I have been reading reviews for car dealerships and had to laugh when one customer was displeased with the dealer when they offered them a much higher payment than their budget. Finally after what seemed like hours of negotiations, they walked out. Guess what happened...the dealer came running after them with a deal that exceeded their expectations. By this time they were so irritated they decided not to buy a car from them.
Probably most of us have had this kind of experience in our lives. We negotiate, putting our best deal forward and when we're at the end of what we're comfortable with we walk away. The other party either changes their tune, we change ours or it's over.
I'm looking into buying a new car and I was sitting in a car dealer with my daughter recently. I had just explained to her that I wouldn't be accepting any offer that they gave me, but that I would be walking away. I knew that once I did that and they didn't come after me, then they had given me the best deal that they could. Important information...I now knew what their bottom line was.
It got me to thinking that's true in all areas of our lives. Most recently I've witnessed it in relationships of clients of mine. Example, One person has had enough and has gotten the courage to set a boundary...walk away. This doesn't mean forever, it simply means that we're given a chance to reevaluate how we are living our lives and if we want to continue on the same path. It's an opportunity for growth on both sides.
So the next time that someone walks away, think of it as a gift that you've been given; a glimpse into what their bottom line is. Perfect information to begin again with.
TRY - Song by Pink - Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame, where there's a flame someone is bound to get burned. Just because it burns doesn't mean your gonna die, ya gotta get up and try, try! try.
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