Tuesday, March 30
Friday, March 26

YOU CAN DO IT! Evolve to Live; Publishing Division

Thursday, March 18
Thursday, March 11
Here I am, nearly ending this leg of the journey here in Arizona and the anxiety begins to creep in once again. The good news is that I now recognize the panty twist that comes along with the unknown in my life. On this year journey of saying ‘yes’ to what shows up, I’m getting pretty good at ‘settling in.’ It’s when each part ends that I begin to squirm. I can say, the twists are less in intensity and duration, nevertheless, they still rear their ugly little heads signaling more trust and healing needs to take place.
Speaking with one of my daughter’s this morning; she was able to put it all into perspective for me. “Mom, it sounds like you’re playing a game of musical chairs! You’re just fixating on moving from one chair to the next with the goal being sitting your butt in a chair! How about enjoying the music along the way. If there’s no chair left when you arrive, well then, another door will open up! Deal with it then! Stay present in the moment, you're in Arizona today." Don't you love it when you're children are smarter than you!
What I know that in living in the moment; I don’t have to know anything except what is here and now…and that would be bed! Sleep with the angels, dear girls!
Sunday, March 7

You really can have it all. I realized this in Ireland when I was in the small town of Killarney with 3 detailed things on my list to find. It took awhile, but when I found the last one, a very specific hot water bottle, I remember thinking, “Wow, you really can have it all!”
I have been telling my friend about this phenomenon. The tricky part is to know what it is that you want and then to be specific.
I had been looking a town homes in a resort area in Arizona and I said, “I like everything but, this and this.” My friend said, “Well, now you see what I have been telling you all along, you have to compromise!” Well that got my dander up big time! Remembering back to Ireland, I said, “That is absolutely not true! We can have it all!” From where to live to relationships and anything inbetween! If you can think it up. It’s there for you!
And in this case, my friend was buying a house in Arizona. We had been looking for over a year, and much to both our surprise, this trip, she got it all! Down to an incredible view of the Santa Rita Mountains, from her dining room and back yard, to east sun coming in her bedroom window in the mornings and absolutely everything that was on her list.
Yesterday morning, she mentioned, she had wanted a territorial style house, one with the flat roof. “When you’re putting out there, what it is that you want, I always add; “This or something better!” Now God is not on the spot!
A Garth Brooks song comes to mind; “Sometimes I thank God, for unanswered prayers!” My friend got a really great looking house. I said, “Perhaps, by not getting the flat roof, you were spared extra maintenance in the future.”
Saturday, March 6
Self Care....Creating your own space!

This Year in a Suitcase journey, sometimes feels a bit unsettling to me. As I read back on my goals I set on my birthday this year, one was to have a place to come home to between traveling. I remembered back when my life was in major transition and my friend Ernie, helped me set some goals on my 50th birthday. The first one, “Create a place to call home, and it can’t be your job.”
I am noticing this is an issue for several others in my life. My friend, I am in Arizona with moved out of her home, bought a motor home and was going to travel for 1 year. It’s been 8 months and she’s looking for some ‘roots’. We set a goal for her, “Create a place to call home, and it can’t be your motorhome!”
I just spoke to my young adult daughter on the phone; recently married, she too is looking for a space of her own. And then my sister, married 30 years, has bought some property in the desert for retirement. She feels bad because she wants a place with 2 master suites. She thinks it’s selfish. I on the other hand think it’s very wise to have your own space, it models for others good boundaries and it’s great self care. You remember the old saying, “When mom ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”
In my marriage of 30 years, if I had claimed some space for myself instead of giving up everything for everyone else, (the martyr syndrome) I would probably still be married.
Motto: Take care of yourself. What is best for you, is best for those around you. Here’s to your health! Great Boundaries! PS....Chris just bought her new digs today!
Friday, March 5
Wednesday, March 3
Monday, March 1