I’ve been asked to write about my travels and so I will begin with when I left Az on Feb. 1st, sharing what happened along the way.
This current trip took me from Southern Arizona, north, to Lake Havasu, then west, to LA, Carmel, Pebble Beach, SFO, Sacramento, Grass Valley, Roseville, Vallejo, LA, Chicago, Ireland, and back to Chicago the end of March, ending up with a house sitting opportunity in Tubac, AZ, April 1.
To begin with, I knew it was time to hit the road again and it was a bit harder this time as I had become comfortable with the people and life situations I was enjoying in southern Arizona, (SUN!) but I knew something was calling me to leave.
Several months ago, I had purchased a car, something I had been without for the past year and a half. A car for me is my freedom, my security blanket, it’s a place where I listen to God. It had been quite an experience without a car, but now with one, I had the freedom to go wherever I wanted. Some people thought that I was running away, but after much soul searching, it was really a 'calling' I felt. It would have been much easier for me to stay in the familiar than it would be for me to leave, heading into the unknown, having to trust that all my needs would be met and the most humbling, having to say ‘yes’ to receiving the generosity of others, something I have had much practice at since I began this 2 year Vision Quest Journey I have been on.
I had it in my mind to be on the road on my 58th birthday, Feb. 1st. My finances were, as usual, less than desirable and so when an opportunity arose to work on my birthday, I postponed my trip. I wasn’t surprised when the weather turned cold, the job had been canceled and I found myself on the road, yes, you guessed it...on my birthday! Surprise!
I sat at the desk of my friend, before leaving, looking at the $3 that I had to take on this trip and wondered, “Was I out of my flipin’ mind?” Now mind you, I’ve never missed a meal or had to sleep on the side of the road...yet!
I had just written a check to reserve a table at a Caregivers Conference to sell my books and was tossing around the idea of skipping it this year, thus saving the $100 and take it with me. Right then, a friend called and ordered 3 books! OK, well now I had $48, a full tank of gas, a Mobil Credit card, everything I owned, a lunch my friend had packed for me and the symbolism that I was going to be provided for. I was set to go!
On my last trip to Chicago, I had applied for a Mobile gas card....Why, I had wondered. I didn’t even own a car and yet, I found myself filling out the application. Much to my surprise, they gave me one! Now I knew....I needed the card for this trip! Sometimes we get to know why we feel like doing something and other times we don’t. We just trust that we’re following our intuition that comes from Divine Guidance. (to be continued)
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