I was having trouble trying to decide if I should publish my first book with a 'supported self publishing company' or to publish it myself. I had my regular 'panty-twists, (as you all know) trying to decide what to do. In this discerning process, I began making my famous list! I decided to share it with you, just in case you're wanting to become your own entrepreneur! A couple of the benefits of taking a chance and moving forward with your dreams are: 1. It gives others a creative space to show-case their talents and share their creative ideas, and 2. hopefully, it will give others the opportunity for employment! (Eventually!:) 3. Why give your profits to another company when you don't really need their services. 4. You may become so successful that you're able to help the world, the planet or whatever pet passion you possess. And then finally number 5. What ever happens...at least you tried!
While doing the research and trying to figure out all the little details, can be trying, but also rewarding as you're gaining knowledge and learning something new. By breaking things down, step by step, the overwhelming feelings seem to subside and clarity begins to emerge. (Until the next panty-twist!) Happy Weekend!
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