist but quickly moved past getting stuck in the story of "What did I do wrong?" and was able to see The Universe/God supporting my intention to move on. My friends reminded me of what I had been saying, "It's time to leave."  I had been feeling stuck and was unable to find the joy, but didn't have the courage to make a change as I had nothing else in the pipeline. I also know that nothing new can arrive if I don't let go of the old that is taking up space, if not physically, energetically.

I spent the next week in a fog, unable to think and I did what was familiar. By the end of the week, most everything was gone except for the furniture and my personal things that I need to weed through when I return from Hawaii with my Irish friend around the 24th of Oct. 

Thinking back, I arrived at the Riverbend Retreat House (anywhere I call home, the retreat space is for me) with belongings that fit into a 22" suitcase and backpack. Now I have a car so I can keep more crap! It's amazing how stuff, just sort of creeps in! 

I'll be leaving AZ, Nov. 1, as I have a month housesitting job in Nevada City and then a friend of mine and I are talking about traveling across the states to the East Coast in Dec!... I know...Right? So, I may see you as we head back out On The Road! 

I'm in discernment, waiting to see what doors open. Thank you for your love and support. 

Happy Trails.....

Tuesday, September 25


Yesterday, two friends and I went to Mexico for the day. We were heading to the dentist, shopping and lunch. It was time to get me teeth cleaned ($20) and I had chipped a veneer on my front tooth while swimming last week. One of my friends accompanying me wanted to find out about getting a tooth pulled, ($40), which she did and then we were headed to town to look around. 

The tooth with pulled with no issues, however, while shopping, my girl looked a bit panicked, her face got really red and she said she couldn't swallow. We sat her on a bench along side the road and instantly began using my AMwand Energy Wand on her. (It brings the body into balance.) While the other friend wanded, I did the NAET treatment of accupressure on her back, calling for St. Michael and St. Raphael, who both arrived in an instant! 

Within minutes, the main crisis was over, the redness in her face began to lessen, however, while she could breathe, she still couldn't swallow.  We went to a restaurant and sat and I did a couple of NAET emotional treatments, simply applying pressure on her back again.....within two hours she was back to normal. She had a bad reaction to the Novocain, for whatever reason.

It feels really empowering to know that we all have access to tools to help ourselves and others in emergency situations. I know my friend would have ended up in the emergency room somewhere had we not known what to do. 

It's in the treatment of the whole; body, mind and spirit.....that healing happens. We treated her body with the AMWand, her mind with NAET emotional treatments, (fear, and fear from watching her mother choke at the end of her life) and spirit, calling upon Spirit for support! It's amazing! I'm happy to share my knowledge with anyone who is interested.  It's with deep gratitude that I say, Thank You!! 

Wednesday, September 12


One of the more popular Evolve to Live Playshops, Ask The Question...
came to mind today as I was spending over an hour on the computer trying to get all of my payment late fees removed.

I figured I made $100 for the hour of time invested for me to simply Ask the Question! 

I've discovered that in life that the worst that can happen is that we receive the answer No!

Why are we so afraid of that? I can begin to speculate; Rejection, Looking stupid, Feeling Stupid, Feeling Not Responsible, (why would I not have paid on time.) etc.

Certainly we delve more into this in our Playshops. But we also take it much further. Ask The Question, to parents, authority figures, spouses, children, employers (How about that raise?)

Remember, we're all just people! Date anyone, peruse any job, talk to anyone! (Bishop, would you consider endorsing my book, Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven...?)

Before you ask the question, brainstorm and think of the worst possible thing that could happen. Then live it, feel it and then let it go! Now, I'm sending you courage....ASK THE QUESTION!

If this is an interesting workshop to you, invite us to come to your area!

Tuesday, August 28


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Have you thought that you know that something needs to be done but that you just can't bring yourself to do it?

It becomes easy once you can break it down into small manageable bites.

I have been overwhelmed trying to get Evolve to Live to fly. There always seems to be so many moving parts. I hired a business coach and we've made progress but it seems like it's one step forward and a whole slue back!

I was talking with my friend today and she reminded me of a time we were together and she wanted to clean out her linen closet. She kept insisting that it would take days and I kept insisting, it would take ten minutes. All you have to do is start!

In a situation like that, you have to take everything out before you can put it back in. It's worse before it's better.

On my drive to Southern California, in my white car, the place I get clarity and ideas, I got the brainy idea to hire Pati Hope as the General Manager of Evolve to Live. I mean really, who better to do the job. She is organized, believes in the products and loves people! I even went so far as to write her an official letter as to why she was the best person for the job! (Too bad we can't pay her, YET!)

I gave her a list of the departments that she would be managing and she was to hire the best person for each department. (ME!) She was to have them each work one day a week. She was to meet with them and together they were to decide what the jobs they were to perform on their day in the office.

The subdivisions were (the products and services ETL offers) Sessions/Playshops/Energetic Wellness, stuff like that. Anyway, what that did for me was to break things down so that each division had their time on the top. The GM, still has the business coach to help keep her on track!

Don't know if this helps, but just thought that I would pass it along....Just do it!

Monday, August 27


One of the key things that I talk about in many of my Evolve to Live Playshops (Self-Discovery through play!) is perspective or point of view.

Like ass-holes, everyone has one! Everyone has one and it's very likely different than yours. 

It doesn't mean that it is right or it's wrong, better or worse, just different! 

I looked up the word perspective in the dictionary:
the state of one's ideas, the fact's known to one. I thought that it was interesting, the state of one's ideas or the fact's known to one. They kept using the word one's ideas or the fact's known to one. Every- one is different! 

I was cracking up yesterday as I was helping my sister and brother-in-law do some weeding at the side of their house. We all three had a different point of view of the best way to accomplish the task. The area was full of crab grass, very tall, thick, crab grass. The night before my sister and I had decided a weed wacker would be the best approach. A friend gave us one, a little baby one, which did very little.

When I arrived the next morning, my sister was using hand clippers, very clearly not working too well either.

So I began using brute force, just pull those suckers out at the roots! (These weeds were over waist high). 

My brother-in-law came out with his lawn mower! I had to laugh as I listened while my sister tried to tell him how to try cutting it another way.

While pulling, I reflected, we were all doing the same job, getting the same results but we were all doing it from our own point of view, from our personal experience of how it has worked best for us in the past or from an idea about how it could work this time. 

I think that it's important that we allow ourselves and others the opportunity to do things the way that each of us as individuals see fit. However, I also think that it is equally important that we communicate with each other about how we are doing things. 

When we can communicate without fear of rejection or ridicule, it brings enlightenment to both sides of the fence, each person can learn and grow. Each person can contribute without conflict or irritation.

Using team work, we were able to accomplish a job that had just been neglected because the project was overwhelming for one person to do alone. And by us all working together, doing our own thing, the end result was a fun morning and beautiful side yard and about 10 large bags of weed clippings! (It will be interesting to see the different perspectives on what the best way to dispose of it are:) 

Friday, August 24


For the past week, I've watched the grandma that I'm staying with be in constant worry about the eating habits of the little doggie staying with us. It's been nearly a week that we've all been together and I've had strict instructions from the parents not to feed the dog from the table. 

Yeah, well try to tell that to an eighty-eight year old grandma from India that doesn't speak english! 

Even though they have called and told her over the phone, grandma doesn't care. It's in her blood! She has to share everything and make sure everyone who comes around is fed! 

Grandma eats a pancake for breakfast and dinner which she makes for herself. The pancake is made up of something like dried bean meal and flour. Little doggie got pancakes for the first few days. Then little doggie got bored and wasn't eating the pancakes any longer. Next thing I know, little doggie is drinking tea and milk from a bowl! Lord have mercy! Now grandma is trying to entice her with grapes, banana and rice.

My sister told me grapes are not good for dogs...tell grandma! We're out of grapes! Great, now she's feeding her cookies and this morning I noticed she opened a new package to feed her! I can't watch! 
(I am monitoring little doggie and she seems happy and is pooping and peeing...she's doing ok!)

In the meantime, the parents are calling, wondering if little doggie is eating her dog food.  Ugh, no! 

The point of telling you all of this is that what grandma did today really tied into yesterday's blog, of breaking down things into small, manageable steps. 

This morning, still worried, grandma makes some kind of a new pancake (she is explaining to me) and brings it into the bedroom where little doggie is sitting on the bed, looking out the window. Little doggie is definitely not interested in what grandma has to offer. Feeling badly for grandma, I walk out of the room and little doggie follows.

Grandma has a bowl with 2 pieces of whatever she has made for little doggie and a plastic lid in her other hand with little pieces of food on it. She puts the bowl on the floor and little doggie eats. Grandma continues to add just 2 pieces at a time until little doggie has eaten it all. Little doggies tummy is full and grandma is happy. 

This was just another chance for me to see how too much of anything can be overwhelming! 
Little steps, little bits of food, little beginnings can be the hallmark of GREAT ENDINGS!  Just do it! 

Thursday, August 23

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Too much to do, or perhaps not knowing what to do next. Someone says to you, get a job or loose weight or market your business or send a text or email. 

If you're not familiar with the steps to take to accomplish any goal, someone may as well have said to you, "Fly to the moon!" It's in fact the same; it feels impossible!

I am a world-class organizer! I love it, it comes easy for me and I have helped many people de-clutter and re-organize their homes, businesses and lives.

The month before I left on this current L.A. trip, I was in a major funk with Evolve to Live. I couldn't see my way of what appeared to be a brown paper bag with a twist tie on the end! Nothing was coming together. My business coach was trying to keep my on track, but I was in a cycle, a major funky cycle!

I got in my car, a place of clarity for me, and as I drove to the Big O.C., (Southern Cal), it suddenly became clear. "Pati, you're looking for a job or at least a means of income, I'm going to hire you to project manage Evolve to Live! Who better? You're top in organization, you believe in the product and you have great ideas!" I proceeded to write a letter to myself telling me why I AM PERFECT for this job!

I continued, "Your duties will include Project Managing ETL, The Umbrella. Under which you will be managing 4 teams and I named them. As the PM, you are responsible to make sure that all of the teams get their work in on time and to you so that you can compile all the information on the web, newsletters etc. Each department will work one day a week and be off the rest of the time.

Once I broke it down like this, it became clear and easy. I made a list for all departments, including what they are to accomplish on their day in the office.

Whatever you may feel overwhelmed about in your life, just begin with a step.

When we owned 5 acres, I wanted to fence it. I didn't have the money, however, I did manage to set aside enough money each week to buy 10 metal t-posts and 2 wooden posts and I had my children help me set them each weekend. Eventually, it was ready for the wire, which I hired a handyman to help me put up.

It's by breaking things down that we're able to take the first step.

I love the line in the movie Out of Africa,

"Maybe God made the world round so that we wouldn't be able to see to far down the road."

If we can just see what the very first little baby step is, that is all we need to know in this moment. I promise you, the rest will reveal itself in due time.

Stand on the last brick on the path and simply wait for the next one to appear. 

Enjoy the funk cycles along with the rest, because as with ALL things, this too shall pass!

Wednesday, August 22


“The difference between winning and losing is most often – not quitting.”
---Walt Disney

COMMENT:  With so many people negating his dream, Walt Disney proved that he really believed that he would win by not quitting.  Think of the millions of people who have enjoyed Disneyland and Disney World because of one man’s determination that his dreams could come true.  So how about making a decision that will definitely affect your life, in a positive way, to never quit moving towards your dream.  

Every Wednesday, Willie reflects on two different quotes and sends them out in a newsletter called Wednesdays with Willie. This particular one was timely for me as I had just spoken to my ex-boss (visiting here in the states), and his first comment to me was "Why don't you get a job!" I said, "Who do you think you're talking to here? You know that's not going to happen! While you're in Ireland, you totally support my following my dream. In fact, you even said, "Go for it! Even if it doesn't happen, at least you'll know that you tried!" Now, you're back at your old parish and the only thing you have to say to me is "Get a job!" 

It takes a lot of trust and courage to follow your heart. My business coach said, "What keeps you going?" I replied, "It's something from deep inside. It just doesn't feel right to give up. I can't see myself living any other way right now. I'd be unhappy." 

MORE FROM WILLIE: Of course, the first thing you must do, if you haven’t already done so, is to create that dream.  Your imagination is not tied to a hitching post, but rather is as free to run as you will allow it.  So as part of creating a life that is even more fun, dream about what you really want to bring into your life, and then pick up the reins, point yourself in the right direction – and never, never quit.  (If you'd like to get on Willie's email list for Wednesdays, email him at:


Monday, August 20


Last we left off, I had driven 4 hours to LA from AZ when I realized that I couldn't find my phone. When I went to look for it in my backpack where I usually keep all my technological paraphernalia.

Heading back to Tucson, I began to accept what I talk about, that everything is in Divine Order and I turned the car around, heading BACK to LA! Are you dizzy yet?  This is what I call spinning in chaos!
Can't make up my mind, my perceived choiclessness keeps me in question!

However I moved through it quicker this time! It didn't even take 5 miles for me to relax into and make a conscious decision about what I was choosing. I choose to trust and continue on my journey as planned! 

When I finally stopped for gas, I searched the car, wanting to be sure of what I had left behind. There down the side of my massage table I could see the top of my native american flute. Ah, that was in the backpack! After further digging, I discovered my computer:) I opened it up and signed into ICLOUD. I click the "Find my phone button," and it showed that it was in my car...somewhere! 

The best part of the story? I was so happy that I had trusted myself and what I knew. 

Can you imagine of my getting all the way back to AZ and THEN discovering that everything was in my car the whole time?  Wow, major gratitude! 

I made it to sunny So. Cal! Oh yeah, and I do have my technology with me so I guess I'll be working while away.  (Which is when I work my best! ask my business coach:) Have a beautiful day!