In the movie Chasing Mavericks, the young boy, Jake, was in training to ride the 30 foot wave, Mavericks with his mentor, Frosty. They were on a dive and Jake was practicing holding his breath. Just as he was about to run out of air, a fifteen-foot shark swam by. Jake nearly lost it when Frosty got to him to help him stay calm. When they got up top, Frosty, more than a little annoyed, asked what had happened down there? Jake, still quite shaken up said, “What do you mean, what happened? A fifteen foot shark swam by!” Frosty, sternly replied, “Fear is healthy, but panic will get you killed!
And so it is in our lives. Fear is healthy, well acute fear is healthy. (Chronic fear is paralyzing.) Fear is proactive. Fear tells our bodies to be aware, pay attention, stay calm and can even give us an extra boost of superman power energy known as adrenaline.
Panic on the other hand is reactive. We don't take time to think you just react! You've seen in movies where someone yells fire and people get trampled in the stampede of human hysteria.
No matter what happens in our lives, how things look, personally, nationally or globally, it helps to keep our heads on (common sense) and think through how we're going to respond.
In the movie Apollo 13, when the astronauts need a way home because of a system malfunction, the men working on the ground were making crazy suggestions like, "If they only had and We've never tried..." Gene, the ground control chief said (Stop panicking) "Let's work the problem, people!"
No matter what happens in our personal lives, we can stay calm and centered by remembering to breath. Focus on the breath and then evaluate the situation. I use this technique when my life changes or doesn't change fast enough. (Not knowing what is happening next.)
I used to react, spinning in chaos. I'd head out somewhere and then stop and turn around, not knowing which way to go.
By stopping, (not panicking) and asking myself what the fear was about I could breathe through it and I was able to make clear decisions for myself.
Just Remember to Breathe! Follow the breath, the breath is all there is....
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