Here on my third trip to the Big Island, Hawaii, (very surprising to me!) my friend and I arrive at our condo overlooking the ocean, a real treat. As we begin unpacking and enjoying the view of the cove and the Kona town proper in the distance, I notice a pod of dolphin swimming in the distance. What I know from my previous experience here on the island is that their presence is sporadic and they can appear or a number of places, as I'm sure the dolphin groupies can attest to! As I was to learn on my first trip to The Big Island, they swim into the coves during the day to sleep. They keep one eye open and half of their brain shuts down while they swim close together in their pods for safety while resting. Two of my three visits, I have had the most intimate and incredible experience being with them, not only swimming on a personal basis, but just being in their energy is very humbling. The last song my friend heard on the radio before our departure on our last visit, was "I'll Always Remember You." It brought tears to her eyes, as it was how she felt about the dolphin. Then of course, using all life as a mirror, it would have to be the same in reverse. The dolphin also saying, "I'll Always Remember You." So it was especially touching that we would arrive and they would come to welcome us back...(I just received a large chill) and while we came to be with them, they too came to be with us. A sacred honoring of love and acknowledgement of each. We are all connected!
Sunday, August 23
Sacred Honoring - We're all Connected
Here on my third trip to the Big Island, Hawaii, (very surprising to me!) my friend and I arrive at our condo overlooking the ocean, a real treat. As we begin unpacking and enjoying the view of the cove and the Kona town proper in the distance, I notice a pod of dolphin swimming in the distance. What I know from my previous experience here on the island is that their presence is sporadic and they can appear or a number of places, as I'm sure the dolphin groupies can attest to! As I was to learn on my first trip to The Big Island, they swim into the coves during the day to sleep. They keep one eye open and half of their brain shuts down while they swim close together in their pods for safety while resting. Two of my three visits, I have had the most intimate and incredible experience being with them, not only swimming on a personal basis, but just being in their energy is very humbling. The last song my friend heard on the radio before our departure on our last visit, was "I'll Always Remember You." It brought tears to her eyes, as it was how she felt about the dolphin. Then of course, using all life as a mirror, it would have to be the same in reverse. The dolphin also saying, "I'll Always Remember You." So it was especially touching that we would arrive and they would come to welcome us back...(I just received a large chill) and while we came to be with them, they too came to be with us. A sacred honoring of love and acknowledgement of each. We are all connected!
Monday, July 27
Learning to Be 10 Again!
Well, we did stop and drove through the city, with the wind blowing in our hair, sun and smiles on our faces... we were rejuvenated.
Imagine, being rejuvenated by playing!
We then spent 2 nights at a KOA camp in Indiana, where we stayed in bed (more like a teen :-) but it worked, we read and wrote. Then cleaned and did laundry, (definitely not like a ten year old, however necessary :-P ) then we swam and laid around and read and ate.
Later, after everything, we were very tired so I took a nap :-[ ( more like an old person or... baby) then had a beer, chips and salsa (certainly not like a ten year old, well, at least the beer part!)
Our first "fun" food of the trip, as we've been trying to not eat like a ten year old but like fat ladies who need to loose weight!) Wait, wait, let's reframe that last sentence, We've been trying to eat like we're people who care about how their bodies are working!
Next we saw a sign for a hayride, then totally forgot about it until the old 1920 tractor came to our door to pick us up! We came back and took a hike through the woods, and then watched an outdoor movie complete with lightning bugs! (A blast from our past, as we both spent time in the Midwest as children!) We walked back to the motorhome to try to learn Itunes on the computer. (Very unlike a ten year old, as they we born knowing it!)
Trying to learn to stop and smell the roses makes me tired! So we went to bed which was made. OK well so we haven't totally mastered being ten again...hey, but it's a journey! Happy Playing!
relationships with dads,
vision quest
Thursday, July 23
Waiting...God's Plan, gently unfolds!
As you may remember yesterday, I went back to the motor home with my tail between my legs when my plans for getting home didn't match God's plan!
We ended up the next day at the Crazy Horse Monument in, well, where ever the Crazy Horse Monument is, you know, next to Mt Rushmore! We are looking around, and my friend came to me and said, "You've got to meet this lady. She's moving into the second half of life and I told her about your being a motivational speaker...she wants to meet you!"
We found our way back to her and I introduced myself and we talked a little and then I said, "These are the 2 questions I ask myself. I find out what the longing of the soul and the true desire of my heart is when I answer them, because my perceptions no longer get in the way. 1). What would you do if you weren't afraid...what are you afraid of? 2). What would you do if it wasn't about money? "
My friend had already told her the story of her moving out of her house and purchasing her motor home and her desire to travel. Then I told her the story of my renting my house out (so that I was free for 6 months to go where life lead me and selling my car so I could take 2 classes that were interesting to me, one in San Francisco and one in Hawaii.
None of this came without my famous "panty twist" and and my usual arguing with God. I then told her of my "pushing" to get a flight home and when I finally stopped, I realized, it's not right and so now I'm just waiting and watching to see what unfolds.
She asked me, "Did you get a ticket home yet?" "No, I haven't." You'll never believe what she said next, "I am an ex flight attendant for an airline and I have one companion pass left to use. I have offered it to my children and no one has wanted it so far. I'll check once again and if they don't want it, you can have it!"
It's not all firmed up yet, and it doesn't matter if this works the way it looks like it might or not, the point is, I've seen it over and over, when I'm open and stop pushing....God's plan gently unfolds!

We found our way back to her and I introduced myself and we talked a little and then I said, "These are the 2 questions I ask myself. I find out what the longing of the soul and the true desire of my heart is when I answer them, because my perceptions no longer get in the way. 1). What would you do if you weren't afraid...what are you afraid of? 2). What would you do if it wasn't about money? "
My friend had already told her the story of her moving out of her house and purchasing her motor home and her desire to travel. Then I told her the story of my renting my house out (so that I was free for 6 months to go where life lead me and selling my car so I could take 2 classes that were interesting to me, one in San Francisco and one in Hawaii.
None of this came without my famous "panty twist" and and my usual arguing with God. I then told her of my "pushing" to get a flight home and when I finally stopped, I realized, it's not right and so now I'm just waiting and watching to see what unfolds.
She asked me, "Did you get a ticket home yet?" "No, I haven't." You'll never believe what she said next, "I am an ex flight attendant for an airline and I have one companion pass left to use. I have offered it to my children and no one has wanted it so far. I'll check once again and if they don't want it, you can have it!"
It's not all firmed up yet, and it doesn't matter if this works the way it looks like it might or not, the point is, I've seen it over and over, when I'm open and stop pushing....God's plan gently unfolds!
Pushing through closed doors...once again

And so I began to become obsessed every time we had an internet connection to search for some sort of a "deal" to get me back. This particular night, we were camped in a Walmart:) parking lot and I realized that it was only 2 weeks until I was to leave her and so I had to book a plane ticket home TONIGHT! (God began laughing!)
As I begin gathering my computer and flashlight, I announce that I am going to walk to the Starbucks on the corner, so I can get an internet connection. I knew my computer battery was low and so I put my cord in in the bag, as well...
I walked to Starbuck's and of course it's closed (little town). So I proceed to stand in the parking lot trying to get a connection. I began feeling a little unsafe and well, frankly, stupid...I decided to hike to the McDonald's up the street. I arrived. sat down to connect, and it cost $2.95 for 2 hours. I went to the counter and asked how late were they going to be open. Great, another hour! I should certainly be able to find a flight home in an hour! I entered my credit card number for my 2 hours and guess what, yep, my battery died! No worries, I had even found a plug...but as I searched my computer bag, there was no cord.
You've got to flippin' be kidding me!
Totally deflated, with tears beginning to well up in my eyes, I began the long walk back to the motor home when suddenly a sense of peace came over me as I realized, "You are pushing, Pati girl! Let it go!"
As I opened the door I said to my friend, "I think I'm supposed to go with you to your reunion, everything I tried was blocked tonight." She began laughing and was happy to hear I was going to the reunion, as that was the original plan, I had just taken it upon myself to do it my way! (By the way, it is a Dreyer Family Reunion and I was going to be Pati Dreyer...the inventor of the Dreyer ice cream!
Believe me, this was not the last time, I tried to push my way home.....but read tomorrow and see what unfolded as I waited! Sleep with the angels!
We Plan and God Laughs!
Have you ever found yourself with a date for something, which is different than you had thought in your head or find yourself arriving at a place that was entirely wrong?
Today while traveling with my friend in her new motor home from California to New Jersey, we arrived outside Columbia, Missouri where a childhood friend of hers lived...or so we thought! After setting up camp, she called her friend to find out that we were in the wrong state!
I burst out laughing as I know all things are in Divine Order, she however failed to see the humor in the situation quite so readily, "reprimanding" herself for such a careless mistake.
We were camped in a beautiful campsite, which happened to be right next to the county fair, where we enjoyed delicious food and entertainment. We were able to swim and enjoyed a much needed rest. How could this be wrong?
I was reminded years previously when I was going to fly with my daughter to Florida where she was trying out to become a basketball referee for college women. When we arrived at the airport we found out that we were an entire day late for the flight! As bizarre as it seemed, once again, when looking at it from another perspective, it was completely in Divine Order. I turned my ticket in so she could still go (the tickets were now more expensive) and I realized that had I accompanied her, I would have done things for her that she learned to do herself because of this mistake! (Mistake? Yeah, right!)
The next time you find yourself having a panty twist over something that didn't go the way you had thought it should, or the way you had planned, maybe you can remember these little stories and just say "Thank You," and relax into knowing that everything is in Divine Order.
"We Plan....and God Laughs!" We may as well laugh too!
Today while traveling with my friend in her new motor home from California to New Jersey, we arrived outside Columbia, Missouri where a childhood friend of hers lived...or so we thought! After setting up camp, she called her friend to find out that we were in the wrong state!
I burst out laughing as I know all things are in Divine Order, she however failed to see the humor in the situation quite so readily, "reprimanding" herself for such a careless mistake.
We were camped in a beautiful campsite, which happened to be right next to the county fair, where we enjoyed delicious food and entertainment. We were able to swim and enjoyed a much needed rest. How could this be wrong?
I was reminded years previously when I was going to fly with my daughter to Florida where she was trying out to become a basketball referee for college women. When we arrived at the airport we found out that we were an entire day late for the flight! As bizarre as it seemed, once again, when looking at it from another perspective, it was completely in Divine Order. I turned my ticket in so she could still go (the tickets were now more expensive) and I realized that had I accompanied her, I would have done things for her that she learned to do herself because of this mistake! (Mistake? Yeah, right!)
The next time you find yourself having a panty twist over something that didn't go the way you had thought it should, or the way you had planned, maybe you can remember these little stories and just say "Thank You," and relax into knowing that everything is in Divine Order.
"We Plan....and God Laughs!" We may as well laugh too!
Monday, July 20
God's 11th Hour Information.
I'm certain that it's only in the letting go that we learn God's Plan.
Let me give you a little example from the life of Cherished Daughter.
Cherished Daughter worked 2 jobs, worked to the bone. (to the determent of her well being) And yet, it was difficult to let go of one. The struggle led finally to give her 2 week notice at job one.
Guilt and doubt hovered like summer heat... was she letting employer one down? Would one tiny part time paycheck be enough? (think for just a second, employers always have someone waiting in the wings, and by keeping a job that we're called to leave, it prevents someone else from moving on up)
True to my theory, as soon as Cherished Daughter let go of job one, the very next day as a matter of fact, job two offered her full time. A day position, with the same working hours as Cherished Son in Law!
CD's faith , trust and willingness to let go of the familiar provided vision and opportunity.
You go girl!
- the letting go of our familiar view points
- the letting go of how we think things should be
- the letting go of things, possessions
Let me give you a little example from the life of Cherished Daughter.

Guilt and doubt hovered like summer heat... was she letting employer one down? Would one tiny part time paycheck be enough? (think for just a second, employers always have someone waiting in the wings, and by keeping a job that we're called to leave, it prevents someone else from moving on up)
True to my theory, as soon as Cherished Daughter let go of job one, the very next day as a matter of fact, job two offered her full time. A day position, with the same working hours as Cherished Son in Law!
CD's faith , trust and willingness to let go of the familiar provided vision and opportunity.
You go girl!
letting go,
self care
Sunday, July 19
What an Honor

Not me...
Later, I found out that as an adult child of an alcoholic; I learned early not to talk, not to trust, not to feel.
Talking. I had no experience disagreeing with another person and being able to talk about it, no experience of afterward still feeling loved. In fact, I used to think that if someone didn’t like my opinion or viewpoint, they must not like me. My reaction was to simply write them off my friends list. Where I grew up, children were to be seen and not heard! In my family the premise was; If you don't talk about it it will go away. In a sort of perverse reality the family would talk to every person available except the person being talked about.
My very first experience of honest conflict resolution was many years ago when I was employed by the church. A parishioner had befriended me until the new pastor arrived, then I felt dropped like a hot potato. In a spiritual counseling session, my broken hot potato self revealed how I was feeling about the situation. My counselor asked, “So, what would happen if you talked directly to Friend about your feelings?” “Oh no," I dismissed, "It’s not that big of deal, I’ll just forget it…I’ll just forget about him!”
Well, I needed to face this. I had the guts to call Friend and invite him to lunch. Friend agreed and after we ordered he asked, “So, what’s up?” My instant standard reply, “Nothing.” ( I have to tell you 'nothing' was my standard broken hot potato self answer. I mean, even when I would go to the doctor and was asked “How are you doing?”and 'Nothing ', seemed suitable!)
“Come on, Patty, you asked me to lunch, so what do you want to talk about?” Wow, what do I want to talk about? This was truly a first for me. “Well,” I began timidly as it was my first attempt at “being real.” “I felt like you and I were friends before and now with the new pastor, I feel like I’m not your friend any more. We used to spend time together and now it seems like you don’t have any time for me.”
Much to my surprise, he calmly answered me. “Wow, if that’s true than you must really feel used.” “Well, yeah, I sort of do.” “Well then, you must really be hurting.” “Well, yeah, I sort of am.” “Well, I’m really sorry!” he added. (Not so broken hot potato says... what?)
Later that day I came home to Friend's email which read, “If you could see my friend Pati Hope thru my eyes, you’d love her as much as I do!” I love you, Love me.
It’s not necessary that we see eye to eye on every issue in life, in fact that's what makes the world interesting and balanced. That day I first talked a problem out loud with another, with someone I felt safe with, was an evolution for me.
A person we count on as a friend does not take it personally, we’re able to say exactly what we feel and know that we will be loved.
A beautiful, sacred, sharing of our soul. What an honor.
Monday, June 15
Say what you need to say.....clear, direct, communication!
My dad was always picking on my youngest son; it was never right, it was never good enough, he wasn't thinking, the list was endless.
One day the light bulb went on for me and I said to my dad, "My son, reminds you of your son, C You are saying (not nicely) all the things you never said to my brother. It doesn't feel good!
In my family, we never addressed an issue directly to another person,(we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings) no, of course not. We would simply talk about them behind their back to the rest of the family, and anyone else who would listen. Very intelligent right? Certainly talking behind someones back still is hurtful and any way, it always got back to the one being talked about, and just like the telephone game, it barely resembled the original complaint as everyone added their own personal twist.
Sometimes we may find we are venting on behalf of another, when it is simply a mirror for us to see ourselves more clearly. Stand up for yourself. Choose YOU in every moment. It may be a bit contrary to what many of us were taught, but I can assure you from my personal life experience, things will change, you will be respected and still loved, probably even more.
PS...personal work, has nothing to do with who or where you live or what job you have, once you begin the journey to knowing you, (believe me, it's not as scary as I thought) not only will your life change for the better, it will ripple down to those around you.
Last thought; You are loved, simply because you are, it's not what you do, or how you perform. Simply that you are made in the likeness and image of the could it be any different?
One day the light bulb went on for me and I said to my dad, "My son, reminds you of your son, C You are saying (not nicely) all the things you never said to my brother. It doesn't feel good!
In my family, we never addressed an issue directly to another person,(we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings) no, of course not. We would simply talk about them behind their back to the rest of the family, and anyone else who would listen. Very intelligent right? Certainly talking behind someones back still is hurtful and any way, it always got back to the one being talked about, and just like the telephone game, it barely resembled the original complaint as everyone added their own personal twist.
Sometimes we may find we are venting on behalf of another, when it is simply a mirror for us to see ourselves more clearly. Stand up for yourself. Choose YOU in every moment. It may be a bit contrary to what many of us were taught, but I can assure you from my personal life experience, things will change, you will be respected and still loved, probably even more.
PS...personal work, has nothing to do with who or where you live or what job you have, once you begin the journey to knowing you, (believe me, it's not as scary as I thought) not only will your life change for the better, it will ripple down to those around you.
Last thought; You are loved, simply because you are, it's not what you do, or how you perform. Simply that you are made in the likeness and image of the could it be any different?
Friday, June 12
Second Question...What would you do if it weren't about money?
Continuing with the last blog, asking myself these two questions truly reveal what the heart and soul long for. So here is my example of the second question I always ask myself.
2. What would you do if it weren't about money?
My example:
If it weren't about money I'd take these 2 classes ($2,000 each).
Well, guess what, God said, "Well, Pati, it's not about money, you can sell your car!" "Are you flippin' kidding me? Sell my car? How in the hell do you expect me to get by without a car? Oh, and by the way...I love my car? Don't you remember, it's the one you gave me a couple of years're an Indian giver!" God replied, "The one I gave you when you needed a car, now you don't need a car, you're leaving on a vision quest, a car will just be a burden to you, let it go, pass it along."
Well, being the faithful God that he is...he even showed me how to get along without a car! The very next morning after my panty twist of "how do you expect me to get by without a car?"
on my email was a girl I had answered a Craig's list request for a ride from the airport to town. She paid $15 an hour plus gas. It was God, "There, I'll even show you how to get by without a car. You ask others, use public transit, it's a piece of cake!"
People may wonder if I lost all my marbles. But I have decided to spend my money on me and the growth of my soul, living this life to the fullest, after all, it's the only thing we take with us.
I told a friend about the car, we came to an agreement, I signed up for the classes and the Vision Quest, begins!
Now believe me, all this change does not come without it's growth (pain) as well. But it's ok.
So let me ask you again...What would you do if it weren't about money?
Happy trails.....
2. What would you do if it weren't about money?
My example:
If it weren't about money I'd take these 2 classes ($2,000 each).
Well, guess what, God said, "Well, Pati, it's not about money, you can sell your car!" "Are you flippin' kidding me? Sell my car? How in the hell do you expect me to get by without a car? Oh, and by the way...I love my car? Don't you remember, it's the one you gave me a couple of years're an Indian giver!" God replied, "The one I gave you when you needed a car, now you don't need a car, you're leaving on a vision quest, a car will just be a burden to you, let it go, pass it along."
Well, being the faithful God that he is...he even showed me how to get along without a car! The very next morning after my panty twist of "how do you expect me to get by without a car?"
on my email was a girl I had answered a Craig's list request for a ride from the airport to town. She paid $15 an hour plus gas. It was God, "There, I'll even show you how to get by without a car. You ask others, use public transit, it's a piece of cake!"
People may wonder if I lost all my marbles. But I have decided to spend my money on me and the growth of my soul, living this life to the fullest, after all, it's the only thing we take with us.
I told a friend about the car, we came to an agreement, I signed up for the classes and the Vision Quest, begins!
Now believe me, all this change does not come without it's growth (pain) as well. But it's ok.
So let me ask you again...What would you do if it weren't about money?
Happy trails.....
Depressed, Frustration, Anger, Resentment? Ask yourself 2 Questions!
I find now when I feel anxious or depressed or am resenting someone or something, it is because I am not living my truth, who I am, what I want and need. (Very hard to figure out at times, but that's another story!)
The two questions I ask myself in all situations are simply these:
1. What would you do if you weren't afraid? (What are you afraid of?)
2. What would you do if it weren't about money? (I'll answer in the next blog!)
Ask the questions; feel the reactions; go through in you mind and body, the very worst that would happen if you did the thing you're thinking about.
My examples:
I had a daughter flying with an airline; my other daughter asked me the question, "Mom, how come you're not traveling?" (as it was free for me) "Well, if I'm to be truthful, I think it's because I'm afraid!"
So I had a good talking to myself..."If that's the real reason, you're afraid, then you're going girl!" And I was afraid, I had barely traveled anywhere really, let alone Internationally. I decided to be gentle with myself (something new for me) and go to a place where they spoke English.
What I found out, was that I was NEVER ALONE. There were always angels and divine presence every step of the way! A person traveling on the same bus to the same destination, several countries and languages away; someone who shows up to help you with the machine to buy a train ticket in a different language; an eagle flying overhead reminding me that Spirit is always present!
More recently, feeling like I wanted to take Evolve to Live on tour...I asked myself, "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" I instantly answered, "I'd sell my house, buy a motorhome and travel with Evolve to Live. Next part: "What are you afraid of?" It's the wrong thing, I sell my house and have nothing, gas is too expensive, people with think I'm crazy...etc. You get the picture. Once you go through it all, let yourself feel it, live it...then you're free to move forward.
I'll leave you with this thought:
I don't want to get to the end of my life and realize I lived what someone else thought life was about. Cheers
The two questions I ask myself in all situations are simply these:
1. What would you do if you weren't afraid? (What are you afraid of?)
2. What would you do if it weren't about money? (I'll answer in the next blog!)
Ask the questions; feel the reactions; go through in you mind and body, the very worst that would happen if you did the thing you're thinking about.
My examples:
I had a daughter flying with an airline; my other daughter asked me the question, "Mom, how come you're not traveling?" (as it was free for me) "Well, if I'm to be truthful, I think it's because I'm afraid!"
So I had a good talking to myself..."If that's the real reason, you're afraid, then you're going girl!" And I was afraid, I had barely traveled anywhere really, let alone Internationally. I decided to be gentle with myself (something new for me) and go to a place where they spoke English.
What I found out, was that I was NEVER ALONE. There were always angels and divine presence every step of the way! A person traveling on the same bus to the same destination, several countries and languages away; someone who shows up to help you with the machine to buy a train ticket in a different language; an eagle flying overhead reminding me that Spirit is always present!
More recently, feeling like I wanted to take Evolve to Live on tour...I asked myself, "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" I instantly answered, "I'd sell my house, buy a motorhome and travel with Evolve to Live. Next part: "What are you afraid of?" It's the wrong thing, I sell my house and have nothing, gas is too expensive, people with think I'm crazy...etc. You get the picture. Once you go through it all, let yourself feel it, live it...then you're free to move forward.
I'll leave you with this thought:
I don't want to get to the end of my life and realize I lived what someone else thought life was about. Cheers
living your life,
Wednesday, June 10
Don't take my word for it! Cool shoes come first???
My sister just wrote with the question "Why don't cool shoes come first?" after having received a note from the Universe (
Happiness comes first, dear one. Partners, abundance, and cool shoes come later.
Or at least this is how I'd line up my duckies.
Ungawa -
The Universe
Well sweetheart, I would say it's because for a lot of us, cool shoes is happiness.....(the first half of life???) While they are definitely apart of happiness, the real work is the personal, interior work that brings about true happiness, no matter what your shoes (or life)look like!
That being said however: For people like us, it's important that we allow ourselves the pleasure of cool shoes! Because it's in taking care of ourselves that we can begin to experience true happiness on a deeper level. We've spent our lives taking care of; giving up; doing for; everyone but ourselves and heaven forbid....if we did something for ourselves, we'll then the guilt rolled in.
And actually, I don't agree with the last shoes never come first.....
I believe the secret to it all........BALANCE! But don't take my word for it....or anyone else's for that matter.....go inside.....what do you say??? That's the only opinion that matters. I love you
Happiness comes first, dear one. Partners, abundance, and cool shoes come later.
Or at least this is how I'd line up my duckies.
Ungawa -
The Universe
Well sweetheart, I would say it's because for a lot of us, cool shoes is happiness.....(the first half of life???) While they are definitely apart of happiness, the real work is the personal, interior work that brings about true happiness, no matter what your shoes (or life)look like!
That being said however: For people like us, it's important that we allow ourselves the pleasure of cool shoes! Because it's in taking care of ourselves that we can begin to experience true happiness on a deeper level. We've spent our lives taking care of; giving up; doing for; everyone but ourselves and heaven forbid....if we did something for ourselves, we'll then the guilt rolled in.
And actually, I don't agree with the last shoes never come first.....
I believe the secret to it all........BALANCE! But don't take my word for it....or anyone else's for that matter.....go inside.....what do you say??? That's the only opinion that matters. I love you
self care,
self worth,
Wednesday, May 13
Stones....more spiritual support!

My niece is wanting to buy a turquoise stone anything "real" it comes at a price. To become "real" in life, means to become genuine. Even in the Velveteen Rabbit story, the Skin Horse knew that becoming "real" means "becoming loose and shabby in the joints and having all your hair loved off..." And so it is with anything authentic, including stones, they come at a price, however, while I believe it an investment, more importantly, if you are drawn to a particular stone, I belive that it is also calling you. It is in the Native American Tradition that I first recognized that we are all one, we all inhabit this planet together, from the smallest creepy crawler to the most magnificent stones, along with the creatures in the sea (which was proved with the dolphin and manta ray swim in Hawaii.) The support for us here on earth from the divine is, well, simply humbling.
Let's take a look at what the turquoise stone brings to us.
Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. Turquoise promote spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. Turquoise is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog, providing protection against pollutants. It aligns all the chakras. (Energy centers of the body, Mother Earth has them as well.) A promoter of self-realization, it assists creative problem solving and calms the nerves.
Psychologically, Turquoise is a strengthening stone. It dissolves a martyred attitude or self-sabotage. Mentally, Turquoise instills inner calm while remaining alert and aids in creative expression. Emotionally, Turquoise stabilizes mood swings. It stimulates romantic love. Physically, it is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks. Hmmm sounds like a miracle stone! My dad loved turquoise....he didn't know all this, but he knew that his spirit was drawing him to them. if you are drawn to this stone, it's drawn to you...pick it carefully, hold the stone, how does it feel, tune into it, treat it as a friend, a very old wise friend. Wear it with a sense of sacredness and gratitude, carry it close to your heart....So the question now becomes, not should you get one, buy, why wouldn't you get one?
With love and gratitude for all the divine help and inspiration that surrounds us in this life!
"Geologists tell us that there are certain crystals that can come only to their perfect form through a season of great stillness." Sleep with the angels....
choosing me over money,
self worth,
Sunday, May 3
Feeling Love from a Tree ~ More Spiritual Support

I was at a point in my life that I was not allowing myself to receive any love or affection from any human being. I felt alone and isolated, angry and mad at the way my life was turning out! It absolutely was nothing that I had ordered! Wasn't God paying any attention to me? "Hey buddy", I screamed out one day to God, "Are you paying any you see what's happening down here!" Of course He was, and of course He was just different than I thought my life was going to look at age 50! Holy crap! 50! Aren't we supposed to be grandmas rocking the babies at age 50! Well the old 50's sitcom's on TV would have us believing that, I wasn't even married any longer, the children were all gone, my job was no longer my purpose in life... my life definitely didn't look like that of my friends or what I had thought it would be at age 50!
So I pulled away, from family, friends, etc and began a quest, a search for a new way of life, a new vision, a new purpose. It's been 8 years now, many adventures, many tears, a lot of kicking and screaming and staying in angry, depressed, even begin the day!
However during all this growing, there were also times of consoling from God, through his creation. I learned to be present in each and every moment, saying "yes" to what shows up, and I became sensitive to witness the support and love that God has sent my way, as unconventional as some may think.
On this particular day, I had written a note via email to a friend, that read, "Hi friend, I'm so happy to see that we are on the same wave length. I've been to the river a lot lately...45 minute walk, a goats path around the rocks, down a rope into a pool of water that is very secluded as the rocks are large and steep, an incredible canyon feels like God has his arms around you there. I've felt the presence of the Divine in nature, but what was even more amazing to me; I took my friend to Vina, a retreat center,in Northern California and I spent several hours on the grounds myself before leaving. There was the most awe striking, magnificent, massive, Walnut tree with a beautiful slab stone bench underneath it which I laid upon, with my arms stretched out, opened wide,soaking up the majesty of this sacred tree. I felt humbled and privileged to be in the presence of such a glorious creation, who by the way has managed to survive, and flourish for over a 150years!
This selfless creation of God, reached down and gave me a hug. I felt more love and comfort from that tree than from any person. Tears began rolling down my cheeks, resting on the stone. I was once again reminded, we are all interconnected. We are all on this planet together. We all have a part in this life here on this earth together. When I was unable to receive love from anyone else, God used something I could understand, nature, his creation. Something non threatening to me and a place to begin to learn to receive and trust, I'd say, once again, but that isn't actually the case, to learn to receive and trust for the first time.
I later read from Francene Hart's Book Sacred Geometry a bit about trees. "Many cultures around the planet hold trees in reverence. Most cultures native to forested or jungle environments have elaborate myths surrounding the powers of trees. Some even considered them gods, or a means of traveling to the spirit world. Their names were many, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Perfection, World Tree. For the Maya, it is Raised Up Sky Tree.
All that is sweet, delightful and amiable in this world, in the serenity of the air, the fineness of seasons, the joy of light, the melody of sounds, the beauty of colors, the fragrancy of smells, the splendor of precious stones, is nothing else but Heaven breaking through the veil of this world, manifesting itself in such a degree and darting forth in such variety so much of its own nature. - William Law
Love and appreciate all that comes your way. From messy trees to bugs...anything you have a resistance to...that which you resist...will persist! I used to get irritated at all the pine cones that were dropping every where on my property! Until one day, I saw them as gifts, gifts of love from a tree that we were sharing the same space on this earth. Now with each pine cone I pick up, I send a heart felt "thank you" to the tree for it's sharing it's life's energy with me. After all, trees breath out what we need to breath in. How could I not be grateful for it's presence!
OK, so we didn't get to the manta ray's yet....absolute graceful angels of the sea! I'm going to try and put a clip on so you can experience it for yourself.....patience is a virtue:)
Swimming with the Dolphin - Spiritual Support Abounds!
My friend and I had been talking about swimming with the Dolphin in Hawaii for a long time, while I never really felt a strong heart pull to do it, however, it intrigued me and so I said, nonchalantly “Well, let’s go!” and with in the year we had found an extreme bargain, booked the flight and put thought of Hawaii on the back burner of living.…well, that is until one day she called me to said the airline we had booked our tickets with filed for bankruptcy, but her husband had found another airline but within 2 days they had also closed their doors. The tickets on the remaining airlines were going up steadily and our $400 ticket was now going to cost us nearly $800! Whoaaa baby!
I took some time and did some meditation wondering if we were supposed to go just now…if felt like, yes, this is the time. Well then, somebody better help get a reasonable price and there it was, with one push of the button on the computer there it was a ticket for only $12 more than the original ticket. Dolphin, here we come!
My friend has time shares in Hawaii and so had been there many times swimming with the dolphins. She had such a pull to swim with them that after one of our 3 hour swims, she decided to go back in and I put her on a “time out”…she’d follow those boys anywhere!
Our first swim with the dolphin was on a commercial boat. Only 7 other people and by ½ way through the swim only ½ of us got back in the water so it was very cool. While that was the only time we were with a group, I was very grateful for the experience of swimming in the ocean for the first time in many years with “professionals” around. I loved that I was able to recapture my diving skills. But from then on – we headed out on our won, in search of the dolphin. We swam with them several more times but it was our last swim that was intense and a very powerful, spiritual experience.
We had rented the movie, “The Eye of the Dolphin.” At the end the message…we can connect with dolphins spiritually…we just have to learn to listen.”
The day before our last swim we were headed for a remote beach that wasn’t well known. We had several diversions that kept us from making that particular beach that day. We started the day started out needing gas but neither of us had brought any money. To go back to town wasn’t an option as the traffic was stop and go going back to town, so we went to a closer beach we had swam with the dolphin before. On our way back into town is when we picked up Brett. Later after dropping Brett off…a car accident. No one was hurt, just a little diversion a diversion that later proved to have been orchestrated for our surprise party the following day.
Next day, full tank of gas, wallets in the car we head out, our last day to swim with the dolphins we find our way down the windy hilly reminding me of the little beach towns we used to visit in Mexico. Little homes built on the hill side as well as along the edge of the sea. We find the place the tour book spoke of…a little church at the end of the road.
We gather our masks and fins and towels and look around. Now which way? The sea on one side, homes on the other side of this lava covered path, with several forks…a young man comes along…”stay to the left” he offers advice to us.
We stay to the left, uneven lava makes us cautious on the trail. Still wondering if it’s the correct path, we plug away, hoping across rocks to help with crossing in front of a cement wall that holds the sea back from a private camping area.
There it is just ahead in the clearing a beautiful coconut grove with a curved black sandy beach engulfing the bay. We’re the only ones there….my friend cries out like it’s Christmas morning and she just discovered Santa had arrived, “There they are!” Indeed, there they were. We hurriedly put out things down and put on our mask, snorkel and fins and we begin what ended up as a three hour private swim, alone with our friends,our soul comrades; the dolphin. A couple of people came at different times for a bit, but basically we were all alone.
While it is absolutely their pattern to come into the bay to rest in the day, two dolphin absolutely, intentionally pulled away from the pod and swan with us specifically. They were so close we could have reached out and touched them, but following the “rules” which are no touching the sea life, we just sent them love and gratitude for being with us.
They feed at night and in the morning come to the bay to rest by shutting off half their brain and closing one eye, staying close together, gliding back and forth, resting. Now and then several would break away and play for a bit, but quickly returning to the pod. They also like to play the leaf game. You take a large leaf into the water and drop it in front of them and they pick it up, swim with it and drop it back in front of you. It’s absolutely amazing.
My one regret, a lady coming into the water said she saw a shark, I was on my way out of the water and hurried up the process, not liking to touch the bottom, swam with my head above the water as I didn’t want to see him. Later, reading in the guide book, on hammer head shark lives in the bay and is completely harmless. I’m sorry I let the fear of another penetrate me.
It had been 3 hours of swimming with the dolphin and they were becoming more melancholy, and I decided I too needed a rest. I climbed out and lay on the towel; covering with another as not to get too much sun. Finally my friend joins me. I lie with my head on one of the packs; she resting her back on my legs. I commented, “It totally feels like an “after glow” experience, maybe like after a orgasm, just resting in the bliss, the calm and peacefulness.
I added, “The only thing that would make this better is water.” After 3 hours of swimming in salt water, a swig of water would have been grand and we had left ours back at the car.
With that comment I noticed to the left behind the coconut trees, clouds forming, too early for the common afternoon showers. The wind kicked up blowing through the coconut trees and the sound of the rustling leaves of the trees was magnificent. Steadily the clouds began to glide towards us and little droplets of rain gently fell upon us. I said it was like angel kisses. I wasn’t smart enough to tilt my head back and open my mouth, but I was present enough to totally appreciate that they were indeed kisses from the angels.
I began to watch the clouds move slowly past, like watching a movie; they parted and the sun peeked through and I noticed the face of a wolf. What else played out in the clouds, 6 dolphins,(joy) turtle,(navigator) butterfly (transformation) kissing the silhouette of a face. (In Native American Spiritual Tradition the animals have meanings which I put in parenthesis.)
I sat up and began to write. “Oh my gosh! I know exactly what this is! This is an Initiation – for both of us!” I had been planning a ceremony for my friend – a Rite of Passage, but this was for both of us. I say to my friend “We are being initiated here!” She too began to watch the clouds forming into shapes that had meaning for her.
The winds calmed, the dolphin had disappeared but made one last appearance to say goodbye. We acknowledged and sent them love and gratitude.
My friend asked me to read to her what I had written. As I began to read from my notes the wind stirs and the trees begin to blow once again – for me, a confirmation that I we were right; We had been initiated!
Next to our towels was a beautiful branch with coconut buds on it – symbolism of course. I had noticed it, but it was my friend who picked up. I said she should take it home, but when she decided not to, I took it as a reminder of this most spiritual experience.
The next day, before we left, my friend was returning from one last attempt to see the dolphin, when a favorite song of hers came on the radio. It was so meaningful for her she couldn’t turn it off; it was “I’ll Always Remember You.” She came back in of course with her thinking she would always remember the dolphin and yet, I took it as the dolphin saying, “They’ll always remember us!”
I believe that they too had as much of a spiritual experience as we did. While I tell the story from a factual viewpoint, it wasn’t until a week later traveling down south that I integrated it into my heart…by being.
I was listening to a Garth Brooks song and I began to replay it over and over again…”It was you.” It was about my experience with the dolphins. I knew it on a soul level and the tears began to roll down my cheeks. “It was you, it was your heart that shined guiding my heart to find, this place where I belong…you reached into my heart and you found the melody and if there every was somebody who made me believe in me, it was you…it was your voice that gave me wings, (flash back to the sounds they made underwater) …with God’s great angels like you”…Next I noticed a license plate with the whale tale on it with the letters AQ ANGEL – for me aqua angel….The Dolphin! I looked down several times and saw a small jumping dolphin on my left wrist with the Evolve to Live symbol behind it. A constant reminder that I’m not alone in this venture, that I am supported and held in highest regard by all that lives.
Trying to start a business to help people in transition, I believe it is the dolphins who are the cheerleaders, whose energy is opening the channels for Evolve to Live to be born. I applied for a credit card (something I had been declined from for the past 5 years) and I was sent one in the amount of $2,000 and the front of the card… a dolphin, which I had selected from a variety of choices. It was astounding to me.
My boys had brought back a dolphin key ring for me from Mexico. Then this last miracle…I had put on my first Evolve to Live Seminar and only 2 paid people attended. While I took my time sitting on the pity pot, I walked to the end of the pier in Huntington Beach and there he was, a lone dolphin swimming at the end of the pier. He made my heart sing, and for me, the message was “Don’t give up on Evolve to Live.
My friend who accompanied me to Hawaii has a heart to save the dolphins and after our first swim, she got out of the water and very calmly said, “I have to do something about them getting caught in the fishing nets.” It was so calm and clear that I knew it was a “knowing” not something she had come up with out of desperation to help. I told her, that maybe her campaign would be something that would manifest itself through Evolve to Live, maybe something as simple as a petition to be circulated at seminars or a blurb on the Evolve to Live website. It seemed to be simple but will make a big impact on how our friends are treated.
Next: The miracle of the manta ray's.....
My friend and I had been talking about swimming with the Dolphin in Hawaii for a long time, while I never really felt a strong heart pull to do it, however, it intrigued me and so I said, nonchalantly “Well, let’s go!” and with in the year we had found an extreme bargain, booked the flight and put thought of Hawaii on the back burner of living.…well, that is until one day she called me to said the airline we had booked our tickets with filed for bankruptcy, but her husband had found another airline but within 2 days they had also closed their doors. The tickets on the remaining airlines were going up steadily and our $400 ticket was now going to cost us nearly $800! Whoaaa baby!
I took some time and did some meditation wondering if we were supposed to go just now…if felt like, yes, this is the time. Well then, somebody better help get a reasonable price and there it was, with one push of the button on the computer there it was a ticket for only $12 more than the original ticket. Dolphin, here we come!
My friend has time shares in Hawaii and so had been there many times swimming with the dolphins. She had such a pull to swim with them that after one of our 3 hour swims, she decided to go back in and I put her on a “time out”…she’d follow those boys anywhere!
Our first swim with the dolphin was on a commercial boat. Only 7 other people and by ½ way through the swim only ½ of us got back in the water so it was very cool. While that was the only time we were with a group, I was very grateful for the experience of swimming in the ocean for the first time in many years with “professionals” around. I loved that I was able to recapture my diving skills. But from then on – we headed out on our won, in search of the dolphin. We swam with them several more times but it was our last swim that was intense and a very powerful, spiritual experience.
We had rented the movie, “The Eye of the Dolphin.” At the end the message…we can connect with dolphins spiritually…we just have to learn to listen.”
The day before our last swim we were headed for a remote beach that wasn’t well known. We had several diversions that kept us from making that particular beach that day. We started the day started out needing gas but neither of us had brought any money. To go back to town wasn’t an option as the traffic was stop and go going back to town, so we went to a closer beach we had swam with the dolphin before. On our way back into town is when we picked up Brett. Later after dropping Brett off…a car accident. No one was hurt, just a little diversion a diversion that later proved to have been orchestrated for our surprise party the following day.
Next day, full tank of gas, wallets in the car we head out, our last day to swim with the dolphins we find our way down the windy hilly reminding me of the little beach towns we used to visit in Mexico. Little homes built on the hill side as well as along the edge of the sea. We find the place the tour book spoke of…a little church at the end of the road.
We gather our masks and fins and towels and look around. Now which way? The sea on one side, homes on the other side of this lava covered path, with several forks…a young man comes along…”stay to the left” he offers advice to us.
We stay to the left, uneven lava makes us cautious on the trail. Still wondering if it’s the correct path, we plug away, hoping across rocks to help with crossing in front of a cement wall that holds the sea back from a private camping area.
There it is just ahead in the clearing a beautiful coconut grove with a curved black sandy beach engulfing the bay. We’re the only ones there….my friend cries out like it’s Christmas morning and she just discovered Santa had arrived, “There they are!” Indeed, there they were. We hurriedly put out things down and put on our mask, snorkel and fins and we begin what ended up as a three hour private swim, alone with our friends,our soul comrades; the dolphin. A couple of people came at different times for a bit, but basically we were all alone.
While it is absolutely their pattern to come into the bay to rest in the day, two dolphin absolutely, intentionally pulled away from the pod and swan with us specifically. They were so close we could have reached out and touched them, but following the “rules” which are no touching the sea life, we just sent them love and gratitude for being with us.
They feed at night and in the morning come to the bay to rest by shutting off half their brain and closing one eye, staying close together, gliding back and forth, resting. Now and then several would break away and play for a bit, but quickly returning to the pod. They also like to play the leaf game. You take a large leaf into the water and drop it in front of them and they pick it up, swim with it and drop it back in front of you. It’s absolutely amazing.
My one regret, a lady coming into the water said she saw a shark, I was on my way out of the water and hurried up the process, not liking to touch the bottom, swam with my head above the water as I didn’t want to see him. Later, reading in the guide book, on hammer head shark lives in the bay and is completely harmless. I’m sorry I let the fear of another penetrate me.
It had been 3 hours of swimming with the dolphin and they were becoming more melancholy, and I decided I too needed a rest. I climbed out and lay on the towel; covering with another as not to get too much sun. Finally my friend joins me. I lie with my head on one of the packs; she resting her back on my legs. I commented, “It totally feels like an “after glow” experience, maybe like after a orgasm, just resting in the bliss, the calm and peacefulness.
I added, “The only thing that would make this better is water.” After 3 hours of swimming in salt water, a swig of water would have been grand and we had left ours back at the car.
With that comment I noticed to the left behind the coconut trees, clouds forming, too early for the common afternoon showers. The wind kicked up blowing through the coconut trees and the sound of the rustling leaves of the trees was magnificent. Steadily the clouds began to glide towards us and little droplets of rain gently fell upon us. I said it was like angel kisses. I wasn’t smart enough to tilt my head back and open my mouth, but I was present enough to totally appreciate that they were indeed kisses from the angels.
I began to watch the clouds move slowly past, like watching a movie; they parted and the sun peeked through and I noticed the face of a wolf. What else played out in the clouds, 6 dolphins,(joy) turtle,(navigator) butterfly (transformation) kissing the silhouette of a face. (In Native American Spiritual Tradition the animals have meanings which I put in parenthesis.)
I sat up and began to write. “Oh my gosh! I know exactly what this is! This is an Initiation – for both of us!” I had been planning a ceremony for my friend – a Rite of Passage, but this was for both of us. I say to my friend “We are being initiated here!” She too began to watch the clouds forming into shapes that had meaning for her.
The winds calmed, the dolphin had disappeared but made one last appearance to say goodbye. We acknowledged and sent them love and gratitude.
My friend asked me to read to her what I had written. As I began to read from my notes the wind stirs and the trees begin to blow once again – for me, a confirmation that I we were right; We had been initiated!
Next to our towels was a beautiful branch with coconut buds on it – symbolism of course. I had noticed it, but it was my friend who picked up. I said she should take it home, but when she decided not to, I took it as a reminder of this most spiritual experience.
The next day, before we left, my friend was returning from one last attempt to see the dolphin, when a favorite song of hers came on the radio. It was so meaningful for her she couldn’t turn it off; it was “I’ll Always Remember You.” She came back in of course with her thinking she would always remember the dolphin and yet, I took it as the dolphin saying, “They’ll always remember us!”
I believe that they too had as much of a spiritual experience as we did. While I tell the story from a factual viewpoint, it wasn’t until a week later traveling down south that I integrated it into my heart…by being.
I was listening to a Garth Brooks song and I began to replay it over and over again…”It was you.” It was about my experience with the dolphins. I knew it on a soul level and the tears began to roll down my cheeks. “It was you, it was your heart that shined guiding my heart to find, this place where I belong…you reached into my heart and you found the melody and if there every was somebody who made me believe in me, it was you…it was your voice that gave me wings, (flash back to the sounds they made underwater) …with God’s great angels like you”…Next I noticed a license plate with the whale tale on it with the letters AQ ANGEL – for me aqua angel….The Dolphin! I looked down several times and saw a small jumping dolphin on my left wrist with the Evolve to Live symbol behind it. A constant reminder that I’m not alone in this venture, that I am supported and held in highest regard by all that lives.
Trying to start a business to help people in transition, I believe it is the dolphins who are the cheerleaders, whose energy is opening the channels for Evolve to Live to be born. I applied for a credit card (something I had been declined from for the past 5 years) and I was sent one in the amount of $2,000 and the front of the card… a dolphin, which I had selected from a variety of choices. It was astounding to me.
My boys had brought back a dolphin key ring for me from Mexico. Then this last miracle…I had put on my first Evolve to Live Seminar and only 2 paid people attended. While I took my time sitting on the pity pot, I walked to the end of the pier in Huntington Beach and there he was, a lone dolphin swimming at the end of the pier. He made my heart sing, and for me, the message was “Don’t give up on Evolve to Live.
My friend who accompanied me to Hawaii has a heart to save the dolphins and after our first swim, she got out of the water and very calmly said, “I have to do something about them getting caught in the fishing nets.” It was so calm and clear that I knew it was a “knowing” not something she had come up with out of desperation to help. I told her, that maybe her campaign would be something that would manifest itself through Evolve to Live, maybe something as simple as a petition to be circulated at seminars or a blurb on the Evolve to Live website. It seemed to be simple but will make a big impact on how our friends are treated.
Next: The miracle of the manta ray's.....
vision quest
Saturday, April 25
Master of Transition....continued
As my name was evolving, so were my skills and knowledge. While the education I was receiving was "unconventional" nevertheless, I was growing and expanding....and not just physically!
As I was trying to take ownership for myself, of who I was becoming, I was trying desperately to find a "title" that identified who I was now. Previously, mother, daughter, sister, wife, aunt, friend, Christian, ministry worker, volunteer, care giver...the list was truly endless. But who am I now? I knew it had to do with Transition, I AM a Master at that!
Master in Transition! Several people didn't like that I was calling myself Master. Master over slaves came to my mind, or Jesus as Master, Guru types are associated with the word Master and so I began doing some soul searching and researching and realized that "master" is used in a myriad of ways. Master Swimmers, simply means the most skilled swimmers. The Masters in Golf....the same thing. I looked up the definition of master:
A worker qualified to teach apprentices and to carry on a trade independently.
A person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science.
I was driving to Chicago, through Kansas when I noticed in the cornfields, as far as I could see, all the corn was the same height...except sprinkled here and there were stalks that stood much taller than the rest and a few that stood around them were still taller than the majority, but not as tall as the tallest.
It instantly came to me that, there are leaders everywhere and I remembered a saying "Leaders are like eagles, they don't flock ~ you find them one at a time!
I began to think, Pati, you have spent as much money and time (not to mention the pain and tears) as it would have taken to get a Masters Degree at a traditional University.....You actually have a Masters Degree in Transition from the University of Life! Guess what the next sign on the road read...Home of the University of Kansas City.
That's how I live now. Paying attention to the support all around me, seeing the Divine in everything. It may be something different for someone else, but for me, it was confirmation, I am to lead and I do have a Masters Degree in Transition from the University of Life!
I call myself a Master in Transition as I believe that Transition begins with the moment we are born into this world, until the moment we leave this world, and every moment in between.
I have birthed 4 children of my own, as well as coaching several others, transitioning “in” (natural childbirth coach) and coached several others, transitioning “out.” (dying)
Every moment in between – Well, that’s just life!
I'll leave you with this thought:
Mentor ~ Someone who's hindsight can become your foresight!
As I was trying to take ownership for myself, of who I was becoming, I was trying desperately to find a "title" that identified who I was now. Previously, mother, daughter, sister, wife, aunt, friend, Christian, ministry worker, volunteer, care giver...the list was truly endless. But who am I now? I knew it had to do with Transition, I AM a Master at that!
Master in Transition! Several people didn't like that I was calling myself Master. Master over slaves came to my mind, or Jesus as Master, Guru types are associated with the word Master and so I began doing some soul searching and researching and realized that "master" is used in a myriad of ways. Master Swimmers, simply means the most skilled swimmers. The Masters in Golf....the same thing. I looked up the definition of master:
A worker qualified to teach apprentices and to carry on a trade independently.
A person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science.
I was driving to Chicago, through Kansas when I noticed in the cornfields, as far as I could see, all the corn was the same height...except sprinkled here and there were stalks that stood much taller than the rest and a few that stood around them were still taller than the majority, but not as tall as the tallest.
It instantly came to me that, there are leaders everywhere and I remembered a saying "Leaders are like eagles, they don't flock ~ you find them one at a time!
I began to think, Pati, you have spent as much money and time (not to mention the pain and tears) as it would have taken to get a Masters Degree at a traditional University.....You actually have a Masters Degree in Transition from the University of Life! Guess what the next sign on the road read...Home of the University of Kansas City.
That's how I live now. Paying attention to the support all around me, seeing the Divine in everything. It may be something different for someone else, but for me, it was confirmation, I am to lead and I do have a Masters Degree in Transition from the University of Life!
I call myself a Master in Transition as I believe that Transition begins with the moment we are born into this world, until the moment we leave this world, and every moment in between.
I have birthed 4 children of my own, as well as coaching several others, transitioning “in” (natural childbirth coach) and coached several others, transitioning “out.” (dying)
Every moment in between – Well, that’s just life!
I'll leave you with this thought:
Mentor ~ Someone who's hindsight can become your foresight!
Tuesday, April 7
Why Master of Transition?
As I have been evolving, it has come to my attention more than once..."Why Master?"
The first time, someone said to me, "I really don't like that you call yourself Master." I took this into consideration and began reflecting on why was I calling myself Master of Transition.
As I have been moving forward in my life, the hardest part has been to see myself, I can see my physical self getting bigger....I mean the soul self, the essence of who I am. It is most difficult to evolve and see myself different, growing. When I remain in the same circle of friends who have always known or seen me as one way, it's that much more difficult!
Several years back, a friend suggested I begin to spell my name, Patty with an "i" as this second half of life was about me! Whoa baby, the skids marks from the brakes being slammed on where deep!
"I've always been Patty...for 50 years I've been Patty how could I not be me?"
As time passed and the shock began to wear off, I asked one of my daughters, "Oh you can't" she replied, "You've always been Patty." Well that was enough for me! Patti with an "i" is it! But do you think I could take ownership of it? No! I got a new job, they asked how I spelled my name, I said, "It doesn't matter, either way." It truly took a year to make the conversion.
Next, several years after my divorce, I decided I was done being a Hobbs.
I decided to go back to my maiden name, not angry, just finished. I called my ex-husband and thanked him for sharing his last name with me for the past 30 years, but that I was going to take my maiden name back. So I went to the courthouse, filled out the paper work for "Miller" and waited patiently for the permission to "be me!"
The permission paper came and I couldn't change my name on anything. I finally went to the DMV, who sent me to the Social Security office who sent me to the DMV....anyway, you get the picture and when they asked me to sign my name...I didn't know how. I was a Hobbs longer than I was a Miller. It just didn't feel right.
I had been toying with the idea to drop my last name completely and become Patricia Hope, Hope being my middle name. A name I could never stand as a child. The joke was, "Hope there was no more kids!"
One day in the middle of my "dark night of the soul," which is what I call the past 6 years of my life, I realized in my yard, thru my tears, looking at a truly neglected rose in the garden, even it was blooming, that "Hope" is all there is! I found it fascinating that someone knew I would need "HOPE" at some point in my life and there it was!
In my work I wanted everything to be light and fun, and so I began playing with Pati yes, one "t." Different enough, light and fun feeling.
I now live by signs....I read in the newspaper someone who had dropped her last name and was going by her first and middle....good enough confirmation for me! And then I went to a new bank and the teller's name was posted, Pati! OKey Dokey! Pati Hope is re born!
Now, you don't think I could become Pati Hope without a panty twist do you! It took along time and alot of talking to myself and seeing myself different. Recently I went to a friend as I was having a bad day....I sat on her couch and began her a litany of all the things that weren't going right in my life. I finally burst out, "I don't even know what my fucking name is!" Who am I? We both burst out laughing as we knew the journey.
Now, I know....I've evolved, I'm Pati Hope! Hope is all there is!
Christopher Reeves - Once you choose hope, anything is possible!!
Next, We'll continue the saga.....Master of Transition????? (When I return from my next trip)
The first time, someone said to me, "I really don't like that you call yourself Master." I took this into consideration and began reflecting on why was I calling myself Master of Transition.
As I have been moving forward in my life, the hardest part has been to see myself, I can see my physical self getting bigger....I mean the soul self, the essence of who I am. It is most difficult to evolve and see myself different, growing. When I remain in the same circle of friends who have always known or seen me as one way, it's that much more difficult!
Several years back, a friend suggested I begin to spell my name, Patty with an "i" as this second half of life was about me! Whoa baby, the skids marks from the brakes being slammed on where deep!
"I've always been Patty...for 50 years I've been Patty how could I not be me?"
As time passed and the shock began to wear off, I asked one of my daughters, "Oh you can't" she replied, "You've always been Patty." Well that was enough for me! Patti with an "i" is it! But do you think I could take ownership of it? No! I got a new job, they asked how I spelled my name, I said, "It doesn't matter, either way." It truly took a year to make the conversion.
Next, several years after my divorce, I decided I was done being a Hobbs.
I decided to go back to my maiden name, not angry, just finished. I called my ex-husband and thanked him for sharing his last name with me for the past 30 years, but that I was going to take my maiden name back. So I went to the courthouse, filled out the paper work for "Miller" and waited patiently for the permission to "be me!"
The permission paper came and I couldn't change my name on anything. I finally went to the DMV, who sent me to the Social Security office who sent me to the DMV....anyway, you get the picture and when they asked me to sign my name...I didn't know how. I was a Hobbs longer than I was a Miller. It just didn't feel right.
I had been toying with the idea to drop my last name completely and become Patricia Hope, Hope being my middle name. A name I could never stand as a child. The joke was, "Hope there was no more kids!"
One day in the middle of my "dark night of the soul," which is what I call the past 6 years of my life, I realized in my yard, thru my tears, looking at a truly neglected rose in the garden, even it was blooming, that "Hope" is all there is! I found it fascinating that someone knew I would need "HOPE" at some point in my life and there it was!
In my work I wanted everything to be light and fun, and so I began playing with Pati yes, one "t." Different enough, light and fun feeling.
I now live by signs....I read in the newspaper someone who had dropped her last name and was going by her first and middle....good enough confirmation for me! And then I went to a new bank and the teller's name was posted, Pati! OKey Dokey! Pati Hope is re born!
Now, you don't think I could become Pati Hope without a panty twist do you! It took along time and alot of talking to myself and seeing myself different. Recently I went to a friend as I was having a bad day....I sat on her couch and began her a litany of all the things that weren't going right in my life. I finally burst out, "I don't even know what my fucking name is!" Who am I? We both burst out laughing as we knew the journey.
Now, I know....I've evolved, I'm Pati Hope! Hope is all there is!
Christopher Reeves - Once you choose hope, anything is possible!!
Next, We'll continue the saga.....Master of Transition????? (When I return from my next trip)
Saturday, March 14
The day before he passed on to his new life, he sat in a small blue upholstered rocking chair next to his bed. When I arrived around 8am as I was in charge of the day watch, I walked into his sun lit room and said “Good Morning, Pop,” and before he even said hello, the most profound thing I ever heard him say came flying out of his mouth, “Waiting to die is Bullshit!” I burst out laughing and said “I couldn’t agree with you more Pop!” (One of the only things we ever agreed on!)
Some months before, five to be exact, I had made a trip to visit my dad and it was quite by accident, that I found out my dad’s long held secret. It wasn’t until I was leaving to come home and the Hospice nurse and Chaplin were arriving that I was confronted with the harsh realization that my dad was dying of renal failure.
My dad truly lived, in the middle of nowhere, all on his own, 15 miles and 39 curves from town, which he continued to drive daily, even though his eyesight and health were failing. He made this daily trip to remain a part of the community. Town is where the farmers went to shoot the bull and he would partake in one of his other favorite past times, teasing the young kids who worked at the neighborhood diner where he ate his one meal a day!
The nurses thought that he hadn’t much time left on this earth and so they convinced him to go to California to visit his family, “just for the holidays.” Reluctantly he agreed but decided to leave his dog Freckles, behind, his one true friend, the one who knew and loved him like no other. However, he of course had a strategy. He knew that he would have to return home if he left his best friend there.
Several weeks passed, the holidays came and went, and we sent for Freckles to join my dad in California, where he continued to wait patiently, with Rufus at the foot of his bed. Well, to be honest, he only waited patiently because there was no choice in the matter, but nevertheless, he waited for the time to come when the waiting would be over.
My dad and I had read several books together, we talked about what to expect as the time to leave his body drew closer. We both had issues resolved, past hurts healed, misunderstandings illuminated and he finally learned to let go and receive the care and love that his family had to offer him.
The middle of nowhere, besides being in rural part of the country, for me has become that place between life and death, that place where the veil is so thinly placed, a person has one foot on each side of the bridge to crossing over; one foot on earth and one foot in heaven, which is exactly where my dad was. He would get upset because he would “see things,” on both sides of the veil. He would be mad at me if I said I could see the things that he was talking about when really I couldn’t. I think it made him feel like he was going crazy, not really understanding that he was simply in the middle of nowhere…limbo as it were, midway between here and there…just waiting.
My dad’s “crossing over” experience was the most beautiful of any I’ve participated in. He was totally aware of what was happening all the way until he breathed his last breath. I had been asking him for the past few weeks. ”Dad, have you seen anyone you know yet?” So when his eyes lit up, I knew he had seen someone. His tongue was thick and he wasn’t able to speak even though I could tell he wanted to say something. “It’s ok, dad, just let go, and follow the Light,” and with that, he closed his eyes and he left is poor failing body.
It was an powerful thing to witness and true to his form, he left with a bang! Within minutes of his departing this life, a loud roar of thunder and sudden burst of lightening lit the sky! We all cheered as somehow we knew that he had made it past the middle of nowhere.
It seems to me that when a person gets to the point of no return in their life that it is definitely in the middle of nowhere. You already know it intellectually, that leaving the body behind is inevitable. But when you begin to feel it in your heart, and you realize there are no bargaining tools left in the bag. When you can’t say, “Stop…I’ve changed my mind, let me off this ride!” When there are no choices left to be made and there’s nothing left to do but to simply wait; a total surrendering with a knowing and a trust that we are all called to a place beyond…The Middle of Nowhere!!
Some months before, five to be exact, I had made a trip to visit my dad and it was quite by accident, that I found out my dad’s long held secret. It wasn’t until I was leaving to come home and the Hospice nurse and Chaplin were arriving that I was confronted with the harsh realization that my dad was dying of renal failure.
My dad truly lived, in the middle of nowhere, all on his own, 15 miles and 39 curves from town, which he continued to drive daily, even though his eyesight and health were failing. He made this daily trip to remain a part of the community. Town is where the farmers went to shoot the bull and he would partake in one of his other favorite past times, teasing the young kids who worked at the neighborhood diner where he ate his one meal a day!
The nurses thought that he hadn’t much time left on this earth and so they convinced him to go to California to visit his family, “just for the holidays.” Reluctantly he agreed but decided to leave his dog Freckles, behind, his one true friend, the one who knew and loved him like no other. However, he of course had a strategy. He knew that he would have to return home if he left his best friend there.
Several weeks passed, the holidays came and went, and we sent for Freckles to join my dad in California, where he continued to wait patiently, with Rufus at the foot of his bed. Well, to be honest, he only waited patiently because there was no choice in the matter, but nevertheless, he waited for the time to come when the waiting would be over.
My dad and I had read several books together, we talked about what to expect as the time to leave his body drew closer. We both had issues resolved, past hurts healed, misunderstandings illuminated and he finally learned to let go and receive the care and love that his family had to offer him.
The middle of nowhere, besides being in rural part of the country, for me has become that place between life and death, that place where the veil is so thinly placed, a person has one foot on each side of the bridge to crossing over; one foot on earth and one foot in heaven, which is exactly where my dad was. He would get upset because he would “see things,” on both sides of the veil. He would be mad at me if I said I could see the things that he was talking about when really I couldn’t. I think it made him feel like he was going crazy, not really understanding that he was simply in the middle of nowhere…limbo as it were, midway between here and there…just waiting.
My dad’s “crossing over” experience was the most beautiful of any I’ve participated in. He was totally aware of what was happening all the way until he breathed his last breath. I had been asking him for the past few weeks. ”Dad, have you seen anyone you know yet?” So when his eyes lit up, I knew he had seen someone. His tongue was thick and he wasn’t able to speak even though I could tell he wanted to say something. “It’s ok, dad, just let go, and follow the Light,” and with that, he closed his eyes and he left is poor failing body.
It was an powerful thing to witness and true to his form, he left with a bang! Within minutes of his departing this life, a loud roar of thunder and sudden burst of lightening lit the sky! We all cheered as somehow we knew that he had made it past the middle of nowhere.
It seems to me that when a person gets to the point of no return in their life that it is definitely in the middle of nowhere. You already know it intellectually, that leaving the body behind is inevitable. But when you begin to feel it in your heart, and you realize there are no bargaining tools left in the bag. When you can’t say, “Stop…I’ve changed my mind, let me off this ride!” When there are no choices left to be made and there’s nothing left to do but to simply wait; a total surrendering with a knowing and a trust that we are all called to a place beyond…The Middle of Nowhere!!
relationships with dads
Tuesday, March 10
Puppy Condo for ME!
The puppies are growing and not wanting to stay in their box. I already had added a second room by cutting another box and adding a second wing! Still not big enough! So I phoned my friend, a friend, like my sister would have been if she was around. "Hi," I begin very casually. Unsuspectingly she answers me. Then I drop the bomb. "Can you come and help me build a condo for the puppies!" Laughing at lack of tact, she agrees. We got a refrigerator box, tipped it on its side, cut it in half, taped the ends, cut an opening for Sophia and viola! Puppy condo.....what? They're still not happy campers, even with all that space, they're still whining! What's that all about? A few more days roll by and I'm wondering to myself, what's the point of all this? So I picked up all the rugs in the house and built me a refuge in the middle of puppy world! I built a puppy condo but now....the puppies have the house and I live in the condo! Go figure!
Sunday, March 8
Puppy Love, Grandpa Sam and Spritizie
If you knew my dad, you'd know this picture of Grandpa Sam (named by the breeder, coincidentally, or not! the name of my dad) is sleeping with his arm around of course...a girl...Spritzie. Spritzie is cuddled in the arms of Grandpa Sam...I wonder who's idea!
Weaning of the Puppies!
It's so fun to watch Miss Sophia, (the mom) as she begins the weaning process of her 5 little babies. Sophia no longer lays and feeds the babies, she simply walks by, stops and hovers over like a spaceship and then like little magnets with great zest the puppies latch on and suck as hard as they can, for about 90 seconds, as that is all the time Sophia is allotting for meals these days. I laugh as I hear all five feeding as they know they're time is limited and so they suck as hard and fast as they can. Sophia then nonchalantly walks away, their time is up and with the babies still latched on tight, hanging on for dear life she walks away and the babies lay in a pile behind her! Once again...mission accomplished!
PS..Check out the latest puppy photos, they're 6 weeks now. 2 Fun, Smart, Cuddly puppies looking for the same in a companion! Let me know if you're interested in something from a puppy!
Shih Tzu Puppies,
Sunday, March 1
Maybe I'm showing my age here, but are you familiar with the old television series, "Please Don't Eat the Dasies?" That phrase kept coming to me each time I tip toed, thru the tulips, past the "pile of puppies," wanting to be sure they didn't hear me! Oh my word! Wake up 5 little rolly, bouncy, puppies, who instantly become ravenous with the least bit of noise!
Sophia watched me, as it was early Sunday morning, and she had just finished feeding the little darlings, (my words, not hers!) and had jumped back into to bed with me and looked at me as if to say, "You're not going to get up and wake the puppies are you?" What could I say to that look? "No, of course not! I'll just stay in day away, just so I won't wake the puppies!"
I remembered back when my four children were small and we camped quite often in, first a van, then graduated to a trailer, fifth wheel, and finally a motorhome. It didn't matter which mode of transportation we used, the issue was always the same for me...."Don't stop the vehicle after I've gotten all four children to sleep! It didn't matter if they had been asleep for 5 minutes, once the car stopped, they were up and I was in charge of entertainment once again! While my husband never quite understood this....I did and so I slipped back under the covers until Sophia signaled it was time to get up. Hey, listen, anything to help a mommy!
Let's just say today, I summoned a friend over and we built a "Puppy Condo," in a quiet part of the house so the puppies can't hear when I get up!
Sophia watched me, as it was early Sunday morning, and she had just finished feeding the little darlings, (my words, not hers!) and had jumped back into to bed with me and looked at me as if to say, "You're not going to get up and wake the puppies are you?" What could I say to that look? "No, of course not! I'll just stay in day away, just so I won't wake the puppies!"
I remembered back when my four children were small and we camped quite often in, first a van, then graduated to a trailer, fifth wheel, and finally a motorhome. It didn't matter which mode of transportation we used, the issue was always the same for me...."Don't stop the vehicle after I've gotten all four children to sleep! It didn't matter if they had been asleep for 5 minutes, once the car stopped, they were up and I was in charge of entertainment once again! While my husband never quite understood this....I did and so I slipped back under the covers until Sophia signaled it was time to get up. Hey, listen, anything to help a mommy!
Let's just say today, I summoned a friend over and we built a "Puppy Condo," in a quiet part of the house so the puppies can't hear when I get up!
Shitzu Puppies,
traveling with children,
Tuesday, February 24
Balance, Letting go and Keeping the (Energy) Money Flowing
OK, maybe just one more day on this very hot topic...the economy....well, we'll see:) Hey, anyone know how to change the date? This is Wednesday!
What I know about's energy. It's simply an exchange of energy. What happens when we stop the flow of any energy? Let's take a river for example. What happens when the water flow is stopped, dammed up? Well, the flow of water is stifled, plugged up. So what happens to the living growing things on the down side of the dam? Things begin to wither and die from lack of
So it is with things, money...anything really. We hoard it, we stop spending it and it plugs things up...things become stifled, wither and die. So there you have it! I have a few true stories to help make my point.
The day I found out my dad was dying I flew home making a change of planes in Denver where I proceeded to buy a new red purse and suitcase. Money that I spent, that I didn’t think I could really afford. When I arrived home, waiting for me on my computer was a message from, and it read, truly, “Hey Patty, know how to get more money…spend it!” Love the Universe!
My budget is as tight as everyone else’s and my friend called, not asking for anything in particular, and for some reason I decided to have him re-side one side of the garage, just a beginning, as the whole garage needs to be re-sided, but it would be a start. Today he told me, his family had food on the table for the next week because of my willingness to have some work done. (Translation, I was willing to let go of money, I thought, I "shouldn't be spending, in "these times!) Keeping the energy flowing.
I was at an appointment yesterday, and when I admired the attendent's shoes, she mentioned they needed polishing. I said, every time I fly, I wear my one pair of shoes that need polishing and I have my shoes polished and my purse oiled at the airport. I was surprised when she added, “Wow, what a great way to spend money, even in THESE times.” By my willingness to take care of myself, I help another to take care of their self and maybe additional family as well.
Hoarding, unwillingness to let go of things; with the thought that, just in case....someday, we may use them again! Well my experience is, we never do use it again and if we did need it, we can't find it, or it's much older even though it's just been sitting, than we remembered.
Pass it along now, while someone else can benefit from it. It doesn't matter if it is "practically brand new." Let go and pass it along, with the thought, "I'm so glad I was able to buy this for the next person who will be enjoying it!" No worries where it will end up, just let it go and I guarantee it will end up exactly where it is supposed to! I was the beneficiary of many wonderful things when I had nothing. I'm very grateful to those who had the courage to let go.
One last story. Creating space for the new to arrive. My daughter was here last summer and she kept telling me I should get rid of my old patio furniture…..indeed, she was correct and yet I just couldn't let it go. It was over 25 years old, but I loved that furniture, it represented a time in my life when I was happy, the children were little, we had the perfect little house, we had just put in a new pool and I had saved to get Tropitone, (high end) furniture. Now, it had been years later, it had been moved many, many times, the paint was peeling off, the table was cracked from freezing and and I still couldn’t let go of it.
Using my words, don’t you just love it, she began, "Until you let go and create space, the new can’t arrive!" She advertised it on Craig’s list, and she diligently hauled it all, piece by piece to the front of the property piling it in a neat stack where I would sneakily retrieve one piece, then another, dragging it to the back yard, saying, "I need this piece!" Like a loving parent, she would gently, but firmly insist that they too had to leave.
I stood at the gate, watching as it was all loaded, piece by piece into the back of a big U-haul truck for the ride to their new home, all the while, feeling like, "Now I have nothing!" But within a week, a new lounge chair arrived that had been ½ price at the store and the restoration of the new patio furniture had begun! But I had to let go in order for it to arrive.
The next trick is being ready to say “yes” when new things do show up, but that’s another story.
What I know about's energy. It's simply an exchange of energy. What happens when we stop the flow of any energy? Let's take a river for example. What happens when the water flow is stopped, dammed up? Well, the flow of water is stifled, plugged up. So what happens to the living growing things on the down side of the dam? Things begin to wither and die from lack of
So it is with things, money...anything really. We hoard it, we stop spending it and it plugs things up...things become stifled, wither and die. So there you have it! I have a few true stories to help make my point.
The day I found out my dad was dying I flew home making a change of planes in Denver where I proceeded to buy a new red purse and suitcase. Money that I spent, that I didn’t think I could really afford. When I arrived home, waiting for me on my computer was a message from, and it read, truly, “Hey Patty, know how to get more money…spend it!” Love the Universe!
My budget is as tight as everyone else’s and my friend called, not asking for anything in particular, and for some reason I decided to have him re-side one side of the garage, just a beginning, as the whole garage needs to be re-sided, but it would be a start. Today he told me, his family had food on the table for the next week because of my willingness to have some work done. (Translation, I was willing to let go of money, I thought, I "shouldn't be spending, in "these times!) Keeping the energy flowing.
I was at an appointment yesterday, and when I admired the attendent's shoes, she mentioned they needed polishing. I said, every time I fly, I wear my one pair of shoes that need polishing and I have my shoes polished and my purse oiled at the airport. I was surprised when she added, “Wow, what a great way to spend money, even in THESE times.” By my willingness to take care of myself, I help another to take care of their self and maybe additional family as well.
Hoarding, unwillingness to let go of things; with the thought that, just in case....someday, we may use them again! Well my experience is, we never do use it again and if we did need it, we can't find it, or it's much older even though it's just been sitting, than we remembered.
Pass it along now, while someone else can benefit from it. It doesn't matter if it is "practically brand new." Let go and pass it along, with the thought, "I'm so glad I was able to buy this for the next person who will be enjoying it!" No worries where it will end up, just let it go and I guarantee it will end up exactly where it is supposed to! I was the beneficiary of many wonderful things when I had nothing. I'm very grateful to those who had the courage to let go.
One last story. Creating space for the new to arrive. My daughter was here last summer and she kept telling me I should get rid of my old patio furniture…..indeed, she was correct and yet I just couldn't let it go. It was over 25 years old, but I loved that furniture, it represented a time in my life when I was happy, the children were little, we had the perfect little house, we had just put in a new pool and I had saved to get Tropitone, (high end) furniture. Now, it had been years later, it had been moved many, many times, the paint was peeling off, the table was cracked from freezing and and I still couldn’t let go of it.
Using my words, don’t you just love it, she began, "Until you let go and create space, the new can’t arrive!" She advertised it on Craig’s list, and she diligently hauled it all, piece by piece to the front of the property piling it in a neat stack where I would sneakily retrieve one piece, then another, dragging it to the back yard, saying, "I need this piece!" Like a loving parent, she would gently, but firmly insist that they too had to leave.
I stood at the gate, watching as it was all loaded, piece by piece into the back of a big U-haul truck for the ride to their new home, all the while, feeling like, "Now I have nothing!" But within a week, a new lounge chair arrived that had been ½ price at the store and the restoration of the new patio furniture had begun! But I had to let go in order for it to arrive.
The next trick is being ready to say “yes” when new things do show up, but that’s another story.
I'll say good night on this note, a quote from Christopher Reeves
Once you choose HOPE anything is possible!
PS. I'm not advocating spending recklously. I am advocating to buy, trade, energy, no matter how that may look. Think Big, Keep a positive attitude. Instead of never eating out, cut back...the store owners still need our support. Rent movies, but also treat yourself to a matinee now and then.....just balance.
PSS....New puppy pictures tomorrow, my computer guru will arrive!
The Shift of the Economy
This has actually become one of my favorite topics of late. Why, because it all depends on a persons perspective!
I've been asked quite a few times recently to help market some businesses. Once again, something I never expected, another one of those slipping in the back door things! (A different perspective) Who knew I was a marketer?
I see this time of economic shifting as a time for entrepreneurs, anyone who is able and willing to shift, their focus, their thinking, their business. For example, my son is an auto detailer for the last automotive car dealership in town. Why is it the last? The owner was able to see that doing business as he had been doing for years, wasn't going to work in this economy. So he shifted. He stopped selling new cars (mostly) and is now going to the auction, buying very nice, used cars with low miles and selling them considerably under blue book.
Futhermore, he hired all the mechanics from the different dealers in town who closed their doors or moved out of town and now he carries all brands of cars and has trained factory mechanics to work on them. He made the shift and he's able to keep his doors open and people employed. Bravo!
If you're interested, I’d like to share with you a few tips for not just surviving when life begins to shake, but to actually, flourish, bloom, and even be prosperous! It’s not easy, but it will be the ride of your life! Happy Journey!
Recession…Refuse to participate.
· Don’t watch the news or listen to any negativity about the economy, jobs or the stock market. TURN IT OFF!
· Negative will attract more, whether it’s in thoughts, words or deeds, and like a magnet, it will go out into the universe and come directly back to you as a Negative Energy Blast! (Multiply this by millions of people thinking or acting negatively, whoa baby!)
Simply say “YES” to changes, to gently shifting!
Change the words you use. Make everything an affirmation or positive statement. (This may take some diligent practice)
Things “shift” in a changing economy. What we know, is that it will shift again. Nothing remains the same. Just look around you. Everything changes, even a small seed, doesn’t stay a small seed, it continually changes until it becomes a beautiful plant.
Some may loose jobs or housing or finances in the market. It is simply an opportunity to begin again, a “do over”, how do you want to live the next part of your life? A clean slate to begin again, doing things differently this time!
While it doesn’t feel good, this too shall pass!
Stay positive, it will also attract more of the same, and also come back to you as a Positive Energy Blast! (Multiply that by millions, and WHOA BABY!
Change your perception; be willing to see your life situation, the world, from a wider lenses, another, bigger perspective.
Some things have to die in order to be reborn a new creation
Remember, it’s darkest before the dawn.
PS. You may think, "Sure that's easy for you to say....but the reality is in my life.....(fill in the blank) Well, what makes me able to speak about shifting attitudes in life is I did loose absolutely everything, and began again with only a 95 Toyota Corolla that had a salvage title.....there is always HOPE!
I'll close with a quote from the movie "The Gift"
It was a comment from a very wealthy grand dad, who had made a video before he died for his family, but mostly for his grandson.
"Hell, I've lost everything two or three times in my's the perfect place to begin again!" Cheers Pati
I've been asked quite a few times recently to help market some businesses. Once again, something I never expected, another one of those slipping in the back door things! (A different perspective) Who knew I was a marketer?
I see this time of economic shifting as a time for entrepreneurs, anyone who is able and willing to shift, their focus, their thinking, their business. For example, my son is an auto detailer for the last automotive car dealership in town. Why is it the last? The owner was able to see that doing business as he had been doing for years, wasn't going to work in this economy. So he shifted. He stopped selling new cars (mostly) and is now going to the auction, buying very nice, used cars with low miles and selling them considerably under blue book.
Futhermore, he hired all the mechanics from the different dealers in town who closed their doors or moved out of town and now he carries all brands of cars and has trained factory mechanics to work on them. He made the shift and he's able to keep his doors open and people employed. Bravo!
If you're interested, I’d like to share with you a few tips for not just surviving when life begins to shake, but to actually, flourish, bloom, and even be prosperous! It’s not easy, but it will be the ride of your life! Happy Journey!
Recession…Refuse to participate.
· Don’t watch the news or listen to any negativity about the economy, jobs or the stock market. TURN IT OFF!
· Negative will attract more, whether it’s in thoughts, words or deeds, and like a magnet, it will go out into the universe and come directly back to you as a Negative Energy Blast! (Multiply this by millions of people thinking or acting negatively, whoa baby!)
Simply say “YES” to changes, to gently shifting!
Change the words you use. Make everything an affirmation or positive statement. (This may take some diligent practice)
Things “shift” in a changing economy. What we know, is that it will shift again. Nothing remains the same. Just look around you. Everything changes, even a small seed, doesn’t stay a small seed, it continually changes until it becomes a beautiful plant.
Some may loose jobs or housing or finances in the market. It is simply an opportunity to begin again, a “do over”, how do you want to live the next part of your life? A clean slate to begin again, doing things differently this time!
While it doesn’t feel good, this too shall pass!
Stay positive, it will also attract more of the same, and also come back to you as a Positive Energy Blast! (Multiply that by millions, and WHOA BABY!
Change your perception; be willing to see your life situation, the world, from a wider lenses, another, bigger perspective.
Some things have to die in order to be reborn a new creation
Remember, it’s darkest before the dawn.
PS. You may think, "Sure that's easy for you to say....but the reality is in my life.....(fill in the blank) Well, what makes me able to speak about shifting attitudes in life is I did loose absolutely everything, and began again with only a 95 Toyota Corolla that had a salvage title.....there is always HOPE!
I'll close with a quote from the movie "The Gift"
It was a comment from a very wealthy grand dad, who had made a video before he died for his family, but mostly for his grandson.
"Hell, I've lost everything two or three times in my's the perfect place to begin again!" Cheers Pati
Saturday, February 21
Dreams Really Do Come True...
Maybe, just not in the way I was expecting. I always say things just seems to slip in the back door when you least expect it.
As I laid in bed last night, my head swimming, I couldn't sleep, my mind was trying to grasp what had just happened to me with this new technology today. As, I am making "The Shift" into the second half of life...(it has nothing to do with age, by the way), I already knew the way of doing business has also made a shift, to electronics. ( See even the word electronics seems out dated....what?? Cyber.....something!)
An old friend has come back into my life, just in time to help me make the transition with somewhat grace and ease. Well, ease for her. We used to clean houses together...(many moons ago) and she was always intrigued with the computers, not me....I wouldn't even dust them!
She's been working on my website and our mission for the day was to get a Blog going....Blog? Sounds like a swamp! Why do I need a swamp for communicating? She is very patient with me as I carefully explain to her all the errors of the "computer!" "Yeah, I know," she gently placates me, fully knowing it wasn't the computer at all, but it's operator! (I'm still not totally agreeing with that!) Anyway, 3 hours and one huge headache later, what do we have??? A blog! (With no alligators!)
Later that evening as I lie in the tub licking my battle wounds from the day, it comes to me, "Pati, you wanted to be a are girlfriend!" I find this "Dreams coming true" thing really happens alot, but what I forget is to be explicity clear when I'm dreaming them! I wanted to write, travel and speak, it happened....even Internationally! I wanted to be a columnist, I of course have lots to say...and here it is...not in a way I expected but none the less, it's here. Oh, I just remembered...I forget to be really clear and add....for money! Back to the dreaming board!
I'll end with a quote from Lily Tomlin
"I always wanted to be somebody...but now I realize I should have been more specific!"
PS. Thank you my dear friend Deb, just doesn't begin to touch the love and gratitude I feel for you n all areas of my life, but especially here now, helping me into this new frontier.
PSS. Don't forget to check out the puppies.....
As I laid in bed last night, my head swimming, I couldn't sleep, my mind was trying to grasp what had just happened to me with this new technology today. As, I am making "The Shift" into the second half of life...(it has nothing to do with age, by the way), I already knew the way of doing business has also made a shift, to electronics. ( See even the word electronics seems out dated....what?? Cyber.....something!)
An old friend has come back into my life, just in time to help me make the transition with somewhat grace and ease. Well, ease for her. We used to clean houses together...(many moons ago) and she was always intrigued with the computers, not me....I wouldn't even dust them!
She's been working on my website and our mission for the day was to get a Blog going....Blog? Sounds like a swamp! Why do I need a swamp for communicating? She is very patient with me as I carefully explain to her all the errors of the "computer!" "Yeah, I know," she gently placates me, fully knowing it wasn't the computer at all, but it's operator! (I'm still not totally agreeing with that!) Anyway, 3 hours and one huge headache later, what do we have??? A blog! (With no alligators!)
Later that evening as I lie in the tub licking my battle wounds from the day, it comes to me, "Pati, you wanted to be a are girlfriend!" I find this "Dreams coming true" thing really happens alot, but what I forget is to be explicity clear when I'm dreaming them! I wanted to write, travel and speak, it happened....even Internationally! I wanted to be a columnist, I of course have lots to say...and here it is...not in a way I expected but none the less, it's here. Oh, I just remembered...I forget to be really clear and add....for money! Back to the dreaming board!
I'll end with a quote from Lily Tomlin
"I always wanted to be somebody...but now I realize I should have been more specific!"
PS. Thank you my dear friend Deb, just doesn't begin to touch the love and gratitude I feel for you n all areas of my life, but especially here now, helping me into this new frontier.
PSS. Don't forget to check out the puppies.....
Friday, February 20
Recession or Opportunity?

OK, there, now I’ve gotten your attention!
You may be asking yourself, “What, are you mad? Don’t you know that we’re in the middle of the worst recession sense the Great Depression?…or so it’s been said.
Well, I’m the proverbial optimist.
I’m not only the person who not only sees the glass as half full because I have learned this from my own personal experience, but I also proclaim it to all that I meet. I believe that in the natural flow of life things come and they go and when they leave they make room for something new, something better to arrive!
There are a few things one can do to help move through these shifting times, with grace and fortitude. What makes me an expert? I have lived, gained and lost absolutely everything in my life and as the grand dad in the movie, “The Gift” explains, “Hell, I’ve lost everything two or three times in my life, it’s the perfect place to begin again!” Or as Henry Ford said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently!
Once I let go (I did it kicking and screaming!) of the way I thought my life should be like, what I had ordered up from the menu of life, I was free. It certainly didn’t feel like it at the time, but the fear of loosing or beginning again is not present any longer.
Little life earthquakes are what it takes to get us to move from our comfort zones. It is really a gift, an opportunity for us to decide how it is we want to spend the rest of our life...
Sleep with the angels. Pati
Piles of Puppies!
Star is giving me a big wink!!
Shitzu Puppies
Thursday, February 19
The Most Wonderful Thing Happened!!
This a purebred Shih Tzu litter, 4 weeks old. This is one of the beautiful female pups.
She reminds me of the commercial for visa.
One Fluffy Puppy: One million dollars.
Price of a new best friend.....................................priceless.
Shih Tzu Puppies
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