Remember the song...WAR by Edwin Starr in 1969? He
asks the question. War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing....say it again
ya all!!!"
As a transition specialist, I've been traveling
from Northern CA to Peoria, Il helping people with transition which always
involves letting go of stuff!
STUFF is an energy vampire! It always stays in our
minds. We romanticize as if it were a young lover's fling.
We remember our stuff fondly, but in reality, like
with all things, time has taken it's tole. Our stuff has been moved from point
A to point B a billion times. It's been boxed and re-boxed, hauled and stacked,
peed on by pets and has made nice homes for mice and rats. And still....we
can't let it go...why?
I pose the question. STUFF what is it good
for? Absolutely nothing!
Well, not exactly true. Stuff serves many purposes.
Stuff is here for our pleasure and enjoyment. It's all well and good as long as
it serves us and we're not in service to our stuff.
On an emotional level, stuff gives us an opportunity
to deal with the shit we create in our lives. (Among other things.) It's
just a outward mirror for what's happening on the inside. In fact, dealing with
our stuff....can be overwhelming and can literally make us ill. That's where I
come in as support.
The most freeing thing I've ever done (and hard)
was to let go of everything that didn't fit into a 22" suitcase and
backpack. Like an onion, I had to do it in layers, each time I was able to let
go of a bit more. Whatever I have, wallet, purse or suitcase, I have to fill
every last inch! And now that I own a car, I can always add one more
thing!! It's absolutely exhausting!
So, what keeps us holding onto our stuff? (Nice
chapter for the book I'm working on!)* Of course the answer is emotional...what
Can you let it go? If not...why not? Why does
our stuff make us crazy and still we can't let it go?
Our stuff is long as we have our
stuff...we don't have to change...I have no point...just wondering...your
*Watch for the chapter (Our Stuff) in my new
book, A Year in a Suitcase coming later this year.)