The goal is to have GPS for Living published by the first of August, in time for my first ‘official’ speaking engagement in September. Finally, yesterday, I got it all together and it’s off to my very talented layout girl. WOO HOO!
When I think back to when I decided that I wanted to publish a book and began with EVERYBODY WANTS TO GO TO HEAVEN, JUST NOT NOW! and now I’m completing the project of my second book, it seems a bit unreal.
Who would have thought that I would have been able to write and publish a book....and now two!
I’ve learned a lot, not only about the writing process but the lifestyle a writer leads. One who is in a creating mode leads a pretty reclusive life, which can be a breeding ground for loneliness.
A constant monitoring, of not only the project, but one’s emotions is necessary. Struggling to maintain some kind of balance in life is imperative and actually the journey.
While the project is off my desk for a small bit, it opens up the space to work on the marketing tools that need to be developed in order to sell the book. And the talks for the fall have to be developed, and, and, and.....
But for now, I’ll stop, breathe and enjoy the fact, that with the support and talents of many others, this project is now complete!
I want to thank all of you for you love, support, understanding and help during this very long process. I LOVE YOU!!!
Tomorrow I’m going to tell you how to get your creative project off the ground! Put on your thinking caps. What have you always wanted to do?
(PS. The picture is the cover of the book.)
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