At different times in life, different opportunities come our way and we have decisions to make and options to consider. While still trying to remain true to myself as I continue to navigate my way through the second half of life, using ‘signs’ and my intuition, I find myself struggling with the first half of life....thinking....trying to figure things out! It gets confusing at times and I begin to spin, which way to turn, which path is right! I’m going to share with you, how it is that I attempt to regain my clarity in hopes you find something that is helpful in your life.
I begin to realize that I am not moving in a way that is true to myself because I begin to feel anxious, unsettled and I can’t quite put my finger on what the funk that I’m in, is all about. I try to find some place to be alone so that I am not influenced by the well intentioned opinions of others. I then get out my pad and paper and begin answering questions that come to my mind. 1. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? 2. What would you do if it wasn’t about money? About time? 3. Is it in alignment with the intentions that I’ve set for myself? 4. Would I have regrets later if I didn’t do it? These are a few to get you started, add any questions that come to your mind.
I answer the questions completely and honestly with the first thing that pops into my head, knowing that no one else is going to see them. After some time alone, I may call someone that is moving in the second half of life as well, asking for an outsiders viewpoint helping me to connect the dots that I may have missed. However int he end, it is important that the only advice that you take is yours! You are the only one that knows what is best for you! You don’t want to get to the end of your life and realize you lived a life that others dreamed up for you!
I’ll share with you my latest deciphering process as an example. 1. I was given money at Christmas from an Irish pal. 2. My daughter had asked me to come to horse sit in Chicago for a couple of weeks. Once that happened, 3. I got the thought to see how much plane tickets to Ireland were, $199 each way! So I took the money and bought a ticket for one month, knowing that I would probably stay more like 6 months as I wanted to write my next book there. In the meantime...as things tend to do...things began to shift and I began to spin more options were on the table. Remembering my intention (Which by the way needs to be continually reevaluated.) My commitment is to ETL and selling my first book, Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven, Just Not Now! 4. Next, a conference in Tucson opened up for me to sell my books with an estimated attendance of 3-400 people, the day after I was scheduled to leave for Ireland. 5. Then, I was offered a house sitting gig in Tubac, AZ to begin in April. (After the trip to Ireland was complete. But before I accepted the housesitting job I had tried to see about canceling the Ireland trip. The road was blocked. No refunds.) How was I going to decipher what was in alignment for me?
I called a second half of life living friend and simply by hearing her say back to me what I had said to her, it all became clear to me. Yes, horse sitting; yes, conference, yes Ireland. Now there’s only one problem....(No problems, only solutions!) Money! We’ll discuss this next time! Have a FUN weekend!!
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