I was speaking yesterday with my mentor, Author and Inspirational speaker, Terry Hershey, about how to write the talks for my two upcoming workshops that I’ve been invited to speak at. I asked, him how I should begin in the development of writing them. He said, “You begin at the end. What do you want them to take home with them?”
I am also reading a book by an author whom I just met, Build Your Dream, by Byron Thompson. He also talks about beginning at the end. How do you want your life to look in 5 years? Your business? Your personal life? Your relationships? Where you’re living? What classes you’re taking, etc.?
So, I just wanted to share with you, another way for manifesting the desires of your heart. Work backwards. What do you want? Then answer the question, How will you get it? What do you need to do to achieve it?
For example. What do you want? I want to have a healthy, toned body. How will you get it? By setting aside time each day to exercise. What exercises will you do and how long will you spend? The point is, it doesn’t matter what you do or how long you spend doing it. One minute spent on attaining your goal will get you that much closer to it. If you spend no time, you’ll get no results. The more time you spend, the quicker the results.
ETL (Evolve to Live) has the potential for moving fast right now! The ideas are coming quickly. And I have to consciously make a bit of time for each area that I’m wanting to develop if I want ETL to grow.
In the movie The Last Holiday, Queen Latifa, made a book and she called it Possibilities! We can all live a life of possibilities! The hardest part is dreaming BIG! Set aside a bit of time for the things that you’d like to see, do or become. HAPPY DREAMING!
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