Since I’ve been at the beach I’ve had some lovely company. My daughter, her husband and their family and friends have stopped by. I’ve enjoyed the distraction from my projects.
Now that everyone is gone, I find myself, in a funk and I can’t exactly place my finger on what it is...I’m at the beach for heaven’s sake! Walks, swimming and lying in the sand...or better yet, taking advantage of my private deck on top of the house that I’m sitting for.
Ah, once again, I’m alone with myself.....and the completion on my next projects. I’m to read the final edit on GPS for Living....I hate that! I don’t want to read it one more time....already I would change many things! My first talk is due in just about 2 weeks, what is my resistance to working on that? I just wrote to the Amega Global company and told them I wanted to be a spokesperson for their product...the amazing energy wand and help them develop a self-care program.....I went to the internet and saw that they are working on a self-care project with the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul!
I drag myself back to the moment and call my sister. She’s free and comes for a visit. I use the wand on her knee that just had surgery several weeks ago...she said the bend is 90% better than when she arrived. I did a little mini facial, she said she could see the lines above her mouth were not as deep and her skin was brighter, more freckles:)
Knowing that nothing I create is ever good enough, I’m grateful for the fact that I know, The Show Must Go On....no matter what I would do differently or change or fix.....let it go, it’s what it is and I complete my work with love and blessings that they will be a benefit to others....now, off for a walk to the beach before I tackle my next project. Happy End of Summer!!!
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