This Year in a Suitcase journey, sometimes feels a bit unsettling to me. As I read back on my goals I set on my birthday this year, one was to have a place to come home to between traveling. I remembered back when my life was in major transition and my friend Ernie, helped me set some goals on my 50th birthday. The first one, “Create a place to call home, and it can’t be your job.”
I am noticing this is an issue for several others in my life. My friend, I am in Arizona with moved out of her home, bought a motor home and was going to travel for 1 year. It’s been 8 months and she’s looking for some ‘roots’. We set a goal for her, “Create a place to call home, and it can’t be your motorhome!”
I just spoke to my young adult daughter on the phone; recently married, she too is looking for a space of her own. And then my sister, married 30 years, has bought some property in the desert for retirement. She feels bad because she wants a place with 2 master suites. She thinks it’s selfish. I on the other hand think it’s very wise to have your own space, it models for others good boundaries and it’s great self care. You remember the old saying, “When mom ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”
In my marriage of 30 years, if I had claimed some space for myself instead of giving up everything for everyone else, (the martyr syndrome) I would probably still be married.
Motto: Take care of yourself. What is best for you, is best for those around you. Here’s to your health! Great Boundaries! PS....Chris just bought her new digs today!
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