Just wanted to pass on some information about the Solstice from Caylein Castell and Simone.
9:30PM PST the Sun enters Zero Capricorn marking the exact December Solstice. This year the Solstice Sun located on the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center is square the revolutionary change agent Uranus suggesting we are in for even more accelerated changes than ever before.
The year ahead promises enormous benefits, both material and spiritual (Jupiter), if we’re willing to release old patterns (Capricorn) and try something radically new (Uranus). Both the Solstice and New Moon charts also spotlight Venus, newly into experimental Aquarius, as she advocates for growth and freedom via aspects to Jupiter and Uranus.
With all the planets in forward motion from Dec. 25 through Jan. 23 (when Mars turns retrograde), 9:30PM PST the Sun enters Zero Capricorn marking the exact December Solstice. This year the Solstice Sun located on the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center is square the revolutionary change agent Uranus suggesting we are in for even more accelerated changes than ever before.
With all the planets in forward motion from Dec. 25 through Jan. 23 (when Mars turns retrograde), it’s a fine time to launch something new.
Navigating these times is different than ever before. It is a journey we are all taking together as one planet, one Earth, one people, in ONE reality. This is an exciting time to be witness to the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new.
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