In learning to manifest the desires of our heart, I have found that for myself, that letting go of stuff and clearing space allows for expansion and the space for clean, clear energy to flow. It's in letting go, that allows room for new things, ideas & relationships a clear path to emerge.
I talk about this all of the time in my work and I actually help others with organization and getting rid of things which no longer serve them. I like to think that I do it for myself as well, however, it was a couple of years ago when my daughter came to stay with me for the summer when I realized that I too become stuck.
I had some very old but expensive in its day, patio furniture that I had boughten when my children were young, which was at least 25 years old by this point. It was extra special to me as I had babysit a long time in order to buy this lovely furniture. My love affair, continued much too long and I drug it from southern to northern Calif with many temporary houses in between.
As you can imagine, it was looking a bit shabby and I still wouldn't let it go! "No...I have to have it!" I would complain as my daughter was suggesting that it was time for it to be loved by someone else! She put an ad on Craigslist and proceeded to haul all the pieces to the front of my yard, waiting for its new owner to arrive. I would secretly drag a piece back...."I really need this!" My words came back to bite me in the butt..."Mom, you have to let go, in order to make space for something new to arrive!” I knew this, but was having a very difficult time with it.
I finally conceded, the new owners arrived to pick up my old faithful companions. I even helped load them into their truck and sent them off with a blessing. Within 1 week, the first new addition arrived...a beautiful, comfy, wicked lounge chair that had been on sale for less than 1/2 price, which was a gift to me.
If you find in your life that you’re ready for something new or you’re feeling stagnate, stuck or overwhelmed, try letting go of some things or old ideas to make space for the new to arrive!
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