This is the angel card that comes up quite often for me! It’s a surprise! When I think of new addition I think of baby.....or perhaps in my case a dog. It’s funny how our perceptions limit our thinking. Maybe a new addition could be a room addition:) Truly the possibilities are endless.
I woke up at 1:30AM night before last, got up and worked on my projects until 6AM at which time I still couldn’t sleep. Needless to say, I was not at the top of my game for the day. A bit teary all day, emotions were stirring. (A gift to me to see what else still needs attention and healing.) I’ve organized a couple of workshops and community events here in Tubac and I was struggling with the fact of my being the first speaker at one of the events. After asking several people, the deadline came and I plugged myself in. It’s exactly what I want to do, but when the tire hits the pavement, I’m too willing to let it go to another...more experienced, more interesting....ok, hold on....interesting? I’ve lived for 2 years in a suitcase, that IS interesting.....Well, the point being I was in a funk...
Text message arrives from my youngest son, (Now 26) "Don’t be butt hurt, but I just got married, it was totally spur of the moment!’ Involuntary tears rolled down my cheeks....text from me....Congratulations! Why the tears? Our family does live non-traditionally and he, his girlfriend & her son) have been a family for quite awhile. Seems ultra smart on many levels....The party to follow in the fall will be fun with less drama and less money! OK, why the tears? My youngest...time marches on? Haven’t quite figured it out yet.
The angel chimes on the porch are going crazy as I write this....sending their love and support and we had the biggest storm of the monsoon season here last night.....hours of thunder/lightning/rain and hail.....A pure and total cleansing of the past....new beginnings with POWER...the power of love, forgiveness, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER & JOY!
I had just cleaned a house, had $50, (5 representing change) wrote a card (one that my daughter had made) and mailed it filled with love and the above intentions.
The new addition.....a beautiful new daughter and her son.....while they’ve always been a part of the family, now it’s ‘official!’ I’m so happy for them. It’s lovely to have someone you love to walk beside, support and love you on your life’s journey. For me, Time Marches On.......and I’m off to Tuson for 2 days of Cranial Sacral training.....
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