After getting a free oil change in my car, (where I purchased it) I headed up the freeway to Downtown Los Angeles where I was going to have lunch with Sister Edith. I had looked up the addresses of several Hospice facilities in the area so that I could leave books at them while I was in town.
We had a lovely lunch and talked about my talks beginning Sept. 17 and continuing for the first 4 Saturdays in October. I was very excited that she was still supporting my dream. (The picture at the right is the opening ceremony for the Religious Education Conference (40,000 attendees at the Anaheim Convention Center) which was the original intent for my speaking.)
I drove to see my priest friend in Whittier and then my sister and biggest fan had arranged for me to do a Rising Star Healing for a friend of hers. It was very touching to me and I’m very grateful for the opportunity. I ended up with a yummy dinner at my sister’s and another Rising Star Healing, this time for my niece. When we got to the sacral chakra, we both heard a baby cry....wow! My dad’s spirit was very present at this session. I have really felt the spiritual support on this trip BIG TIME! Leaving at 3AM the next morning for Carmel, to see the uncle of a dear friend! Uncle Bill is 91 and just went to the hospital for a bit of physical therapy, but he’s quite a challenge to the nursing staff as in his head his thinks of his sex life as being a young teenager!
SIDE NOTE: As the time draws closer for my phone meeting with my editor for my next book, this afternoon, I notice that I am beginning to feel a little anxious. It’s always a little scary putting yourself ‘out there.’ Once you’re material is out...it’s out! Sometimes it’s hard to hear what needs to be said in order to move a project forward. I try consciously not to make excuses, but simply listen to the advice, after all, it is solicited, I am paying for this service!
EXCITING NEWS FOR ME: *The meeting with the editor was great. Still needs work of course, however I had learned a lot from the first project, so I got a BIG Thumbs up! * Seamus called from Ireland, I at least now have some sort of connection. Even though I still have no idea what I’m doing, where I’m going, I had said, "I need God with skin on," and Seamus called! * I got my first official book order today:) St. Michael is on it! San Miguel Mission, 6 books and a dozen of each of the postcards! OK, troops, chins up, we’re moved to the next square on the board of LIFE game! Yes, there are still many more squares and turns to go. Thank you for all your love and support! Even though this was an exciting day for me, I continue to remember from John Denver, “Sometimes I fly like an eagle and sometimes I’m deep in despair!” I’m thankful for the journey!
first book order! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from debby t