Boundaries, Clear, direct, communication or self-care. Usually situations in my life seem to fall into one of these categories. I think of these situations as the refiner’s fire, simply more practice in perfecting these skills in my life.
I had an opportunity to work on my clear, direct communication yesterday with a friend. He was telling me about an email that he had sent to his sister about the possibly of getting a new door on her garage. The window had been broken and needed repair. My friend thought that getting a new door without a window would be a good solution for her, however when she didn’t respond to his email, he assumed, she didn’t want to go that route.
I picked up on the word, assumed and said that in this day of modern technology, and his assuming, he should assume that she hadn’t gotten his email and should call her to clarify. One thing led to another and we we ended up in a conversation that was going no where.
I found myself ending the conversation because he was getting irritated. I was reminded to stand in my truth when I walked by a license plate that read PESKY 4. For me, it was a reminder from Spirit. The number 4 is angel support. The angels were telling me, it’s ok to be pesky. Just say what is true for you. The panty twist that another has, is simply your gift to them. An opportunity for them to see themselves more clearly...and visa versa.
I said, "Well, anyway, do me a favor. If that happens to us in our friendship, don’t assume anything. Give me the benefit of the doubt and please call me and ask me for clarification.”
Don’t assume anything, is one of the 4 Agreements, by Miguel Ruiz. 1. Be impeccable with your word 2. Don’t take anything personally 3. Don’t make assumptions and 4. Always do your best.
The old saying about the word assume....it makes an ass out of u and me....
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