Recently I talked about how on the road to achieving our dreams, something happens, we’ve been let go or our house falls out of escrow, shattering our plans and that we just need to stay vigilant to reach our final outcome.
What becomes hard in these apparent adverse situations is to trust that they have been orchestrated for our highest good. Timing seems to a major factor in the final outcome of our plans. You may remember the old saying, WE PLAN AND GOD LAUGHS!
Changing up the energy of where you are physically, can help with staying in a place of expansion rather than reverting to contraction, which is what many of us are familiar with. Like when the stock market goes down, the first thing that we are advised to do is to ‘stop spending,’ which stops the flow of prosperity. When a whole country does this you can imagine the final outcome.
It is a friend of mine who has modeled for me over the years what expansion during apparent adverse times looks like. She tells one story where she and her husband were down to their last $5,000 and there were no jobs offers coming in for him. (He is a consultant.) She suggested, much to his dismay, that they take their last financial resources and go on vacation. “I promise you, honey, when we return, you have have many offers to choose from!” she assured him. So they flew first class and went for 2 weeks to Europe. True to her promise, when they returned, he did have several offers to choose from.
It’s been my experience that when we can change up the energy, physically, thinking in an expanding mode becomes easier and makes the space for things to move. The challenge for me continues to be, can I stay in expansion even when I can’t see how things will manifest, when life doesn’t follow Plan A, B and C?
In the recent sell of my house, I just found out that the buyers changed their minds (because of health issues). This brings with it for me, another round of unwinding trust issues. Rather than clamping down the lid on the plans that I have made to move ETL forward, can I continue my movements towards expansion even when I don’t know exactly how they will be able to manifest? Can I move forward trusting that God sees the bigger picture? We don’t know how things all fit together. Most times we are on a ‘need to know’ basis. We know what we know, when we need to know it.
What I do know is that it isn’t about selling the house, it’s the journey along the way of selling the house. Not getting stuck or hung up on any one issue.....for instance the price....but to simply go inside, check in with myself and see if it ‘feels’ right every step of the way. If I have questions or doubts, to address them with those whom I’ve hired to represent me.
The practice in all of this for me is to go inside in each moment and see what is the correct thing for me, letting go of any well laid out plans that I may have conjured up and to trust that I will know what the next step is when I pay attention to my inner knowing. That I need not be discouraged and that I only need to feel into expansion and not remain stuck in contraction.
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