One of the things that I talk about in my work, which of course is just a mirror for my life, is learning to let go. I’ve often said that “You get as many opportunities and as much pain as you need until you get the lesson!” I can give example after example about this, but I’ll use my most current situation.
I’m having trouble letting go of the Riverbend Retreat Cottage. It’s really all that I have left of my previous life, so what keeps me hanging onto it? I ask myself the questions that I use in making decisions in my life. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? What would you do if it weren’t about money? I’d sell...on both counts! In a heartbeat, without a doubt!
Feeling like I’m finished living in Grass Valley, I wonder what keeps me hanging on. The money. It was wonderful the first two years while I was traveling, however, I feel a bit more stable (for now) and even have a few job opportunities. The house no longer is stress free. I have to constantly be on top of getting the rent. So, finally, I hired a property management company, thinking that it would be less stressful for me. NOT!
After doing that, the cottage has quickly become the house from hell. Continued (actually worse) issues with the rent and now issues with the property management company. Certainly I have to take a look at my contribution to the equation of dysfunction.
Others around me have been witnessing as things began to get a bit rough. Many times I’ve thought about selling, but just kind of skirted the issues, trying other options. As many people think that I should keep it as think that I should sell. As much as a financial decision, for me, it is also about wanting to stay in alignment with my personal journey.
I was telling my daughter about the latest episode with all of this and she, (being one of the cheerleaders for selling) said, “Hmmmm, your gentle nudges are quickly becoming body slams! Let Go!
She was with me as we were driving from Oakland to Grass Valley recently and I was on the phone with someone I counsel with. I kept seeing ‘signs’. The phone number on the billboard, 864.3333 - 9, the first 3 numbers is completion. The 3’s for me, was a sign of ultimate support from Spirit. 8888 was the address that we saw 4 different times, on different sides of the building. 4 of anything is a signal that someone is trying to get our attention. 8 means prosperity, and then the dolphin and rainbow billboard. The dolphin energy was instrumental in Evolve to Live moving into a business. The rainbow...well, it speaks for itself.
I know, a person can read the signs anyway that they want. But, that’s the point. What do they mean to you, personally. For me in this instance, I just continue to waver back and forth, with a bad case of the ‘What if’s?’. What if I sell? What if I don’t? It’s not a good time to sell in the market, or is it?
Things are no longer flowing smoothly with this little cottage. Everything is a struggle. From getting the rent to hiring people to help me. I don’t know, maybe I need a couple more slams before I can really get it!
The point is to let go sooner than later. Less pain, more peace.....
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