I’m headed to Northern CA for a talk and some completion of life cycles (which I didn’t realize totally, until I read this month’s astrology from Simone.)
From her blog this month: The Scorpio New Moon opens a portal to experiencing both pleasure and pain. The Sun and Moon oppose Jupiter the seeker, exactly trine Pluto, god of death and rebirth (Scorpio’s ruling planet). With Mercury and Venus also joined in Scorpio, it’s an unparalleled time to solve long-standing problems, find answers to riddles, heal old wounds and probe beneath the surface to find life’s deeper meaning.
I’ve had some amazing highs and pretty bad funks since I began speaking in Sept. I now understand a bit better and as I head to the Riverbend Retreat House in GV....possibly for the last time....I will do ceremony around gratitude for the beginning of my healing on this sacred land and for the many who also took refuge there. I will set new intentions and end up releasing anything, any old beliefs anything that keeps me stuck energetically there. I’ll do this on Wed, the New Moon....(Interesting timing that I had no idea about when I booked this talk.) I will also find out if the buyers are going to buy the house or pull out on that day. (Which I also hadn’t planned.) At which time I will be giving the RR House a face lift and rent her out.
The point is, your life. Are there past things you’d like to move forward from? This is the time. Oct. 26 - Nov 21...time to pay attention....recognize the panty twists for what they are...letting go of things that no longer serve your highest good.....
Simone’s blog had many more interesting things including how to do a releasing ceremony if you’re interested. http://astroalchemy.com/the-shadow-and-the-psychopomp Happy letting go -
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