I remember back when we had 5 acres and I wanted to fence it. I knew that I was never going to have enough extra cash to fence it all at one time. But I did know that I could break it into baby steps and it would eventually get done. Every Friday afternoon, I stopped at the hardware store and bought 10 T posts and 2 wooden posts. I had my children help me put them in the ground each weekend. Eventually, all the posts set. I then, hired someone to help me stretch the fencing across the poles. And viola! It was complete.
Whatever it is that we’re trying to create, it can easily be accomplished, just by breaking our projects into baby steps.
Maybe the hardest part is deciding what project that you’re wanting to complete. Just begin to write down thoughts that come into your head. Pay attention to things that inspire you. WRITE IT DOWN! (This seems to be very important!)
It is relatively easy to finish a project by using these simple steps.
1. Break it down into small baby steps. Don’t look too far ahead. Just do one thing at a time. The next thing will reveal itself to you. If you try to see the whole project, you can become stuck, overwhelmed.
2. Just one minute a day will move you towards the completion of your project.
One of the most important elements to completing your creation is to
3. Let go of perfectionism.
In trying to complete this last book, a friend suggested different options to save money on the cover. I knew that if I obsessed about the cover, it simply was a diversion for me, to my completing the project. And I was absolutely correct.
Wanting things to be perfect usually means that they are never finished, because everything can always be improved.
Do your best at the time and let it go.
4. Let go of your expectations. Have a map of how you want your ideas to be manifested. But then, remember, it is a creation and let your imagination and talents flow freely. Be surprised!!!
So, there you have it! Congratulations are in order! Be sure to pat yourself on the back!
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