I found the blog of Simone Butlers on Astrology (astroalchemy.com) interesting and so I thought that I would pass it along. I know from recent visits with Daniel Giomario, Shamanic Astrologer; that there is a lot of movement in the sky, much more than will be happening at what many refer to as, The End of the Mayan Calendar. (2012)
The following article really shows that we have Divine Support from many levels. All we have to do is to pay attention to what comes into our awareness. Things as simple as a series of numbers for example. The more there are in the series, the stronger the message: Pay Attention! Pay attention to what you’re thinking, reading or who comes to you mind. (You can find out more information from Doreen Virtue’s book on Angel numbers.)
"In the August issue of O Magazine, Trisha Coburn tells of a series of disturbing dreams in which ghostly figures tried to relay a message to her in a language she didn’t understand. Nothing was wrong in her life, she was happy and felt fine. Yet the dreams persisted, growing more urgent each time. So she had some blood tests – all clear. Then came a final dream, with two words in English: “Look deeper.”
Despite her doctor’s reluctance, Coburn scheduled a colonoscopy. A black mass appeared on the screen: an aggressive, fast-moving cancer. Immediate surgery saved Coburn’s life. If she had waited even two months longer, her prognosis would have been grim.
How perfect that Oprah’s issue spotlighting intuition would debut the week of the Capricorn Full Moon. Capricorn is about taking care of ourselves. And, it’s a sign connected to ancestral tradition. The ancestors have been whispering to us all month, ever since the July 1 solar eclipse. Now the Sun in maternal Cancer opposes the Moon in paternal Capricorn (Thursday the 14th at 11:40 p.m. PDT). The intuitive message grows more insistent."
So, pay attention to thoughts, wind chimes, anytime that you find your awareness acute, stop and ask, “Is there anything that I should know in this moment?” and don’t forget to add Thank You! I love you! and with that, I’ll sign off....and I LOVE YOU!
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