You really can have it all. I realized this in Ireland when I was in the small town of Killarney with 3 detailed things on my list to find. It took awhile, but when I found the last one, a very specific hot water bottle, I remember thinking, “Wow, you really can have it all!”
I have been telling my friend about this phenomenon. The tricky part is to know what it is that you want and then to be specific.
I had been looking a town homes in a resort area in Arizona and I said, “I like everything but, this and this.” My friend said, “Well, now you see what I have been telling you all along, you have to compromise!” Well that got my dander up big time! Remembering back to Ireland, I said, “That is absolutely not true! We can have it all!” From where to live to relationships and anything inbetween! If you can think it up. It’s there for you!
And in this case, my friend was buying a house in Arizona. We had been looking for over a year, and much to both our surprise, this trip, she got it all! Down to an incredible view of the Santa Rita Mountains, from her dining room and back yard, to east sun coming in her bedroom window in the mornings and absolutely everything that was on her list.
Yesterday morning, she mentioned, she had wanted a territorial style house, one with the flat roof. “When you’re putting out there, what it is that you want, I always add; “This or something better!” Now God is not on the spot!
A Garth Brooks song comes to mind; “Sometimes I thank God, for unanswered prayers!” My friend got a really great looking house. I said, “Perhaps, by not getting the flat roof, you were spared extra maintenance in the future.”
Hi great to see the blogging rolling out again! cheers, deb