Time once again to leave my comfort zone! UGH! Damn it anyway! The sun honored my intention for retreat space while in Chicago and only peeked its head out as my daughter was driving me to the airport. I’m happy with the progress I made on my next book....because I was held hostage! No car, no sun...no diversions! I arrived 5 hrs early at the airport, which was lovely. I find myself once again in the funk that I get into every time I make a shift. Wanting to stay in control, I didn’t want to check my bag, the one I bought the day I found out my dad was dying, especially for international carry-on status! (I had not even flown anywhere internationally when I bought this bag...with money I didn’t even have! I charged it!) I went through this big ordeal not to check my bag, leaving behind some honey I had brought from the dessert for my friend but the bag weighed over 22 lbs, (it weighs over 22 lbs with nothing in it!) so I had to check it anyway!
I have at least learned from my daughters....while at the airport....go to the bar! 1 Jameson later, and I’m doing ok. I wasn’t going to spend $ on a drink, but then watching a young girl; she just used her card....easy....! I love being around this younger generation!
This, round 2 of the same trip that I made several years previous, is kind of a graduation for me. I remember back to the nervous younger woman, whose daughters helped to gently push her out of the nest. She could only make little legs of a trip at a time. First Chicago. OK, how about Ireland, now...can you add Switzerland? This trip, I was able to totally pack into my 18” suitcase and backpack, without even trying to force things!
I remember back, sitting in the office of my priest friend with tears welling up in my eyes, “It’s easy for you! You speak 7 different languages! I had to ride the train, to the bus to the plane to the train and went through 2 different languages! Scary! YES! did I make it? Of course!
I still don’t know how things are going to unfold, but I trust for my highest good!
I have been looking forward to this trip to Chicago and Ireland (Switzerland, just sort of slipped in there) so I could get my shoes polished! Dang! No shoe shinning at the International Airport. Can you believe it!
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