I’ve found out that in learning to manifest, it is important to say ‘yes’ to what shows up, even when I don’t understand how it can possibly work! Here’s the order in which to allow things to come into your life. Remember, I believe that at times, we co-create with God. It’s important that we let our intentions be known, but not try to manipulate and control the outcome.
1. Take a proactive approach to your life...what is it that YOU want? 2. Write it down....this is important. 3. Make an altar....using pictures, symbols and items of personal and spiritual significance to you. 4. Watch for the signs. It’s been my experience that things rarely come how you expect them. 5. Say ‘yes’ when they show up. Don’t freeze like I used to do, saying ‘No, I was just kidding, testing to see if it really works!’ Now, to add a little spice to the mix....I’ve been reading a book called The Art of Sexual Magic and it talks about using all of our energy for creating. The next time that you’re in a loving union, try visualizing what it is that you’re wanting to create together.
I’ll share two examples of this happening in my life: A few years back, when I was trying to redo the little house I was living in...the bathroom had no drywall...(among other things), but this was a place to start! I had been asking a friend of my boss if he would come and give me an estimate to dry wall it. He never showed up. One day he came into my work, I asked the question again and he said, “I’m coming to do it today!” Now, I was only looking for an estimate because I couldn’t see how I was going to pay for it. But I knew enough not to say No! So I said, “Great, if you’re coming to do the work, the money is following!” and it did!
Next, I needed a washer and dryer. I was looking for the smaller size and I wanted the Maytag stackable, new energy efficient ones. You guessed it! There they were, at Lowe’s, in the clearance dept. They were, half price and still in their boxes! I even got the tax removed and free delivery! When they arrived, I tried everything to make excuses why they weren’t good. I finally talked myself out of them, buying a used stackable at a garage sell and returning the ones I had manifested! I still have a hard time believing I did this. I just wasn’t ready to believe that I deserved something so nice. I try very hard not to make that mistake again.
Even when you don’t understand how things are going to work out....remember to set your intention, what is it that you want, write it down, watch for it to arrive, (God uses the back door and His timing. Don’t try to control or manipulate the outcome...it will flow effortlessly when the time is right.) and finally say YES when it arrives, believing that you do deserve it and then give thanks!
Remember, just 3 more days of APDM....Set your intentions for the coming year! Happy Manifesting!