Since I can't upload my paragliding video...(yet) jumping off a cliff in Peru for my 57th birthday...here is a picture of one of my favorite places in Ireland The Dingle Harbor. When I start putting the book A YEAR IN A SUITCASE together, there will be lots of fun things to see. But for now, I've spent several days trying to get ready to publish WAITING TO DIE...IS BULLSHIT! And although I take one gi-normous step forward one day, the very next day I feel like crawling in a hole because nothing is right! However, the good news, after many hours, I've figured out about ISBN; Library of Congress number and Bar Codes!
I kept thinking back when we had decided to build an in ground swimming pool. I talked with several contractors, no one wanted to deal with moving the underground utility lines in the back yard. I researched it, my dad and I dug (by hand; ours and 4 pairs of little hands) across the entire length of the back yard, a new trench. The utility company came and moved the lines, for free, I might add and now all the contractors wanted to build the pool! Crap! I already did all the hard work, No, thank you, I'll do it myself! Which I did....same thing seems to be happening with the publishing of the book. New Publishing Co. Evolve to Live....Publishing Division!
cool cool photo! I love it. dt