I had the good fortune of having a wonderful friend who lives at Huntington Beach CA. Each year when she takes a vacation, It’s been my pleasure to housesit....I grew up at the beach and so I love this opportunity.
Usually, I have a critter or two to care for, but this year, there was quite the group. A lovely dog, 2 long haired guinea pigs,(one died while I was there and of course, I tried to use the wand on him:) to revive him! A little gecko who dined on crickets, 2 little turtles, who can climb out of their tub on the leaves of the plants, a beta fish who eats one worm at a time and has to be hand fed, a tank with a couple of fish, a frog and a big fish who wants to eat every time he sees you!
The alarm on her car would go off randomly and the little buttons on the key were all worn out and so there was no way to turn it off. I had lovely visits from my daughters, son in law and met some great people. One daughter had a pretty bad encounter with a wave (which we wanded!) To say the least the 10 days were filled with excitement.
Lying on the beach with one of my daughters, thinking about the projects, our finances etc, we take a moment to look at each other, realizing the blessings that we have. While our life styles are not ‘regular’ we’re staying at a beautiful home with a top deck, high above the other homes, we’re playing at the beach in the middle of the day and we’re flying in a helicopter with some of my daughter’s friends who work for the sheriff’s department....and we’re complaining about....what? We don’t have a ‘job?’ We’ve never missed a meal nor not had a place to lie our heads at night.
Living a kind of 'vision quest’ life style....never knowing what’s next....comes with it’s panty twists and life lessons of learning to let go, trust and receive. And now and then I long for security and a pay check....but it quickly passes! Actually that’s not true, it doesn’t pass quickly, but it does pass. HAVE A LOVELY HOLIDAY....TRY TO DO SOMETHING FUN!
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