I had visited these petroglyphs in southern AZ several times before, but it wasn’t until my last time and I was reflecting back, that they began calling me back and tears began to well up in my eyes each time that I thought about them. So it seemed most appropriate that this would be the location for ceremony to launch ETL.
We’re at the top of a wash and the picture on the far right is a big rock with holes in it the indians used for grinding. The drum is lying on a rock on the left side and you can see a cactus shaped cross towards the middle of the picture. This is were we dedicated ETL to Spirit and invited all Spiritual Support to guide us on our journey. (The petroglyphs are just below).
The rock below was seen by all three of us differently...when I walked past it, it was an eagle, one friend, said it was a parrot, the
other, a ground hog...a dinosaur, your imagination is
The picture on the right is of me and my two friends who accompanied me on this journey.
We had placed on the stone behind the cactus cross, the books that we are wanting to manifest...Everybody wants to go to Heaven...(by the way, it’s in print!) and GPS for Living...along with 3 quartz stones that I had found at the top of the mountain when I had gone up to have a short meditation before we began. One was in the shape of an arrowhead, the other a heart and the 3rd had no special shape, representing for me, the uniqueness of us all as individuals. We all have a valid place on the wheel of life and we all have a piece of the puzzle and WE ALL MATTER! What we think, do and say....it matters to us all as the conscious collective!
We began by beating the drum 11 times in each direction, inviting the 4 Directions, the North; air, asking for Clarity and Vision...the East; fire, asking for Spirit and Passion; the South, water, asking for Innocence and Love; the West, earth, asking for Vitality and Strength. We then asked for support from God, the angels, ascended masters, ancestors, my sister, anyone from the Light, asking to connect with people who have already crossed over who were ‘experts’ in their field for guidance and support, working for the highest good of all, harming none.
We spelled out exactly what we were looking for and added at the end...to start a huge foolish project like Noah! Without regards to what others may think!
When we were finished we gave thanks and I had brought a little green pouch from the home that I am staying at, assuming it was the tobacco we had used in a ceremony at the Winter Solstice, as an offering of thanks for the support. As I opened it up, I realized that it was in fact little green supplement pills! I began to laugh hysterically...if you ever begin to take yourself too seriously.....the universe will lighten you up!
Then the most incredible thing happened. I picked up the drum and began beating it like at an Indian Ceremony (for me) and one friend looked up...there was a 1/2 moon visible in the sky, the sun was brilliant, no clouds and a hawk came and flew directly above us. It felt to me like he had some cellular memory of drums beating and that was a signal for to come for support! He flew around for quite a while as I kept beating the drum...then he caught a thermal and absolutely sailed quickly and effortlessly to the North. I stopped the beating...the symbolism for me was that when the time is right...ETL, helping others, will sail effortlessly to the North, collecting Wisdom, Clarity and Vision! When he was completely out of sight...I beat the drum in sequence once again as a thank you for coming.
Support from Spirit on this day, the moon, the sun, the gentle breeze of Spirit, eagle (Spirit), hawk(messenger), the quartz stones (energizer, amplifier, universal love), parrot, dinosaur, lion king, star...
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