OK, the first step to begin living the life you want is to decide what it is that you want. (Probably the hardest thing.)
Then the next step is having the courage to let go of what you have in order to get what you want.
A couple of recent examples:
My daughter wanted to pursue a career refereeing basketball. In order to follow that dream, she let go of her things and place in the bay area and moved only what she could fit into her honda civic. (Less a seat for me and my backpack!) After 5 years of perfecting her skill, she knew to advance further, she needed to move back to the west coast. Once again, she let go of everything familiar in order for that to happen.
Because she knew what she wanted and had the courage to let go of the familiar she now has been offered 3 contracts for the next year. When she came to the west coast, she didn’t know how things would work out. She had to trust that God/the Universe had her best interest in mind.
My other daughter and her husband, not knowing what they wanted, decided to find out and head out for the summer ‘vision questing,’ letting life unfold for them. She had the courage to quit her job, (he’s a school teacher) and they let their apartment go, along with most of their belongs. The rest they put into storage and have been living the summer following their hearts, living between their VW camper bus and their sailboat on the Columbia River. Vision Questing is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get, who’s going to show up and where you will end up!
In order to move forward in life, we have to let go of our ideas, our perception of things and of trying to control everything. Certainly it’s not everyone’s journey to live of life of dramatic change. But I believe that it is a part of everyone’s journey to follow their own intuition, heart and dreams.
Ask yourself:
What do you spend most of your time and energy trying to control? Would would happen if you let go?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Be honest and THINK BIG! DREAM THE UNIMAGINABLE, THE IMPOSSIBLE!! HAPPY CREATING!!
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