Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. We sometimes forget the fact that people and their opinions are very small in the bigger scheme of things. We act as though they are as big as the ocean and yet they are simply a drop of water in the ocean. When you see it on a scale like that, the opinion of another hardly matters.
At times in our lives, especially when we dare to live outside the lines that have been drawn for us by our society, we’re going to hear the opinions of others, if we’ve asked for them or not.
I decided to look up the word opinion. 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. Doesn’t sound like an opinion has much value does it.
When we have the courage to follow our gut instincts and know that it is time for a walkabout or vision quest in our lives; a yearning to discover who we are, deep within our souls, it can be confusing to others who don’t understand or have the courage to say Yes to the unknown.
It is then that we simply have to stand in our knowing that the path that we’ve chosen will be in complete and full alignment with the cycles of our life and the journey that our soul is on. Trusting that we will be fully supported by God knowing that we are cradled in the Universal Flow of love and energy.
It is great to listen to the experiences that another has to share, that’s part of the learning process. However, the only opinion that matters is YOURS!
Happy Trails!
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