Since ‘Life Happened,’ to me, I’ve really come to appreciate the major holidays. Not from my old perspective in life, but from where I currently am on my life’s path.
When my children were small, my parents were still alive and my siblings all lived close by, we enjoyed having the big family get-togethers. But as the years have passed and the family dynamics have changed, there was nothing for me to do but to change the way I moved through the holiday season, otherwise I was just depressed!
It has become a time for me of peace, tranquility and reflection. While living in Grass Valley, I would drive to Chico for Mass on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. ( I love to drive, I listen to God in the car! Otherwise I just order Him around!) The day before I would get a Grandma’s Turkey Sandwich from Starbuck’s and after Mass I would go to a cliff overlooking Lake Oroville. The sun was always shining and it was just me there enjoying the day, the bonus, the roads were empty! I loved driving through the grove of trees on the way there. I felt like they were hugging me! (It was a time in my life when no human could have done that for me!)
This Christmas, I traveled to Vancouver, WA, where all of my children and ex-husband will be gathering at my daughter’s.
My plane left at noon. Even though the plane was full, I was in the back and no one was in my row...so I had a nap:)!!! What a lovely present! I had a three hour layover in Vegas and enjoyed my time watching the people. Who was traveling on Christmas Day?
This Christmas and New Year’s time are everything that you’d like them to be in your life. I wish you love, joy, and laughter with whomever you choose to spend your time with. Thank you for being a part of my life.