Just got back to AZ from 10 days in Huntington Beach and I had wanted to share with you Simone Butler’s Astrology Alchemy blog. While I’m a couple of days away from setting the intention on the New Moon, remember that energy follows intention and so you can decide right now, what it is that you want to accomplish in the next few weeks.
I’ve spent the last few weeks spinning a bit and feeling a bit overwhelmed with completion of some projects to accompany the new book, GPS for Living, A Practical Guide for Surviving Change. Not only the book, but also the phone app and calendar that go along with the book. I had a wonderful time at the beach where feelings and self-evaluation had room to emerge and I was able to get some energy treatments as well.
Read from Simone and see how the movement of the stars and planets may be affecting your life. I did notice the 10 days I was gone how the sun has made a dramatic shift south...change is in the air.....
From Simone:
While the Sun is in earthy Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) we hone in on details, refurbish our nest, redefine our work and take better care of ourselves. The Aug. 28 Virgo New Moon is the perfect time to launch a clutter-bust or commit to a hearth or health makeover. The New Moon's trine to Pluto in Capricorn lends potency, wisdom and efficiency. And, trickster Mercury will have just turned direct on Aug. 26, greasing the wheels of progress after a stressful three-week retrograde. If you need to make an important purchase or begin a creative project, the New Moon energies along with a beautiful Venus/Jupiter trine on Aug. 29 are ideal.
September promises calm and productivity. It's a month for purging old habits and detritus from our bodies, minds and homes, and moving ahead. In Virgo, we tap into Sacred Vulture medicine. Native traditions tell us that Vulture feeds on the remains of the dead, clearing away the past and releasing karmic patterns. Vulture swoops down to clean up filth and corruption on Earth, helping us do the same in our personal lives.
Transformational Pluto, retrograde since early April, turns direct on Sept. 16, bringing power and punch to our efforts at reform. My home renovation began in April; Pluto's forward turn triggers its completion. Whatever you've been working on or struggling with since April should also come to fruition. Set your intention at the August 28 New Moon. Call on Sacred Vulture to help you purge the past and move forward. http://www.astroalchemy.com/thismonth.html
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