Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Have you thought that you know that something needs to be done but that you just can't bring yourself to do it?
It becomes easy once you can break it down into small manageable bites.
I have been overwhelmed trying to get Evolve to Live to fly. There always seems to be so many moving parts. I hired a business coach and we've made progress but it seems like it's one step forward and a whole slue back!
I was talking with my friend today and she reminded me of a time we were together and she wanted to clean out her linen closet. She kept insisting that it would take days and I kept insisting, it would take ten minutes. All you have to do is start!
In a situation like that, you have to take everything out before you can put it back in. It's worse before it's better.
On my drive to Southern California, in my white car, the place I get clarity and ideas, I got the brainy idea to hire Pati Hope as the General Manager of Evolve to Live. I mean really, who better to do the job. She is organized, believes in the products and loves people! I even went so far as to write her an official letter as to why she was the best person for the job! (Too bad we can't pay her, YET!)
I gave her a list of the departments that she would be managing and she was to hire the best person for each department. (ME!) She was to have them each work one day a week. She was to meet with them and together they were to decide what the jobs they were to perform on their day in the office.
The subdivisions were (the products and services ETL offers) Sessions/Playshops/Energetic Wellness, stuff like that. Anyway, what that did for me was to break things down so that each division had their time on the top. The GM, still has the business coach to help keep her on track!
Don't know if this helps, but just thought that I would pass it along....Just do it!
Tuesday, August 28
Monday, August 27
One of the key things that I talk about in many of my Evolve to Live Playshops (Self-Discovery through play!) is perspective or point of view.
Like ass-holes, everyone has one! Everyone has one and it's very likely different than yours.
It doesn't mean that it is right or it's wrong, better or worse, just different!
I looked up the word perspective in the dictionary:
the state of one's ideas, the fact's known to one. I thought that it was interesting, the state of one's ideas or the fact's known to one. They kept using the word one's ideas or the fact's known to one. Every- one is different!
I was cracking up yesterday as I was helping my sister and brother-in-law do some weeding at the side of their house. We all three had a different point of view of the best way to accomplish the task. The area was full of crab grass, very tall, thick, crab grass. The night before my sister and I had decided a weed wacker would be the best approach. A friend gave us one, a little baby one, which did very little.
When I arrived the next morning, my sister was using hand clippers, very clearly not working too well either.
So I began using brute force, just pull those suckers out at the roots! (These weeds were over waist high).
So I began using brute force, just pull those suckers out at the roots! (These weeds were over waist high).
My brother-in-law came out with his lawn mower! I had to laugh as I listened while my sister tried to tell him how to try cutting it another way.
While pulling, I reflected, we were all doing the same job, getting the same results but we were all doing it from our own point of view, from our personal experience of how it has worked best for us in the past or from an idea about how it could work this time.
While pulling, I reflected, we were all doing the same job, getting the same results but we were all doing it from our own point of view, from our personal experience of how it has worked best for us in the past or from an idea about how it could work this time.
I think that it's important that we allow ourselves and others the opportunity to do things the way that each of us as individuals see fit. However, I also think that it is equally important that we communicate with each other about how we are doing things.
When we can communicate without fear of rejection or ridicule, it brings enlightenment to both sides of the fence, each person can learn and grow. Each person can contribute without conflict or irritation.
Using team work, we were able to accomplish a job that had just been neglected because the project was overwhelming for one person to do alone. And by us all working together, doing our own thing, the end result was a fun morning and beautiful side yard and about 10 large bags of weed clippings! (It will be interesting to see the different perspectives on what the best way to dispose of it are:)
Using team work, we were able to accomplish a job that had just been neglected because the project was overwhelming for one person to do alone. And by us all working together, doing our own thing, the end result was a fun morning and beautiful side yard and about 10 large bags of weed clippings! (It will be interesting to see the different perspectives on what the best way to dispose of it are:)
Friday, August 24
For the past week, I've watched the grandma that I'm staying with be in constant worry about the eating habits of the little doggie staying with us. It's been nearly a week that we've all been together and I've had strict instructions from the parents not to feed the dog from the table.
Yeah, well try to tell that to an eighty-eight year old grandma from India that doesn't speak english!
Even though they have called and told her over the phone, grandma doesn't care. It's in her blood! She has to share everything and make sure everyone who comes around is fed!
Grandma eats a pancake for breakfast and dinner which she makes for herself. The pancake is made up of something like dried bean meal and flour. Little doggie got pancakes for the first few days. Then little doggie got bored and wasn't eating the pancakes any longer. Next thing I know, little doggie is drinking tea and milk from a bowl! Lord have mercy! Now grandma is trying to entice her with grapes, banana and rice.
My sister told me grapes are not good for dogs...tell grandma! We're out of grapes! Great, now she's feeding her cookies and this morning I noticed she opened a new package to feed her! I can't watch!
(I am monitoring little doggie and she seems happy and is pooping and peeing...she's doing ok!)
In the meantime, the parents are calling, wondering if little doggie is eating her dog food. Ugh, no!
The point of telling you all of this is that what grandma did today really tied into yesterday's blog, of breaking down things into small, manageable steps.
This morning, still worried, grandma makes some kind of a new pancake (she is explaining to me) and brings it into the bedroom where little doggie is sitting on the bed, looking out the window. Little doggie is definitely not interested in what grandma has to offer. Feeling badly for grandma, I walk out of the room and little doggie follows.
Grandma has a bowl with 2 pieces of whatever she has made for little doggie and a plastic lid in her other hand with little pieces of food on it. She puts the bowl on the floor and little doggie eats. Grandma continues to add just 2 pieces at a time until little doggie has eaten it all. Little doggies tummy is full and grandma is happy.
This was just another chance for me to see how too much of anything can be overwhelming!
Little steps, little bits of food, little beginnings can be the hallmark of GREAT ENDINGS! Just do it!
great endings,
little doggie,
little steps,
Thursday, August 23
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Too much to do, or perhaps not knowing what to do next. Someone says to you, get a job or loose weight or market your business or send a text or email.
If you're not familiar with the steps to take to accomplish any goal, someone may as well have said to you, "Fly to the moon!" It's in fact the same; it feels impossible!
I am a world-class organizer! I love it, it comes easy for me and I have helped many people de-clutter and re-organize their homes, businesses and lives.
The month before I left on this current L.A. trip, I was in a major funk with Evolve to Live. I couldn't see my way of what appeared to be a brown paper bag with a twist tie on the end! Nothing was coming together. My business coach was trying to keep my on track, but I was in a cycle, a major funky cycle!
I got in my car, a place of clarity for me, and as I drove to the Big O.C., (Southern Cal), it suddenly became clear. "Pati, you're looking for a job or at least a means of income, I'm going to hire you to project manage Evolve to Live! Who better? You're top in organization, you believe in the product and you have great ideas!" I proceeded to write a letter to myself telling me why I AM PERFECT for this job!
I continued, "Your duties will include Project Managing ETL, The Umbrella. Under which you will be managing 4 teams and I named them. As the PM, you are responsible to make sure that all of the teams get their work in on time and to you so that you can compile all the information on the web, newsletters etc. Each department will work one day a week and be off the rest of the time.
Once I broke it down like this, it became clear and easy. I made a list for all departments, including what they are to accomplish on their day in the office.
Whatever you may feel overwhelmed about in your life, just begin with a step.
When we owned 5 acres, I wanted to fence it. I didn't have the money, however, I did manage to set aside enough money each week to buy 10 metal t-posts and 2 wooden posts and I had my children help me set them each weekend. Eventually, it was ready for the wire, which I hired a handyman to help me put up.
It's by breaking things down that we're able to take the first step.
I love the line in the movie Out of Africa,
"Maybe God made the world round so that we wouldn't be able to see to far down the road."
If we can just see what the very first little baby step is, that is all we need to know in this moment. I promise you, the rest will reveal itself in due time.
Stand on the last brick on the path and simply wait for the next one to appear.
Enjoy the funk cycles along with the rest, because as with ALL things, this too shall pass!
If you're not familiar with the steps to take to accomplish any goal, someone may as well have said to you, "Fly to the moon!" It's in fact the same; it feels impossible!
I am a world-class organizer! I love it, it comes easy for me and I have helped many people de-clutter and re-organize their homes, businesses and lives.
The month before I left on this current L.A. trip, I was in a major funk with Evolve to Live. I couldn't see my way of what appeared to be a brown paper bag with a twist tie on the end! Nothing was coming together. My business coach was trying to keep my on track, but I was in a cycle, a major funky cycle!
I got in my car, a place of clarity for me, and as I drove to the Big O.C., (Southern Cal), it suddenly became clear. "Pati, you're looking for a job or at least a means of income, I'm going to hire you to project manage Evolve to Live! Who better? You're top in organization, you believe in the product and you have great ideas!" I proceeded to write a letter to myself telling me why I AM PERFECT for this job!
I continued, "Your duties will include Project Managing ETL, The Umbrella. Under which you will be managing 4 teams and I named them. As the PM, you are responsible to make sure that all of the teams get their work in on time and to you so that you can compile all the information on the web, newsletters etc. Each department will work one day a week and be off the rest of the time.
Once I broke it down like this, it became clear and easy. I made a list for all departments, including what they are to accomplish on their day in the office.
Whatever you may feel overwhelmed about in your life, just begin with a step.
When we owned 5 acres, I wanted to fence it. I didn't have the money, however, I did manage to set aside enough money each week to buy 10 metal t-posts and 2 wooden posts and I had my children help me set them each weekend. Eventually, it was ready for the wire, which I hired a handyman to help me put up.
It's by breaking things down that we're able to take the first step.
I love the line in the movie Out of Africa,
"Maybe God made the world round so that we wouldn't be able to see to far down the road."
If we can just see what the very first little baby step is, that is all we need to know in this moment. I promise you, the rest will reveal itself in due time.
Stand on the last brick on the path and simply wait for the next one to appear.
Enjoy the funk cycles along with the rest, because as with ALL things, this too shall pass!
Wednesday, August 22
difference between winning and losing is most often – not quitting.”
With so many people negating his dream, Walt Disney proved that he really
believed that he would win by not quitting. Think of the millions of
people who have enjoyed Disneyland and Disney World because of one man’s
determination that his dreams could come true. So how about making a
decision that will definitely affect your life, in a positive way, to never
quit moving towards your dream.
Every Wednesday, Willie reflects on two different quotes and sends them out in a newsletter called Wednesdays with Willie. This particular one was timely for me as I had just spoken to my ex-boss (visiting here in the states), and his first comment to me was "Why don't you get a job!" I said, "Who do you think you're talking to here? You know that's not going to happen! While you're in Ireland, you totally support my following my dream. In fact, you even said, "Go for it! Even if it doesn't happen, at least you'll know that you tried!" Now, you're back at your old parish and the only thing you have to say to me is "Get a job!"
It takes a lot of trust and courage to follow your heart. My business coach said, "What keeps you going?" I replied, "It's something from deep inside. It just doesn't feel right to give up. I can't see myself living any other way right now. I'd be unhappy."
MORE FROM WILLIE: Of course, the first thing you must do, if you haven’t already done so, is to create that dream. Your imagination is not tied to a hitching post, but rather is as free to run as you will allow it. So as part of creating a life that is even more fun, dream about what you really want to bring into your life, and then pick up the reins, point yourself in the right direction – and never, never quit. (If you'd like to get on Willie's email list for Wednesdays, email him at:
Monday, August 20
Last we left off, I had driven 4 hours to LA from AZ when I realized that I couldn't find my phone. When I went to look for it in my backpack where I usually keep all my technological paraphernalia.
Heading back to Tucson, I began to accept what I talk about, that everything is in Divine Order and I turned the car around, heading BACK to LA! Are you dizzy yet? This is what I call spinning in chaos!
Can't make up my mind, my perceived choiclessness keeps me in question!
However I moved through it quicker this time! It didn't even take 5 miles for me to relax into and make a conscious decision about what I was choosing. I choose to trust and continue on my journey as planned!
When I finally stopped for gas, I searched the car, wanting to be sure of what I had left behind. There down the side of my massage table I could see the top of my native american flute. Ah, that was in the backpack! After further digging, I discovered my computer:) I opened it up and signed into ICLOUD. I click the "Find my phone button," and it showed that it was in my car...somewhere!
The best part of the story? I was so happy that I had trusted myself and what I knew.
Can you imagine of my getting all the way back to AZ and THEN discovering that everything was in my car the whole time? Wow, major gratitude!
I made it to sunny So. Cal! Oh yeah, and I do have my technology with me so I guess I'll be working while away. (Which is when I work my best! ask my business coach:) Have a beautiful day!
Sunday, August 19
My new post is about technology, once again. However, it wasn't until just now that I remembered that I was having such an issue with electronics.
I got up at 2:30AM on Friday to leave for LA. (My new car has transmission issues, it doesn't like the heat! I forgot to tell it that we lived in AZ and traveled over passes whichever direction we were heading in!) I drove 4 hours, half way to my destination when I realized that I couldn't find my phone! It must be in my backpack. So next stop, I checked the back of my car. Couldn't find it easily on the top of my massage table where everything was sitting! HOLY SHIT! My phone, computer and all the journals for my next book, A Year in a Suitcase....they're all missing! OMG! Drive back 4 hours or not....that is the question!
I started rationalizing. I'm going to be away for 3 weeks! My computer is my business. How can I get by without it? I wanted to finish journal entries, now what? And no cell phone? How can I manage? There are no pay phones anywhere! I can't even call my phone to see if it is in the car! CRAP!
Ready to leave, spinning in chaos....I decide, I can't live for 3 weeks without technology so I get on the interstate, heading east, back to Tucson. Man, if I drive back for four hours, I'll hit the passes in the heat of the day. (Last time it took 2 extra hours to get home because my car went so slow). I'll eat 8 more hours of crap food and I wondered if I would even start out again as I didn't have to be there until Saturday evening, I was just going to the beach to play with my daughter and her friends.
A lightbulb went on: (I always gain clarity in my car!) Pati, why don't you practice what you talk about? Trusting, trusting you and in a Higher Power. Trusting that everything is always in Divine Order. Oh, yeah! I began to think. If I need a phone and computer while I'm away, it will appear. I can go to the Apple store, they can help me put a message of my phone that I'm away for 3 weeks. I can go to the library and use their computer. I know, I can pretend like the library is my office and I keep office hours, which may help to keep me focused!
I look for the next off ramp to turn around (10 miles away) beginnings! A huge sense of peace came over me....On the road this time! No technology!! No frustration! A real vacation!
I head back west and when it's time to get gas I decide to really search the car from top to bottom......(to be continued:)
cell phone,
trusting in higher power,
trusting in self
Wednesday, August 15
I'm trying to renew my application for the Apple store so that I can keep my phone app on it.....let's costs $99 a year. The phone app cost me $600 have it made...(a bargain) and I've sold 1! This is the second year of renewing! After several days trying to figure it out and Apple gives you an email buddy! Give me a friggin' break! Have you ever felt like throwing the phone threw the wall....I feel like smashing my computer! Or how about reaching through the ethers and strangling the person on the other end!
I'm so frustrated, and wondering if I should even renew it....wondering if I should even be doing any of what I'm doing! I know it's easy once you know how to do it, but I have to be shown, after all, I'm from Missouri, The Show Me State!
So now, I'm trying make a new email campaign to send out and the email address won't verify. What to do? They at least give you live person to chat with on line! What the hell? After 2 attempts, of doing as I have been instructed, I notice the little monkey at the top of the page says, "Pati, sometimes you gotta 'spress' yourself!" Even now....the damn computer wants to tell me what I want to say! It keeps changing the word 'spress'....leave me alone!
I had to laugh...I thought it said...."Sometimes you gotta suppress yourself!" I'm at a loss....feel like crying, screaming and kicking somebody! I'm going to the movies!
Tuesday, August 14
From my previous two posts you can see that I'm still energetically anyway, working with Benjamin Button, the healing dog who has come to help many of us learn to be children again, enjoying life and having fun.
I'm going to share with you my last two correspondence with my shaman just so you have an idea of what I'm talking about when I refer to her work.
I had contacted her because I couldn't stop crying. One of the wounds that I am healing is from abuse which is where choicelessness stems from. (Abuse comes in many forms, from sexual, physical, emotional and even neglect.)
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A shaman is someone who works between both worlds, using Spirit Support as a resource for healing. |
WITH THE CLEARING OUT. Keep surrendering, deeper and are on
the most perfect track here of peeling away all the mind chatter and doubts
that keep choicelessness the root of it all is choice....yay!!!!!
Time to remember, restore and reclaim choice in every cell of your being and
break the cycle of self abandonment that is fueled on its deepest level by
choicelessness. takes surrender to the pain, anger, resistance,
fear...let your tears wash it all away....then open, open, open to trust.
The choicelessness is stuck in your head and the vacillation fed by self doubt
keeps it there.....surrender it all....keep breathing and letting go.....really work this to the end...keep breath, opening (rest your awareness on the
heart), the out breath, surrendering, letting it all release .....give it
One more round with my shaman.
Trust the journey to unfold.....if you two
are to go another round he'll come back...sounds like you took care of being
clear with these people that if it doesn't work out to return your
gut if it prompts you to check in with them...surrender to the journey's unfoldment.
It took a full 24 hrs for me
to finally have worked through all the doubts and fears and to really know that
Benjamin is on assignment. He is exactly where he is supposed to be, with
exactly who he is supposed to be with for the next leg of his journey. And he
and the angels can do this without my interfering, thinking that I know what is
best. I don’t. It is simply my job to witness and trust.
The Mirror for myself: I too
am on assignment, that is the lifestyle that I’ve been called to, have said
yes to, and a lifestyle that I have chosen. And I am free to un-choose in any moment.
Will Benjamin and I actually
work together in the physical realm, not sure. Does it still hurt? Absolutely
(only when I think about him and his cute little face!) But what I also know is that he is still in my heart and that we will meet in the ethers and he
will be one of the guides who accompany me when I open to my Energy Work to
heal the world, one heart at a time, beginning with my own.
The work that I do embraces many different healing modalities, aqua massage and rising star energy healing are two that I draw upon. Feel free to contact me if you think you'd like to benefit from the power of Spirit Supported Healing.
Monday, August 13
Benjamin Button has been claimed as a healing dog and in the short time that I've had him, he's already had several assignments besides me. (See my previous blog about Benjamin)
I'm having a bit of trouble moving forward today, still in reflection and so I'm just going to share with you how the process of using all life as a mirror looks in case you may find it valuable in your life.
But, before I do that, I just want to say, that I KNOW that all is well with me and Benjamin. Still crying, still in bed, not really seeing any point to get out of bed, I asked for guidance and pulled an angel card, it was from Yvonne, the angel of pets. The short of it, "You have a special bond with animals. Your pets on earth and in heaven are being watched over by angels."
Benjamin as a mirror: He was a male, so I used him as a reflection of the male relationships in my life. He is loving and accepting of me just as I am. I have an Irish friend who it the same. I had to wonder do I just like men who don't like me and the ones who do....I push or send them away? Just noticing.
I noticed that I got very emotional whenever I would talk about how Benjamin reacted to loud voices or coward down to a raised hand. I was his advocate. (I was being the advocate for the little one in me who had no one to advocate for her in the past.) I would say, "The only discipline that he needs is just to be told." I had to get down to his level and softly say, "Benjamin come," and he did every time. But kept his distance at a raised body or voice. He responded to love and affection. A mirror for myself.
When I first got him, I could see how I really felt about being in relationship. "I don't want to have to answer to you! I don't want to come home before I'm ready. I don't want to feel guilty that you're home and I'm not!" All areas in my past life that I got an opportunity to re-look at. But even more than that, I was able to know that he was safe and provided for at home and I got over feeling like I had to hurry home, something that I had done in my past life. (Which causes anger; saying yes when I meant no.)
I was able to see where I possibly still think more of men than myself. (I was raised this way.) I was so concerned that Benjamin get a good home, that I wondered if I had abandoned myself in what was best for me. Just wondering. But then, was giving him a new home best for us both?
The last time I cried like this was when a male friend came to visit and left earlier than expected. This of course I took personally as one of my wounds if from the masculine. I was able to see how I may continue to "I'll leave you before you can leave me!" It's funny, it seems to hurt the same.
Benjamin showed me how to take time for my own self-care in the middle of life. We stopped, took bike rides, walks etc, and there still seemed to be time to complete my work. (Something I talk about but have trouble putting into practice.)
Benjamin showed me how to take time for my own self-care in the middle of life. We stopped, took bike rides, walks etc, and there still seemed to be time to complete my work. (Something I talk about but have trouble putting into practice.)
I've been writing for the past month about the mirror of Benjamin, but you get the idea. And this method of seeing ourselves more clearly can be used with anything.
I have spent many hours and tears in what I call 'tuition' for higher education. Yes, he cost me money, something I couldn't afford if looked at logically. But I still haven't missed any meals. And what education is free?
Maybe the day is well spent, even if I do stay in bed, reflect, feel, do breath work to heal the places that have been revealed to me. And embrace the life lessons that I received from Benjamin; remaining in gratitude for what he's given to me, I to him and the support from Spirit assuring all is well.
Sunday, August 12
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Benjamin Button (Beau) riding in his bicycle basket |
"Out beyond
ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. (A field free from
judgment, especially self-judgment) I will meet you there..."Rumi
The words from the movie Out
of Africa, run through my head. Karen began her story with the sentence, “I had a farm, I had a farm in
Africa.” And for me, I had a dog, I had a dog named Benjamin, Benjamin Button. He was for me as the farm in Africa was for Karen, a place of love and growing.
My intention was to acquire a certified healing dog…and he came to heal me. He came to help heal my guarded heart. How do I know? I can feel it….I can feel it breaking as he drives away on the lap of his new owner who assures me that he's found his forever home.
There is an emptiness deep inside as the involuntary tears
run down my cheeks. It seems so funny to me that I had such a panty twist about getting him and a hard time
embracing ownership of being responsible for another. I was in constant contact with my shaman as I knew that it had little to do with getting a dog, but really what the mirror of getting a dog was for my life. My BFF had said that I hadn’t had him long enough to grow attached to
him. When you’re in love, time has no meaning.
Yes, we had our issues, (mostly mine). Like any new relationship, it takes time to get to know one
another. However, this AM as we lie in bed after his bath, (we went for a walk
along the Santa Cruz river….we’ll IN the Santa Cruz River,) and he had his
daily brushing and eye trimming, we just laid next to each other and for a moment, life was
Thank you to all who journeyed with me, those who supported my decision, those who thought it was crazy, stupid, what's wrong with you, etc. All I can say is that I was open to what I had intended and I could have missed the pain....but then...I'd have had to miss the dance! (Garth Brooks)
Have you been waiting on pins and needles wanting to know what the second thing that I observed from the confident 20 year old male, teaching us older folks hip hop?
You may have guessed it from my first sentence....confidence! He didn't need a piece of paper, a certificate or degree to feel like he had something to share with the rest of us.
He simply was sharing his passion, what he loved to do and he was being supported financially because he was following his calling, the gift that he brought into the world to share with others.
It's the movement that I talk about in my work, from the 1st to the 2nd Half of Life. The first half, head knowledge and The Shift, to the 2nd half, intuition, what we know. (Read more about this in my two books available of
Many from the older generations, including myself, have struggled, knowing that we too possess pieces of the puzzle of life, but feel like, well, have been told that, we need a piece of paper to prove it! It's absolute nonsense and this young man proved it.
Certainly there is a place for education, but that's not what I'm referring to here.
I watched this young man in awe of the poise that he carried about knowing that he had a gift to share and it's worth others supporting him in his passion!
What is your passion? What is the gift that you bring to share with the rest of us? Thank you for the courage to share it with us!
You may have guessed it from my first sentence....confidence! He didn't need a piece of paper, a certificate or degree to feel like he had something to share with the rest of us.
He simply was sharing his passion, what he loved to do and he was being supported financially because he was following his calling, the gift that he brought into the world to share with others.
It's the movement that I talk about in my work, from the 1st to the 2nd Half of Life. The first half, head knowledge and The Shift, to the 2nd half, intuition, what we know. (Read more about this in my two books available of
Many from the older generations, including myself, have struggled, knowing that we too possess pieces of the puzzle of life, but feel like, well, have been told that, we need a piece of paper to prove it! It's absolute nonsense and this young man proved it.
Certainly there is a place for education, but that's not what I'm referring to here.
I watched this young man in awe of the poise that he carried about knowing that he had a gift to share and it's worth others supporting him in his passion!
What is your passion? What is the gift that you bring to share with the rest of us? Thank you for the courage to share it with us!
1st and 2nd Half of Life,
head knoweldge,
hip hop,
the shift
Friday, August 10
A couple of things about the young 20 year old male teaching us older species hip hop caught my attention in class.
First: He had no intimidation about looking at himself in the mirror. It wasn't a conceited, look at me, just a comfortableness that he had with himself. It seems to be a common trait in this younger generation.
Many of us from my generation struggle with low self-esteem and self-image issues. I know in exercise/dance classes, where they have that really big mirror completely across one wall, many of us take the back row, just like at church, the back seats fill up first!
I notice for myself when I was attending Bikram Yoga, (Really hot yoga:) you are encouraged to connect with yourself in the mirror.
Well, first of all, I can't see that far, so a blurry outline of myself is a little easier to take than actually looking myself in the eye for an hour and a half.
One of the energy treatments that I was given while learning to become real, (read more about this in my books) was that I was to look and touch myself in the mirror. I was then treated for self acceptance. To embrace me, all of me, exactly how I am, body, mind and spirit! I'm still working on it!
I found myself really admiring this young man for the self confidence that he projected. I'm going to try and incorporate that into my life.
Now, you want to know what else I noticed....stay tuned!
Thursday, August 9
Hip Hop - The goal? To SMILE!
Hip age 59...are you kid din' me? I had an interest in taking hip hop at the end of the snow bird season here in Tubac last year, but there wasn't enough interest to have a class.
When I returned home from my recent time away, I was pleased to see that I could attend at least two of the new classes that were forming once a week.
One middle aged man had the courage to join the class! Kudos! He came to see if it would be a good exercise program for him.
He was pretty lost and his position behind the young 20 year old teacher was off to the side and so it wasn't too easy for him to see and follow him. (I've been there!)
At the break he asked me what my goal was for attending this class. I just smiled and said, "My goal is to smile!" and smile for an hour I did!
Did I feel uncoordinated and dense? You betcha! But, it just added to the joy of just simply playing!
I hope when something catches your attention and you have an opportunity to just smile.....I hope you take it!
When I returned home from my recent time away, I was pleased to see that I could attend at least two of the new classes that were forming once a week.
One middle aged man had the courage to join the class! Kudos! He came to see if it would be a good exercise program for him.
He was pretty lost and his position behind the young 20 year old teacher was off to the side and so it wasn't too easy for him to see and follow him. (I've been there!)
At the break he asked me what my goal was for attending this class. I just smiled and said, "My goal is to smile!" and smile for an hour I did!
Did I feel uncoordinated and dense? You betcha! But, it just added to the joy of just simply playing!
I hope when something catches your attention and you have an opportunity to just smile.....I hope you take it!
hip hop,
The 3 P' two cousins and myself....on the road again. I just returned from a short trip to Kansas to visit Auntie Em and Toto....well, my aunt and my cousins dog Benny, but close enough!
One of my cousins just found her way back to the clan after a long search for her relations. We realized all our names began with the letter P and so we were named The 3 P's!
I wanted to see, my family and the flight was an amazing $125....I knew it was time to go! But I especially wanted to see my aunt and uncle who have had to split living areas after 64 years of marriage because my aunt needs assisted care for now.
The big bonus was a girls road fave! Especially because I got the back seat all to myself!
We headed down to southern Mo, past the Precious Moments attraction, (You know, those cute little figurines that used to be really popular and are a bit less popular now.), all the way to West Plains, nearly to Arkansas. We spent the night there, saw my brother and his family the next day and headed to the Ozarks! My dad had a canoe rental business on the Eleven Point River and we used to vacation in the Ozarks when we were younger.
We stayed at the Lodge of the Four Seasons. It was totally cool! A thunder/lightning/rain storm blew through and I slept out on the back deck. They are having a drought and high temperatures and so the rain was lovely. I got to swish both cousins in the water with my newly acquired aqua massage techniques!
We headed back north where I was privileged to be with my cousins children....young adults, getting ready for their first Saturn Return (Shamanic Astrology), which means they're beginning to wonder, "What's it all about, Alphie!" I loved my time with them. They're so interested and eager to learn new things!
Last stop, my dad's sister who is 82 and lives near the airport. She's this petite little lady and even at age 82, she is a clown....literally, she belongs to a clown club where they go to hospitals and things! She is a crossing guard (in front of her house and looks so cute in her uniform), she volunteers at the hospital and church. She's amazing! Up until last year, she mowed her own acreage on her riding lawn mower!
My family is the best! Thank you for your warm generous hospitality, love and support! I love you! Yes you too Cousin Allen....get over it!
One of my cousins just found her way back to the clan after a long search for her relations. We realized all our names began with the letter P and so we were named The 3 P's!
I wanted to see, my family and the flight was an amazing $125....I knew it was time to go! But I especially wanted to see my aunt and uncle who have had to split living areas after 64 years of marriage because my aunt needs assisted care for now.
The big bonus was a girls road fave! Especially because I got the back seat all to myself!
We stayed at the Lodge of the Four Seasons. It was totally cool! A thunder/lightning/rain storm blew through and I slept out on the back deck. They are having a drought and high temperatures and so the rain was lovely. I got to swish both cousins in the water with my newly acquired aqua massage techniques!
We headed back north where I was privileged to be with my cousins children....young adults, getting ready for their first Saturn Return (Shamanic Astrology), which means they're beginning to wonder, "What's it all about, Alphie!" I loved my time with them. They're so interested and eager to learn new things!
Last stop, my dad's sister who is 82 and lives near the airport. She's this petite little lady and even at age 82, she is a clown....literally, she belongs to a clown club where they go to hospitals and things! She is a crossing guard (in front of her house and looks so cute in her uniform), she volunteers at the hospital and church. She's amazing! Up until last year, she mowed her own acreage on her riding lawn mower!
My family is the best! Thank you for your warm generous hospitality, love and support! I love you! Yes you too Cousin Allen....get over it!
lake of the ozarks,
road trip,
thunder storm,
west plains
Wednesday, August 1
Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon! Aug 1, 2012
I don't know about anyone else, but the last few weeks have been less than blissful in my life! I'm told by my astrologer friends that August is the break! Hallelujah! I try to spare most of my friends my tales of :(, but it sometimes is hard to keep a secret. Anyway, the good news is we have a reprieve! This is an intense year energetically for personal growth and learning to live consciously. Here is a blurp from Simone's Blog. You can read it all if you're interested. For me, I'm looking forward to a bit of lightness in my life!
Aquarius is the sign of kindness, community and
friendship. Now we tap into the Greater Mind in which we are all one, and
celebrate our diversity. Today is also Lammas, the first cross-quarter festival
of the waning year, in which our ancestors gave thanks for summer’s abundance
now that the season is halfway over, and celebrated the year’s first harvest.
It hasn’t been an easy year so far for many of us, with
endless retrogrades and the chaotic Uranus-Pluto square (set ablaze by Mars
just prior to the Batman shooting). Yet we have to remember that humanity is in
the midst of a major shift in consciousness as we birth the Aquarian Age.
Birth, like death, can be messy and painful. As we feel
others’ anguish, our hearts expand. And we take a step closer to unity in this
seemingly random world we live in.
As the Moon in intelligent Aquarius balances with the Sun in
heart-centered Leo, today’s Full Moon (Aug. 1, 8:27 p.m. PDT) hooks up
beautifully with open-minded Uranus and optimistic Jupiter. Enjoy a respite
from recent worries. Be kind to a stranger. Take a deep breath and know that
all is well.
Meet me at the moon this eve...I'll be the one dancing!!
Aquarius Full Moon,
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