I am writing about the beginning of this vision quest journey and at the bottom, talking about what’s happening for me now.
Carmel - My friend is in a funk this morning. He’s so ready to go back home. I told him that I would see (my friend’s uncle) UB at the new place he was going for some physical therapy and then I would see him Sunday morning before I left which gave him the peace to leave. I gave UB a book. At first he said he didn’t want to read it, then he found out I wrote it and he changed his mind. He gets very emotional when he talks about his ex wife. My friend and I tidied up UB’s condo, paid a few bills and then met a friend of his, who is the coordinator for the Alzheimer’s Association, at the beach, who was walking her daughter’s pet pig! We gave her a book.
My friend left for home in the afternoon and I went for another walk downtown and then to Carmel beach for sunset. This night, was very different from last night as there were many people waiting to bid good night to the sun. I met the most incredible tree! I’m seeing faces in most everything now, from nature to electronics! I had thought I would go downtown for another night of music but the night before was so perfect, I didn’t want to de disappointed from the magic of the previous night when my friend and I had the whole town practically to ourselves!
Still here in in Chicago. Today it’s very icy and burrrrrrrr, cold!
As of yesterday, I still had no idea where I was going in Ireland. I had pulled an angel card in Grass Valley and I was asking for guidance about the trip to Ireland. It read, “Retreat - Seminars.” Trying to keep that in mind, I was testing the waters to see what opened up. I thought I would go to the Rising Star Retreat Center, but after several emails, it didn’t feel right. Yesterday afternoon my friend in Switzerland asked if I would come to see her. Hmmmm, something that I hadn’t considered.
Several years ago when I began this vision quest journey and one of my daughter’s asked of me, “Mom, why aren’t you traveling? With a flight attendant for a daughter, what a great opportunity!” Without hesitation, I answered, “If I was to be honest, I think I’m afraid.” I had a little talk with myself, “Well, if that’s the reason, then you’re going girl!” I began by going to Ireland and Switzerland and now when I feel like I’m coming to the end of the ‘official” traveling journey, (for now) I find myself back where I started. Hopefully this time with a bit wiser and with a bit more confidence.
I remember sitting in the office of my priest friend in Ireland before leaving for Switzerland, with tears in my eyes. He is a world traveler and speaks many different languages. My first trip out of my little comfort zone ever, was when I flew to Chicago and he met me at the airport and showed me how to ride the ‘El.’ (Chicago public transportation.)
That being said, how do I know that this unexpected trip to Switzerland is in alignment with my journey? RS Retreat Center didn’t feel right and the invitation came for this trip. The price was good, the money to go appeared and the times my plane arrives in Swiss and Dublin are perfect. My last trip, I couldn’t even ride the train without issue. My Siss friend’s home is a lovely retreat place. She’s written a book on how she cured herself from auto immune disease, simply by changing her diet and eating organically. This time will be a refresher course for me and being in a more grounded state of mind, my hope is that I can take some of her techniques back with me and integrate them in my life.
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