What I know about money...it's energy. It's simply an exchange of energy. What happens when we stop the flow of any energy? Let's take a river for example. What happens when the water flow is stopped, dammed up? Well, the flow of water is stifled, plugged up. So what happens to the living growing things on the down side of the dam? Things begin to wither and die from lack of water....energy.
So it is with things, money...anything really. We hoard it, we stop spending it and it plugs things up...things become stifled, wither and die. So there you have it! I have a few true stories to help make my point.
The day I found out my dad was dying I flew home making a change of planes in Denver where I proceeded to buy a new red purse and suitcase. Money that I spent, that I didn’t think I could really afford. When I arrived home, waiting for me on my computer was a message from tut.com, and it read, truly, “Hey Patty, know how to get more money…spend it!” Love the Universe!
My budget is as tight as everyone else’s and my friend called, not asking for anything in particular, and for some reason I decided to have him re-side one side of the garage, just a beginning, as the whole garage needs to be re-sided, but it would be a start. Today he told me, his family had food on the table for the next week because of my willingness to have some work done. (Translation, I was willing to let go of money, I thought, I "shouldn't be spending, in "these times!) Keeping the energy flowing.
I was at an appointment yesterday, and when I admired the attendent's shoes, she mentioned they needed polishing. I said, every time I fly, I wear my one pair of shoes that need polishing and I have my shoes polished and my purse oiled at the airport. I was surprised when she added, “Wow, what a great way to spend money, even in THESE times.” By my willingness to take care of myself, I help another to take care of their self and maybe additional family as well.
Hoarding, unwillingness to let go of things; with the thought that, just in case....someday, we may use them again! Well my experience is, we never do use it again and if we did need it, we can't find it, or it's much older even though it's just been sitting, than we remembered.
Pass it along now, while someone else can benefit from it. It doesn't matter if it is "practically brand new." Let go and pass it along, with the thought, "I'm so glad I was able to buy this for the next person who will be enjoying it!" No worries where it will end up, just let it go and I guarantee it will end up exactly where it is supposed to! I was the beneficiary of many wonderful things when I had nothing. I'm very grateful to those who had the courage to let go.
One last story. Creating space for the new to arrive. My daughter was here last summer and she kept telling me I should get rid of my old patio furniture…..indeed, she was correct and yet I just couldn't let it go. It was over 25 years old, but I loved that furniture, it represented a time in my life when I was happy, the children were little, we had the perfect little house, we had just put in a new pool and I had saved to get Tropitone, (high end) furniture. Now, it had been years later, it had been moved many, many times, the paint was peeling off, the table was cracked from freezing and and I still couldn’t let go of it.
Using my words, don’t you just love it, she began, "Until you let go and create space, the new can’t arrive!" She advertised it on Craig’s list, and she diligently hauled it all, piece by piece to the front of the property piling it in a neat stack where I would sneakily retrieve one piece, then another, dragging it to the back yard, saying, "I need this piece!" Like a loving parent, she would gently, but firmly insist that they too had to leave.
I stood at the gate, watching as it was all loaded, piece by piece into the back of a big U-haul truck for the ride to their new home, all the while, feeling like, "Now I have nothing!" But within a week, a new lounge chair arrived that had been ½ price at the store and the restoration of the new patio furniture had begun! But I had to let go in order for it to arrive.
The next trick is being ready to say “yes” when new things do show up, but that’s another story.
I'll say good night on this note, a quote from Christopher Reeves
Once you choose HOPE anything is possible!
PS. I'm not advocating spending recklously. I am advocating to buy, trade, barter...exchange energy, no matter how that may look. Think Big, Keep a positive attitude. Instead of never eating out, cut back...the store owners still need our support. Rent movies, but also treat yourself to a matinee now and then.....just balance.
PSS....New puppy pictures tomorrow, my computer guru will arrive!
You go girl!