After a recent Energy Symposium that I attended, where I became reacquainted with the Amega Energy Healing Wand, when the demonstration was about retraining your face muscles for a natural face lift. Since then I’ve been running around wanding everyone and everything trying to see how and if it really works. (It does).
Like in the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, when the father’s believed that Windex would cure anything, that’s how I’ve been with my new wand. When anyone has a pain, I say, “Let’s wand it!” I babysat my friend’s dog who totally wigs out during the monsoons. His behavior during these storms has dramatically changed. He’s even slept through a couple! (This was a dog who ate my friend’s bed and tore apart his computer during a monsoon.)
My new wand has been named TOWANDA!, after the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, where a middle aged housewife begins finding her own personal power from stories she’s been hearing from a new old lady in a rest home.
Looking up the meaning, towanda a word used to express extreme excitement while doing something exciting and crazy!
I’ve been involved indirectly with the art of energy healing for the past 27 years because of the allergies of one of my daughter’s. I’ve witnessed many (seemingly) miracles. I became a Rising Star Energy Practitioner (much like Reiki). Energy Healing calls upon Divine Energy and the healing happens between the client and God/Source/The Universe, the practitioner is just the conduit, the channel for this Divine Energy to flow.
I feel like Harry Potter! The next time that i’m around, I’d love to introduce you to my new friend, Towanda!
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