I’m in Salt Lake City and heading back to over 100 degree temperatures tonight. I thought it was interesting that my confirmation number begins with GPS...GPSX7B.
Again, I haven’t had any vacations for quite awhile. These trips are vision quests. As Forrest Gump puts it," Life (Vision Quest) is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” An important part of Vision Questing is not only taking time during the time away, but also after, to check in with myself. It’s important for me to take time for reflection to see how far I’ve come and where I still need to heal and where the refinement of skills are still needed on my personal journey.
The questions I’m asking myself. How did I do on this trip? Where was reaction and resistance emerging? Where was the brat running the show? Did I allow the wise parents to rise up and love her? Did I allow the wise parents to reassure her in her panty twists, that everything was going to be ok, that they had her back? Where did I still loose myself? As a friend recently put it, “I don’t want to inflict myself on anyone. (Definitely still a place for healing, codependency still alive and well.) Who inside me still needs outside approval, wants to fit in and who am I still seeking acceptance from? Where did I give away my power? Where did I live unconsciously, reverting back to old patterns and habits?
Conversely, I also need to remember how I was supported and rejuvenated. How from the very beginning the trip went smoothly. (When I arrived in Oakland, the billboards and angel numbers were amazing.)
Where had I grown and where had I stretched myself? Where was I joyful, full of love and light? Where had I allowed fun and excitement to enter into my soul?
By my answering the call of the Yuba, (through resistance) gave me a sense of replenishment, just by being in its energy. (The water was too high and too swift for swimming. Something very unusual for this time of year.) By driving in my daughter’s new red VW Eos (The Greek Goddess of the Dawn) convertible the cobwebs were cleared from my head. And riding a horse and just being around the baby horse helped me to regain a new zeal for live once again.
After having dinner at a mexican restaurant, I had a new vision for a property that I have my eye on in Tubac. And as my shaman friend pointed out, having several opportunities to work in Tubac, that Arizona is calling me back, just in this moment. So from Salt Lake City, I’m on the road again! Happy Summer!
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