Monday, December 26
Since ‘Life Happened,’ to me, I’ve really come to appreciate the major holidays. Not from my old perspective in life, but from where I currently am on my life’s path.
When my children were small, my parents were still alive and my siblings all lived close by, we enjoyed having the big family get-togethers. But as the years have passed and the family dynamics have changed, there was nothing for me to do but to change the way I moved through the holiday season, otherwise I was just depressed!
It has become a time for me of peace, tranquility and reflection. While living in Grass Valley, I would drive to Chico for Mass on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. ( I love to drive, I listen to God in the car! Otherwise I just order Him around!) The day before I would get a Grandma’s Turkey Sandwich from Starbuck’s and after Mass I would go to a cliff overlooking Lake Oroville. The sun was always shining and it was just me there enjoying the day, the bonus, the roads were empty! I loved driving through the grove of trees on the way there. I felt like they were hugging me! (It was a time in my life when no human could have done that for me!)
This Christmas, I traveled to Vancouver, WA, where all of my children and ex-husband will be gathering at my daughter’s.
My plane left at noon. Even though the plane was full, I was in the back and no one was in my I had a nap:)!!! What a lovely present! I had a three hour layover in Vegas and enjoyed my time watching the people. Who was traveling on Christmas Day?
This Christmas and New Year’s time are everything that you’d like them to be in your life. I wish you love, joy, and laughter with whomever you choose to spend your time with. Thank you for being a part of my life.
Wednesday, December 21
Just wanted to pass on some information about the Solstice from Caylein Castell and Simone.
9:30PM PST the Sun enters Zero Capricorn marking the exact December Solstice. This year the Solstice Sun located on the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center is square the revolutionary change agent Uranus suggesting we are in for even more accelerated changes than ever before.
The year ahead promises enormous benefits, both material and spiritual (Jupiter), if we’re willing to release old patterns (Capricorn) and try something radically new (Uranus). Both the Solstice and New Moon charts also spotlight Venus, newly into experimental Aquarius, as she advocates for growth and freedom via aspects to Jupiter and Uranus.
With all the planets in forward motion from Dec. 25 through Jan. 23 (when Mars turns retrograde), 9:30PM PST the Sun enters Zero Capricorn marking the exact December Solstice. This year the Solstice Sun located on the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center is square the revolutionary change agent Uranus suggesting we are in for even more accelerated changes than ever before.
With all the planets in forward motion from Dec. 25 through Jan. 23 (when Mars turns retrograde), it’s a fine time to launch something new.
Navigating these times is different than ever before. It is a journey we are all taking together as one planet, one Earth, one people, in ONE reality. This is an exciting time to be witness to the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new.
Tuesday, December 20
I’ve spent me first 50 years of my life protecting, sheltering, smothering, running interference for others. In essence, I made it my life’s purpose to be sure that other’s didn’t feel any pain, all the while, I was the walking wounded, bandaged from head to toe! I grew up thinking that it was my responsibility to be sure that others didn’t feel any pain!
Literally, on more than one occasion, God said to me, “I am trying to work here and you keep running interference for everybody! Move over and get out of my way!”
I’ve now come to see, (not so easily) that this helicoptering behavior actually is a hinderance not only to myself, but to the very ones that I am trying to protect. When I left my husband after the end of a 30 year marriage, I was truly a basket case. While I had a lot of support there was one sentence that a priest friend said to me that gave me the courage to stay true to my journey.
“Did you every think that you’re giving others an opportunity to grow, rather than you’ve deserted them?” As simple as that! That was the line that gave me the strength to stay away.
I’ve had to learn this lesson with my children, mostly my boys. There is something about mommies and their boys. (Actually there is something about the opposite genders.) As twisted as it sounds, there is something about women wanting the approval of the male and it’s not just me. To be even more specific, the opposite is true for many males as well. I’ve seen this over and over again, the male needing the approval of the female authority. (We’re working out something from our past.) We get opportunities to play this out with our children and other adult relationships as we move through our life’s journey.
There are many examples of practicing this in my GPS for Living Book. (Available now) It’s not an easy thing to do. When we choose ourselves, when we let go, when we do what is best for us, it can feel selfish. (Or so we’ve been told.)
But this rescuing, trying to protect others is detrimental to the expansion of the soul of another, not to mention our own.
Setting another free to find their own way in life is perhaps the Ultimate Gift. (See the movie by the same title) Whether it be a job, a child, spouse or someone that you’re in relationship with. Having the courage to figure out what makes you happy or at least knowing what doesn’t and making a change is perhaps the kindest thing that you can do for others but for yourself as well.
setting others free
Monday, December 19
I recently got a new job...something that is relatively new for me, since ‘Life Happened’ to me eleven years ago. I consciously made a decision that I would work as many hours as I needed for one month to see if I couldn’t get this beautiful, one of a kind (in the USA anyway) ionized water, Aqua Spa, on its feet.
Being a recovering workaholic, I knew the challenge would be taking time off. The local Cheers Bar owner had organized a trip to Tucson to see the WinterHaven Lights. There were several choices that one could use to see the lights. On foot, trolly, horse and wagon and hay wagon! I’m very happy to report we (old foggies) took the trolly. A great choice as it was raining BIG Time! Wait! I’m in the desert....where’s the sun????
Living in the desert has it’s own sense of holiday magic....the illuminaries are quiet beautiful. However there is something to be said for the traditional Christmas trees and lights. I’m happy I took the time to get away with some friends and experience a bit of the Christmas Magic. Wishing you joy and magic this holiday season!
Saturday, December 10
From Simone’s Astro-Alchemy newsletter, today was an amazing time to witness the lunar eclipse. While I didn’t get this information out in time to actually see the eclipse, we’re still in the energy of it, so not too late to set your intentions.
From SImone’s Blog:
What’s your dream? See it coming true at Saturday’s total lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius. With Uranus turning direct the night before, inspiration and breakthroughs will be palpable. The eclipse will be most visible in Alaska, Hawaii, northwestern Canada, Australia, New Zealand and central and eastern Asia. The east coast of the U.S. may see only the initial stages before moonset. Over the central regions, the moon will set as it becomes immersed in the Earth’s reddish shadow. The Rocky Mountain and prairie states will see the moon set in total eclipse, while here in the west the moon will start to emerge from the shadow as it sets, reaching totality from 6:06 a.m. to 6:57 a.m. (PST). Adding to the magic, both the sun and moon will be seen simultaneously in most places in the U.S. and Canada. Don’t miss this gorgeous sight!
I am watching the movie “YES!” I love this movie! As we ready ourselves to move into 2012, think about, how do you want to live the rest of your life. I ask myself, a series of questions pretty regularly....the first two, “What would I do if I weren’t afraid? and What would I do if it wasn’t about money? They are usually pretty good indicators for me as to the longing of my heart.
It’s not too early to begin asking yourself, what are your dreams and aspirations as we being to move into 2012. Could it be time to say “YES” to you. What brings you joy and puts a smile on your face? Happy Holidays, don’t forget to take some time for yourself:))))))
A link from my friend who weathered the cold and took some amazing pictures!!!
time for yourself
Thursday, December 8
Shamanic Astrology saved my life.....not literally, but REALLY close! When my life fell apart, the church said, “Give more, do more, pray more.....keep smiling!” The doctors said, “You’ll be fine, we’ll give you hormones, anti-depressants and sleeping pills! (Uh, you did that for my mother and my sister and their both thanks!)
But what I have since found out that when ‘life happens!’ the invitation is to ‘become real’ to know who we are on a soul level, who we were created to be and that doesn’t happen quickly or easily....even The Velveteen Rabbit wanted to become real without all of the ‘sad’ things happening to him!
I was so desperate for some answers and I knew someone had to know something about this thing we call life! A friend said "You should call Daniel Giamario!” “Give me the number!,” and I drove to Portland, Oregon (I lived in California) to see him. He was the first person who had anything to say that I could relate to at that time in my life.
Over ten years later, I call this man my friend and I am still singing the praises of knowing our own personal cycles in our lives and how when we are consciously moving through life, God/The Universe supports our choices every time!
As I was researching my second book, GPS for Living, Navigating Through Life, (Now for sale:) it became more evident to me about the cycles in our lives and as the bible says in Ecclesiastics, ‘There is a season for everything, under heaven.’
We can easily see in nature that everything has a life cycle. Easily recognizable are the butterflies, frogs, starfish, moon and plants. We even know that we as humans have a cycle in our lives, from infancy to adulthood, but what is more intriguing is the cycles in our lives that we may not be aware of.
There are cycles in our lives when we are to rest and times when all the doors are open and we can move forward without resistance. There are many cycles that have the same characteristics and they just cycle around, each time giving up another opportunity to go deeper, getting lessons that our souls have come to experience.
Spending 5 days in an intensive learning more about timelines I came to see clearer that we all have age appropriate timelines as well as personal cycles that are unique to us all as individuals. Once again Shamanic Astrology gives everyone permission to be who they are and appreciates the fact that everyone has their own unique gifts to share with the world and their own unique time to share it in.
If you find your body wanting to rest simply honor that, knowing that~this too shall pass:) and all too soon the cycles will change and you’ll be full speed ahead, but this time, fully present because you honored the rest your cycle was offering.
Happy honoring of the cycles in your life!!!
life cycles,
shamanic astrology
Tuesday, December 6
I stopped into a local artist’s gallery to say hi and the first thing she blurted out was, “Pati, you have to call Fr. Sean!” “Ok!” Who is Fr. Sean?” She continued to tell me that he had been the guest speaker at the local bi-monthly forum, speaking about the Kino Border Initiative. (Help and dignity for those who have been deported.)
As I do, following things until they stop, I called the number and made an appointment to go and see what this was all about.
I had been saying that I wanted to go to another country and live in another culture. Duh! It’s only 20 minutes away! (Changing my perspective!)
I arrived and along with a group of high schooler’s and parents, I walked across the border to the structure where deported immigrants were lined up for a morning meal. The mission tries to do a little education session before the meal. There were plenty of volunteers to help cook and serve and so I tried to stay out of the way. Most of them are there for only the one meal and then somehow are bussed back to their homes, further south. When they were leaving, I did what came natural to me, connecting through the heart. I stuck out my hand, touched their shoulder, looked them each in the eye, wishing them good luck and fortune.
I could feel my heart opening and the tears welling. I realized then, that while so many times we can serve, do for, care for others, but to actually BE with another is the challenge. Our own uncomfortableness arises. It takes us to a place of vulnerability and can trigger our own wounded-ness. But these are the very encounters that can be healing for all involved, the cracks that allow the LIGHT to shine through.
We left to see the Women’s shelter which is 2 apartments on the top floor next to each other. Women can stay there for up to a week. There were two at the time we went and we were able to talk with them through a translator. One was trying to go to Tennessee where she had relatives, the other to New Orleans. I was amazed at their big ambitions, they had quite a journey to travel once they did cross the border. I didn’t really have many questions at the time, but now I do! ‘What were you thinking? Are things so bleak that you’ll risk anything in the hopes of something better? Or do you see it as an adventure? While they are there they are given information about the same issues we as american women struggle with....self-esteem, domestic violence, learning to say no, etc.
Just a short twenty miles south of my home, across a fence; there are people. People like me, people who feel and hurt and struggle. People who are grateful for the help they are given. People who want to be with their families or have the courage to leave their families in hopes of providing them with a better life.
People, who no matter where they live, have the right to human decency and dignity and people who when touched also feel love and the POWER!
I came away thinking that while I don’t know what any of this means for me, I did realize that no matter what a person’s stand on the immigration laws in the US are, it’s difficult to be in the presence on another human being and not find some compassion for their life’s journey.
(Their immediate needs are of course money, but also, sugar, corn tortillas, ladies underwear and toiletries)
Kino Border Initiative,
Friday, November 25
What in the world possessed me to make a community turkey dinner here in Tubac, AZ? Oh, yeah, I remember...It was to be a money making event that was to provide a place for people who had no family and wanted to spend time in a lovely environment. The menu was to be a smaller/healthier version of the traditional Thanksgiving Menu. What I was offering was something like Organic Free Range Turkey, roasted garlic potatoes, root vegetable sauteed medley, salad and homemade pie.
What in the heck happened? Only 3 people registered and so I began inviting my friends and with that, something clicked in my brain and the old paradigm, the old model of how Thanksgiving should look quickly came over me! While there were lovely new dishes that everyone loved, the same old traditional dishes were there as well!
I shopped, prepared and cooked for days....By the time Wednesday evening came around, I looked at the 27lb turkey sitting on the counter and announced to my daughter, I’m going to bed! I’m not cooking that turkey! Feeling sorry for the situation I had gotten myself into she offered to help. She said, just tell me what to do. She began making the apple/pecan stuffing and somehow that gave me enough strength to continue. We stuffed our bird and put him in the oven to bake through the night. I woke up at 3AM to the smell of yummy turkey!
I did go to yoga in the morning and then, like many people across America, I worked non-stop until 6PM. Everyone was happy to chip-in, making gravy, whipping cream and cleaning up. I couldn’t have done it without everyone!
Why did I do it....We had the meal at The Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa and the owner did a little ceremony with the fire, asking everyone to take a piece of kindling and quickly add them, one by one to the fire, symbolizing the collective energy that we were about to share together and silently reflecting on the things that we were grateful for in our lives. From an elderly Mexican man to 2 young vibrant children and everything in between we were a diverse group.
When I saw and felt the love and gratitude that everyone brought...I knew why I had done it! It was because of LOVE! As many of us sat in the healing hot waters of the spa when all was done the conversation was “This was the best Thanksgiving I ever had!”
It was different/non-traditional but full of wonder, excitement and sharing.
I’m trusting that your Thanksgiving was lovely as well. This is a youtube clip that I loved, maybe you will too! Thank you for being a part of my life! I love you...
The Floating Stone,
Tuesday, November 22
We’re coming up on the holidays and spending condensed time with family and friends can be a little hectic.
While I don’t spend much time concerning myself with the alignment of the stars, this month’s blog from Simone was particularly interesting to me because of the timing and one of the themes I continue to work on is clear-direct-communication.
I was reading Simone’s Astrology blog and thought the information may be interesting to you. From now until 2 weeks after Dec. 14, things may be a bit all forms of communications, from electronics to in person. I find comfort in knowing that when life has can simply be that we’re just in a cycle and this too shall pass. The following is a blurb from Simone’s blog. (www.
What is a retrograde? It's the time when a planet appears to be traveling backwards in its orbit around the sun. It's an optical illusion. Relative from our point of view on Earth, it appears sometimes that a planet will stop and go backwards, (retrograde motion), and then stop again and go forward (direct motion).
For Mercury, this happens usually three times a year, and when it does, you can expect the unexpected.
This month, Mercury goes retrograde on November 25th, and then direct on December 14. HOWEVER, the effect of the retrograde actually can be felt two weeks prior to it hitting us with both barrels, and then hang around for another two weeks until its completed. I find that the phase going into and coming out of the retrograde can be more of a challenge then the actually time spent in the retrograde.
It is a time when things appear to be going backward. Communications of all forms, electronics, as well as travel plans come under the retrograde. You will find that phones, computers, printers, vehicles, machinery of all sorts of items will act out at this time. Communications of all forms are problematic, so best say what you need in person as phone, letters etc, tend to get messed up and or lost.
You will restart things over and over, best to just put them on hold until the retrograde is over. Just a time of getting you to be patient really it gives us ideas, that will be by the time the retrograde is over seem to be much more perfected then our first thoughts.
So there you have it! Take a rest and enjoy the ride! Seems like things will begin to settle down, just in time for the New Year!
Friday, November 18
Yesterday, the house recorded and the Riverbend Retreat House has closed it’s doors, the doors to my past have been closed, however, not forgotten and not without deep gratitude. But healed in a way that allows me to move forward.
When I received the call that all was final....there was a twinge in my heart of sadness and the tears continue to flow involuntarily. But I’ve come to appreciate the fact that when the tears are here...for the first time, I’m in my body...feeling! And that’s good!
Early this AM I woke for a brief moment with the vision of my mentor’s weekly email Sabbath Moments....and the word FREEDOM flashed in front of my face! Ah, yes, letting go opens new doors, new opportunities! The John Denver song Eagles & Horses came to my mind....”The body is merely the shell of my soul....I had a vision of eagles and horses....."
Just yesterday, I had a job offer on the table for managing The Floating Stone, a lovely spa, inn and retreat center...and I had my first lunch like, hmmmmmm...forever! And I actually went!
I had a vision of eagles and horses, high on a ridge in a race with the wind....going higher and higher, faster and faster, on eagles and horses, I’m flying again....
Thank you to all, for your love and support in helping me to move forward....I love you!
horses; letting go
Wednesday, November 16
After signing the papers to sell the house, there was nothing left in California for me. Sure, I have a couple of children who live there, but that can change at any time! I thought I was loyal to CA, but realized when the sun came out for the first time in about 10 days here in AZ, I wasn’t loyal to CA...I was loyal to the SUN....I’m a sun girl, a very fickle sun girl, who would leave wherever she was in order to live in the Light!
It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard to let go of a house and living status in a particular state. But with that comes all of what living in CA has been for me over the past 40 years. It is making peace with the past and willingness to move into the future.
I marched myself down to the DMV, (only 4 people were there, very unusual - 4 + angel support) got a number, 225+9 (Completion, for me CA). Would I just register my car or get a driver’s license as well? I’ll fill out the paper for the license, just in case....stopped half way through. No, too much trouble to get a new license...I’ll just register the car. I looked up at the number being served, 222 at counter 3....Hmmmm another 9. OK, I’ll get both!
Seeing these numbers doesn’t mean anything in particular, it simply is a call to stop, breathe and check in with myself....what is it that I’m really wanting to do?
Now this method of seeing support in a myriad of ways, seems a bit foreign at first, but for me, it is what helped me to move forward, letting go of the past so that I am now free to fly into the future.....with a heart full of gratitude....not that there are not still panty twist moments involved.
angel numbers,
letting go
Sunday, November 13
I had a comment on the blog about Baxter the healer dog. The comment was “This is some funny sh_t!” Well, I agree! So I thought I would tell one more crazy story that happened to my cousin and I when she was here visiting.
What I knew is that she was coming to the Riverbend Retreat House in AZ and that anything could happen!
The first night I did some energy work together. We could feel the Spiritual Support here.
The second night we were working on the computer and watching a movie. All of a sudden, a very loud rumble rolled across the top of the roof. LOUD! Now this happens on occasion but this was very loud and deliberate. We turned and looked at each other, but continued with what we were doing. My computer stopped working and so I restarted it. When if came back on the screen saver had changed to the one like the picture above, and the wind chimes began to ring. We looked at each other and I said, “We’d better get to work.” She hopped on the table and we did a Dynamic Stillness, cranial sacral work.
I think that it is so interesting when we’re paying attention, how we’re supported. Well, we’re supported even when we’re not aware of it!:)
The angels and Divine Guidance wants to support us on our journeys and they will use whatever means available to them to get our attention. They use whatever is meaningful to us in our lives, songs, words, chimes, numbers, etc. You get the picture. Simply pay attention, become aware and you’ll see it for yourself! Happy Awareness!
angel support,
As the papers for the final signing of the Riverbend Retreat house arrived....I put them on my desk and did the Scarlet O’Hara thing....”I can’t think about that today...if I do, I’ll just go crazy....I know....I’ll think about it tomorrow!” Well, quite a few tomorrows have passed and they are still sitting there.....Now....what is the resistance?
After spending time with a healer I see when I’m in town, the questions came.....What keeps me in bondage? How is holding on (to the familiar) serving me? I’ve been working on beginning to ‘live in my body’ and feel...what I’m feeling! In order to trust what I know...I have to feel....(Talk, trust and feel are areas in my life that I continue to heal.)
It was easy for me to identify that while owning a home for some is security, for me it’s bondage. I know that in my head, why I can’t I feel that in my body? Why can’t I sign the dang papers!
Again, how does hanging onto the house serve me? After many hours......It keeps me scattered, ungrounded, distrusting what I know. It serves the the wounds....”You didn’t do it right, you didn’t get a good enough price, you’re ungrateful!”
Hmmmm, the house is a place for the wounds to hide....certainly they don’t want me to get rid of their little secret place to breed. I wondered, what would happen when I get rid of one of their little hiding places? The wise parts of me do know that the way to move forward for me is to free myself from the last physical tie to the past.
Next question: Can I totally let go? While people, places and things don’t define us....I’m tied a bit to the idea of being a California Girl....What I also know, until I am willing to trust and let go....I will remain stuck. Because I don’t understand because I can’t se the bigger picture, will I stop the flow of energy because I can’t trust....ME?
Not this time anyway... My cousin, P3 came, sat with me while I signed the papers on 11.11.11.
Riverbend Retreat house,
Sunday, October 30
Today it was with joy and sadness that I packed the last of my things and said goodbye to The Riverbend Retreat House in Grass Valley. I had spent several days there alone in ceremony and reflection, a most magnificent gift to me. Putting the last bits and pieces into my friend’s car reminded me of two years ago when I began this journey of letting go of everything and living in a suitcase and backpack. At the very end, it’s a matter of just getting it out of the house and dealing with the remnants later.
My last night there for some reason it was necessary for me to do a through cleaning and I had to be sure that all of the lights were working with two light bulbs in each fixture. (I now see that I needed to be sure that I needed to leave “The Light” behind and 2 representing balance of the masculine and feminine, which was this house.)
As I awoke this AM, the last time I would awake in my old bedroom, I looked at the only original door on the house. When we were putting in new doors, I just couldn’t bear to let this old beauty go. I remembered my dad buying a door for the bathroom which had only a shower curtain over it and the new beautiful front door with the oval shaped beveled leaded glass in it and my resistance to it all.
Many years have passed and much healing was present for me in this sacred place. I met the new owners, something that I hadn’t wanted to do. While I knew that selling this house was in Divine Order, like I can sometimes do, I was still holding on and resisting, saying one thing but I definitely had my brakes on. I was to meet the mother who was buying this house for her daughter and 2 year old grand daughter. I knew it was in alignment with my intentions of this property.
As I walked out the front door for the last time, I remembered thinking how I resisted buying my new car. I had such trouble seeing myself bigger and in a lovely car. I had done the same thing with the woman who was buying my car for her grandson. I said yes but put up many roadblocks. Finally, I explained to her how hard this was for me. The next day when she brought the cash for the car, she also brought a bouquet of flowers and a thank you note which read, “By your willingness to move forward in your life, allows my grandson the same opportunity. Thank You.” I knew that was the case for this house as well.
Before I left, I had bought a cupid angel and a heart picture frame with gold trim on it and a card that was in black and white. It was a scene from the Wizard of Oz, with Toto and his basket and Dorothy’s red shoes...which were sparking red and inside it read, “Welcome to your new home!”
My friend and I began our journey back to Arizona down Hwy 49 which equals a 4 (angel support and continued our journey on Hwy 99 which equals 9 (completion). We had many options when leaving and I found it interesting when I noticed the roads we chose.
I’m not saying it was easy but I am saying I know it was right for me in this moment. The tears are flowing but I mostly think they’re tears of awe, thanksgiving and love for the shelter and opportunities this property has provided for me. And it is with deep gratitude in my heart that I say AHO...a Native American term with many meanings, for me...a heart felt Thank you! And So it Is.....
Riverbend Retreat house
Saturday, October 29
Today is the first day of the New Ancient Times (Oct 29) I refer to it! Yesterday was the end of the Mayan calendar, as some see it.
Just like when the New Year comes along, many of us take a bit of time to reflect on things that we want to do differently in the future. I think this is the perfect time to take time to do such an inventory.
Reflection: How do I want to live, move, grow (personally) in these very rich energies? What do I need to let go of and what do I want to create, draw to me?
The Invitation
To begin to live consciously with full intent in everything that I do.
For me: Stop holding on (to old ideas, thoughts and behaviors) stop controlling – let go and enjoy the ride! (In ALL areas of my life...including sex...including love....)
The Songs that have been with me on this vision quest as I close the door for me at The Riverbend Retreat House in Grass Valley, CA.
Interesting - I've spent the past two days in my little retreat house, sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor (with my traveling pillow:) I've had the opportunity to be with my spiritual support in ceremony, consciously letting go of this part of my life, a time of intense personal work and healing...and the gift of this sacred space that was given to me, left by my dad (for the healing of the feminine) for this period of time. But now it’s time to pass the torch to the next two generations of feminine healing as a young mother and her two year old daughter will be living on this sacred land.
I signed the papers for the removed contingency on the Riverbend Retreat House yesterday, the end of the Mayan Calendar at 5:55PM....Major changes being supported by the Universe....The price, while not what I thought it was worth, yet add up to the number 8 which is in direct alignment with the initiation that I received from Spirit, while on the table at my shaman’s. (8 the complete balance of the masculine and feminine energies and know thatl abundance is coming to you!) OK:)
Whatever your intentions are for yourself my friend.....I support, love and appreciate you in my life.
live conciously,
mayan calendar
Thursday, October 27
When the lady I had been sitting with got off the plane at the LA stop one of the flight attendants sat down and said, “Wow, so you’re an author?” I showed him the books. We talked. Another flight attendant joined in about her sister. Then I was told about a conversation with the 3rd attendant and her smelling her deceased father’s cologne and she had wondered about it.
As soon as I was told the story, I felt her dad with me. He continued to be with me the entire flight. When we landed, I asked this young woman how her dad died and I wondered if he needed help crossing over or perhaps she couldn’t let him go. I asked for her permission and did a soul releasing, assuring her father that she and the family were fine, that he was loved and that he could continue on his journey. Then adding that it was safe and time for her to let her father move forward on his journey and she on hers. It’s not that he won’t be with you but from freedom and not bondage.
The pictures are of Baxter the therapy dog was a bridge to the next world – a psychopomp who lovingly eased others across the veil. (Meaning “guide of souls” in Greek, a psychopomp is a being, whether shaman, angel or animal, that provides safe passage to deceased souls.) See Baxter in action
flight attendant,
letting go
I had a speaking engagement at my Bishop friend’s retirement community in Sacramento. It had been scheduled previously and rescheduled for yesterday. It made no financial sense to keep this engagement but I knew I was going to go anyway. I had plans to leave Monday afternoon after meeting with the lady that I housesit for. (Side note: She wants me to stay until the house sells! Come and play!!)
By the time we were finished it didn’t feel time to leave. I’ll go Tuesday. I Got everything packed. Tuesday 3:30AM...."Why isn’t anything in the this not the day to travel?” I asked myself. Back "in bed....5 minutes later...up again at the computer....”You don’t have to leave can fly tomorrow!” (15 hour drive) Southwest, 6:45AM flight, no plane change/no layover and arriving in Sacramento at 10:10AM. My mentor had wished me 'safe travels and be gentle with yourself.' This was gentle! I pushed the button to purchase this $350 flight!! Back to bed and panty twist time! Are you kidding me? $350? I could have bought it several weeks ago for $89. "You didn’t know several weeks ago how you were getting there,” answered the wise parents inside. It’s over, done....back to sleep!
Got in the car the next AM to drive to Tucson and I thought, ‘I will miss the vision quest driving!'
29 people boarded the plane before me and no one picked either of the front rows. I always go to the back where there are vacant seats if the flight isn’t full. But this time....front and center! A little later, a lady came and sat next to the window. She revealed that she never sits in the front. We had an amazing visit. Her business of buying houses in the south of Tucson and renting them to Section 8 tenants and she has a property management company. (Which she will help me with if I want to reinvest) She has a condo on the beach in Mexico and is a Reiki Practitioner and massage therapist. We talked about my books, she gave me some contacts. Wow...glad I flew on this flight....(to be continued)
I help people, get clarity when I’m away…when I’m traveling….thank you for these people that have been put in my path….thank you for my living consciously, paying attention to my feelings….no it’s not time to go….rather than my head….it’s time to go….it will cost less…..$350 for the airplane ticket….the people….the energy….the experience…..PRICELESS!
Monday, October 24
I’m headed to Northern CA for a talk and some completion of life cycles (which I didn’t realize totally, until I read this month’s astrology from Simone.)
From her blog this month: The Scorpio New Moon opens a portal to experiencing both pleasure and pain. The Sun and Moon oppose Jupiter the seeker, exactly trine Pluto, god of death and rebirth (Scorpio’s ruling planet). With Mercury and Venus also joined in Scorpio, it’s an unparalleled time to solve long-standing problems, find answers to riddles, heal old wounds and probe beneath the surface to find life’s deeper meaning.
I’ve had some amazing highs and pretty bad funks since I began speaking in Sept. I now understand a bit better and as I head to the Riverbend Retreat House in GV....possibly for the last time....I will do ceremony around gratitude for the beginning of my healing on this sacred land and for the many who also took refuge there. I will set new intentions and end up releasing anything, any old beliefs anything that keeps me stuck energetically there. I’ll do this on Wed, the New Moon....(Interesting timing that I had no idea about when I booked this talk.) I will also find out if the buyers are going to buy the house or pull out on that day. (Which I also hadn’t planned.) At which time I will be giving the RR House a face lift and rent her out.
The point is, your life. Are there past things you’d like to move forward from? This is the time. Oct. 26 - Nov 21...time to pay attention....recognize the panty twists for what they are...letting go of things that no longer serve your highest good.....
Simone’s blog had many more interesting things including how to do a releasing ceremony if you’re interested. Happy letting go -
Wednesday, October 5
Teddy’s coming to play!
My best playmate!
He’s always up for anything! He always says YES! life to living to having fun!
Teddy has lived his entire 60 years in a small Irish Village and when he comes out to play....we have FUN! He will be the first to dance, sing....with no images to uphold.
Our time together always just unfolds....we generally don’t make plans.
Tues - Went for lunch in Tucson and got our books into 2 book stores....very exciting.....then Travetti’s the neighborhood ‘Cheers’ bar.....out for the Night Sky...which ended up being a graduation and initiation.....the weather is cooling off...fall is in the air....We had plans to drive to Grass Valley and repaint the lovely cottage...but it’s back in today, we’ll head up to the the beautiful house in the mountains, (while I clean:) and then a hike along the river......
Tuesday, October 4
The house, clear as mud….in this moment… soon as I hit the ‘publish’ button on the blog….already I began spinning with questions and what if’s...
The not trusting came back in full force…..what to do…..recognize….stop and breathe……You were clear in this moment…..that’s all you have to know… felt right….the body said it was right….it’s your fucking mind that gets in the way.
I told the realtor, you’re not going to like what I decided. He said that he was jus the mediator. I said (mostly for my own benefit) ‘This wasn’t decided from a knee jerk reaction or a place of resistance. I gave it a lot of thought and I did a lot of personal work around it.
2 things….When all is said and done, I will get $10,000, which I know isn’t any concern of yours, but $6,000 is a lot of money to me. and 2nd, I’m totally confident in the work that was performed….nothing was added, only things were fixed.” He wanted to counter the buyers with the $146,000 pricing….I said yes…..not because I felt pressured or because I didn’t want to back down from what I had said about wanting $150,000 to sell, but because I felt into it and it felt right.
I also said that I didn’t want to wait for 3 days for an answer, as I was planning to come up to paint and put gravel in the front and I needed to begin heading up. So by 5PM today....we’ll know the fate of the Riverbend Retreat this moment of course!
One hand, it will be nice to be finished…..on the other….the opportunities for growth remains and the journey continues……Hmmmmm, I wonder....What’s around the Riverbend???
Riverbend Retreat house,
selling home
Monday, October 3
Before the Riverbend Retreat House hit the MLS....a buyer came along and I was offered full asking price. (Which was about $15,000 over what the price comparisons were.) Within 2 weeks the buyers changed their minds. The house went back on the market and now I have an offer for $140,000, accompanied by lots of panty - twisting, spinning in chaos and what if’s.
The knee-jerk reaction of NO WAY (which I quickly recognized) gave way to space for me to be with whoever inside was not feeling comfortable with this. I didn’t even respond to the realtor and I needed time.I got on my table, breathed and asked the question. "Who is not feeling good about this?” It was who I affectionately refer to as The Brat...the little one who can run the show if given half a chance. I took the time to be with her and asked her what she was not feeling good about....The tears began to flow, she said, “They always get what THEY want!” Anything else I asked. "I don’t trust realtors!” (Actually the issue is she doesn’t trust anyone...including herself!)
Being the weekend, I had a couple of days to work my way through this part of my life’s journey. What would I learn? How would I become a bit more healed, a little more whole or conversely, how would I abandon myself, saying yes when I meant NO?
I spent several days with her, loving her, reassuring her that the wise parents (inside me also) (sounds like Sybil huh!) have heard her and value what she had to say. The wise masculine went directly to ‘figuring out the pros and cons’ while the wise feminine took the time to breathe and feel into how her body was feeling....
I pulled an angel card....The Time Is Not Now.....could mean anything...what did it mean to me? The journey isn’t over....Don’t say YES unless that is exactly what you mean! What is it that you will accept in this situation? BE CRYSTAL CLEAR!
Remembering a couple of conversations this past week, I applied them to my life....1. Give someone a fish and they eat for a day, teach them to fish, they eat for a lifetime.....The house....sell have money for have (the potential) for money a lifetime. 2. Stop seeing The Lovely Riverbend Retreat House as a burden and begin to see and love it again, like you used to, appreciating it AS THE GIFT THAT IT IS!
What do you have to do now? Claim back my space....stop being a victim. Stop apologizing for having an inferior product to sell. I’m going to reclaim and rededicate the Riverbend Retreat House by holding a ceremony either long distance or on site, burning sage, calling upon Spirit, asking St. Michael to protect it and all who come there and St. Raphel to stay present for healing....And this my friends....will be a journey however it turns out. If someone buys it for $150,000 they are the ones who are to benefit from the sacred space. But now at least I am confident in whatever happens.
But the real piece for me....I heard the little one who was uncomfortable, listened and found my center once again....
Sunday, October 2
I came home from being away for a bit and I noticed under my palm plant in the living room were a lot of black things….looked like little poops! Hmmmm, I didn’t know Palm Plants shed like that….but I’m no plant expert! So for several weeks, whenever I came home, I’d vacuum up the mess under the plant.
While working in the garden, I began trimming the bushes and I noticed that the grasshoppers could be very still and camouflage right in with the plants. For some reason that day, I went in and really looked at the plant and sure enough…1 little grasshopper has been living, eating and pooping….for weeks, unnoticed! Amazing!! How in the world did he find his way into the house and onto the plant? Well, certainly, I couldn’t vacuum him up! I managed to scoot the HEAVY plant outside and flicked him into the garden.
Stunned, I heard him say, “What the heck?” as he tried coming to his senses, shaking off his apparent nightmarish experience. He’d been thrown out from his apparent 5 star resort….food, water and housekeeping, where he had managed to free load for quite sometime!
(Look closely at the picture to see him and what is left from my plant! PS...he is cute! :)
Sunday, September 25
My first official speaking conference! The topic, Control is just the setting on the washing machine! How by letting go of our perceptions and expectations, God is free to work, even when it seems like He’s out for a smoke!
What I was reminded of were two things. !. I only talk about what i need to hear 2. Be careful what you talk about, as you’ll get many first hand experiences to drive your point home and 3. It’s not about the ‘conference’ or the publishing of a book, or whatever for that’s just all part of my life’s journey and I’d better enjoy the ride!
My GPS book was not in print for the conference. We were now 15 days into the publishing and still no book! The spine of the cover was off, the holiday came, my designer went away, the list was endless....but i won’t bore you. The bottom line, I was able to get 1 proof sent to my sister’s house in LA (where the conference was being held). When I arrived, still no book. I coincidentally talked to my son in Grass Valley that evening. “There’s a package here for you!” Yep, the book! There was absolutely no reason that the book should have been delivered there. I had never used that address with this company. I said this to him. Maybe you’re supposed to be here. He and his girlfriend drove through the night so the book could have it’s debut. (And it was lovely to have them with me!)
I am making a perpetual calendar....was it done....NO! We also have an iphone and android app....were they uploaded...of course not! It became comical. I announced to my two friends who had accompanied me, “We’re going to go and have FUN and anything else will be a bonus!"
I walked into my session with the incomplete calendar in my hands with a spiral hanging off the a slinky toy!
I simply said, “Has anyone seen the movie “Little Miss Sunshine?” Many nods....I got down on one knee, held up this laughable handiwork that I was trying to create and said, “Please, you have no idea what I’ve been through to get here!”
Out of 25 in my session half came by and bought a book, which is double what is ‘normal.’
One woman said, I loved what you were talking about, it’s definitely ‘edgy.’ I thought that was really telling about our beliefs in ministry, I know they were certainly my old beliefs.
One nun said, life is about sacrifice. She gave the example of the sacrifice parents make for their families. I agree, there is a time for sacrifice, but service to others comes after service to self....even the airlines tell us to put on our masks before helping anyone else! We can’t give what we don’t have!
One woman came by the table and said how much she enjoyed my workshop and asked would I be at the LA Congress? (40,000 people in attendance) Sr. Edith, the Sr. who got me into this conference was standing there and said, “She’ll be there next year!”
While I learned lots and met lovely people, but most importantly....we did have FUN!
Thank you all for your support to get ETL to this point.....I love you!!!
la congress
Tuesday, September 13
It’s been nearly a year since I’ve been here in the and on....and one of the things that has been most interesting is watching the different species of insects and bugs. They are born with full force and within a short period of time...they live their life cycle, disappear and a new variety appears!
We (the bugs, critters and I) have an agreement....No one is allowed in the house or on the’s simply a boundary issue! So, my vacuum cleaner never gets put’s always in the ready position!
The infestation of turquoise beetle came and went. They ate all of the apples on the tree....when I walked out to the tree, all I could see were millions of tiny little butts in the air, while their little faces buried deep in the apples....they were fine and contained as long as I left them alone!
Scorpions....several in the house...the best time to see them is late at night....and then turn the light on....I don’t go out searching for them...but when they appear, I simply turn on the switch.
My daughter was visiting and as she went into the garage, she calmly (not so calmly) said, “Mom, come to the garage now...QUICKLY....RIGHT NOW!.. Well, I had not seen a tarantula up close and personal before. But there she was....too big to be vacuumed up! Now what? No shovels one to help....(Deb!!! My old housecleaning buddy! Where are you?)....I just got the broom and swept her out....I felt bad about it later....but I remembered the boundaries I had set one in the house or veranda....guess I forgot to mention the garage.
Most days, I vacuum the house and porch and if I’ve been gone overnight, I cautiously open the door...wondering whose come to call?
The June Bugs (not in June) made their debut. Tons, everywhere! I did an experiment and even with all of the windows and doors closed, they still found their way inside! I began by vacuuming them, but as their numbers decreased, I began to feel sorry for them. Once they get on their backs, they’re finished...their little feet move in the air as they appear to be walking. So I began turning them over, putting them on the porch, pointing their little heads towards the garden...I found myself laughing one morning as I had lined up 5 with instructions to move forward....within a minute they had all turned around and were headed back to the house!
Cleaning the porch, I noticed one had been caught in a spider web but was still alive. I have no idea what possessed me to save him! But I did....not sure it was the best thing to do! Once out of the web, he couldn’t move and so I began to peel the sticky spider web from his body...not good enough...his little legs were covered as well....So I picked him up, by his body and tried to get the web off without injuring his legs...He was free...The purpose??? I don’t know...a mirror for me? Where am i stuck? What is keeping me from moving forward?
Anyway, the moths....we’ll they’re always kind of around. I live in an authentic Mexican Hacienda...and the windows have no screens, only bars....when I leave on a light they all come to visit....What? Do they think it’s Motel 6...”We’ll leave the light on for you!”
OK, I talk a lot about seeing the Divine in everything, including nature. Well, I’ve had just about enough nature for awhile!
It all began this spring. I was in Nevada City and I spent several days with a snake living by the front step...after my initial heart attack, she helped to me get over my extreme fear of snakes. Don’t get me wrong, we’re still not friends, but it was an opportunity to stay present rather than run for the the same friend’s washing machine is outside...I did a load of laundry and as I pulled the clean clothes jumped a frog! Heavens to Betsy! Give me a break! How does a frog go through the wash cycle and come out rejuvenated!
Back in AZ, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing bats up close and personal...again, not ever having the opportunity before, I was less than embracing. Again, after I got over my initial fear, I was able to come to terms and be with them. One little guy burrowed himself in the crack by the front door. Hearing many derogatory stories about bats, I didn’t know what to expect. It was quite cute, with his brown fur. My daughter picked him up with a dust pan and moved him to the garden. Certainly something was wrong as bats need to take flight from a high place. He screamed as she moved him and he made his way back onto the porch clinging to a planter. He did die of course. I had a little ceremony for him...the sacrifice of the bat...death and rebirth....everyday living. I laid him to rest in an old saguaro cactus whose top had deteriorated to make a perfect burial place for the bat.
Finally, now and then lizards come inside the house. I’ve been very clear with the one in the house or even on the veranda....One little lizard found his way into the master bath...I decided to let him find his own way out...A day or so went by and I had forgotten about him. I went to brush my teeth one morning and as I put my toothbrush back into the cup...guess who popped out! Yep! Scared the bajeezus out of me!
I like to think that he was helping me to help him....get back outside. He knew I wasn’t going to pick him up! I put a cover over the glass and carried him out!
While I know we’re all one...we all inhabit this earth together....I still don’t like sharing my space with the critters!!!
Monday, September 12
Dynamic Stillness - Cranial Sacral Work Workshop with Charles Ridley – 9 /10 $ 9/11 2011
It’s interesting to note that while Charles had a very successful practice in NY for many years, he is now ‘unlearning’ everything that he learned in order to let the wisdom of the body heal itself.
I was hooked only $300, no special requirements to attends, for practitioners of any kind…
Cranial Sacral work is what I always wanted to know about. It was the first time that I had permission to just lie down and rest….physical therapy for my neck….all I did was lie there….the therapist moved around the table on a little rolling stool and just touched me. When asked if I wanted to go to the Pilates machines or in the back room, Back room, blurted out every time….permission for someone of ‘authority’ to lie down, permission that I would eventually learn to give to myself.
I purchased the recommended reading book but as usual, didn’t read it, oh I tried, just wasn’t that interesting to me….Psychology and Erotic something….In the writings that Charles had sent for us to read, there seems lots of talk about erotic and perineum and genitals….I had no idea what I was getting into….but I knew that I was to go. I said to my friend the night before, I better shave it may be a sex orgy for all I know!
I was intrigued when he mentioned areas of the body that can hold ‘dust’ as he called it. The jowls, the solar plex’s and the perineum. From my own personal work, I also knew that droopy eyelids should be included in the list. I began to wonder if the fat, just above the scars at my bikini line were also a place containing dust.
In this Bio Dynamics work, (something that anyone can do) there is a sitter upper and someone lying on the table. In this case, the sitter upper holds the space for the healing of the bodies’ own wisdom.
I was lying on the table, he came and laid hands on my jowls. He did each person lying down for about a minute as an example. When he left me, my awareness was drawn to someone holding my lower back and their other hand on the perineum. Certainly no one physically was. Next it came time for the sitter upper to do a session and at one point she did the same hold as I had previously felt. I began to panic. I got hot flashes my breathing became quick, I wanted to throw the blanket off…I remembered what Charles had said, “When you get into a dust storm you have 2 choices, be with it or leave. It is simply a portal, an invitation to go deeper. So I consciously began the breathing practice that he had been teaching. The sitter upper, also recognized the change in my breathing and had begun wondering for herself, what to do…she also re-grounded and rode it out with me. (I’m grateful).
Over the years, trying to master “Be Still and know that I am God….Be still and know, Be still…I’ve attended countless meditation classes and workshops including moving meditations like QiGong.
I get many dust storms while on my journey to find me and though I know what to do, sometimes I just wallow in panty twist mode.
I’m happy to show this method to anyone who wants to know. It can be healing for your family and friends and it’s just simply touching. Your family and friends can also do it for you! Once we get out of the way, the wisdom of the body is free to heal. The work begins with our breath.
So for the last two days, I was immersed once again in lessons of letting go, of my preconceived ideas of what the workshop was or wasn’t going to be. Trusting, my apprehension of attending as I knew no one, I knew nothing about the group attending, not even the facilitator and receiving, what was there for me to learn, deepen my relationship with myself, with the Mystery of it all (God) and the gentle touch of my healing partner.
Interesting note: As I’m writing this, thunder, lightning and the angels chimes are going crazy. It’s early in the morning and the storms usually come in the afternoon!
bio dynamics,
Saturday, September 10
This is the angel card that comes up quite often for me! It’s a surprise! When I think of new addition I think of baby.....or perhaps in my case a dog. It’s funny how our perceptions limit our thinking. Maybe a new addition could be a room addition:) Truly the possibilities are endless.
I woke up at 1:30AM night before last, got up and worked on my projects until 6AM at which time I still couldn’t sleep. Needless to say, I was not at the top of my game for the day. A bit teary all day, emotions were stirring. (A gift to me to see what else still needs attention and healing.) I’ve organized a couple of workshops and community events here in Tubac and I was struggling with the fact of my being the first speaker at one of the events. After asking several people, the deadline came and I plugged myself in. It’s exactly what I want to do, but when the tire hits the pavement, I’m too willing to let it go to another...more experienced, more interesting....ok, hold on....interesting? I’ve lived for 2 years in a suitcase, that IS interesting.....Well, the point being I was in a funk...
Text message arrives from my youngest son, (Now 26) "Don’t be butt hurt, but I just got married, it was totally spur of the moment!’ Involuntary tears rolled down my cheeks....text from me....Congratulations! Why the tears? Our family does live non-traditionally and he, his girlfriend & her son) have been a family for quite awhile. Seems ultra smart on many levels....The party to follow in the fall will be fun with less drama and less money! OK, why the tears? My youngest...time marches on? Haven’t quite figured it out yet.
The angel chimes on the porch are going crazy as I write this....sending their love and support and we had the biggest storm of the monsoon season here last night.....hours of thunder/lightning/rain and hail.....A pure and total cleansing of the beginnings with POWER...the power of love, forgiveness, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER & JOY!
I had just cleaned a house, had $50, (5 representing change) wrote a card (one that my daughter had made) and mailed it filled with love and the above intentions.
The new addition.....a beautiful new daughter and her son.....while they’ve always been a part of the family, now it’s ‘official!’ I’m so happy for them. It’s lovely to have someone you love to walk beside, support and love you on your life’s journey. For me, Time Marches On.......and I’m off to Tuson for 2 days of Cranial Sacral training.....
new addition funk,
Time marches on
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