How can one day put so many people into a tail spin? After all, it’s just another day…right?
I had a phone call yesterday from someone very dear to my heart….the conversation began…. “ I need a valium to get through the day tomorrow.” This is not the first person who has confessed to me the stress of the holidays and the need for some relief to 'get through it!'
I thought back to the movie, Christmas Vacation….Chevy Chase wanted the holidays to be perfect. He tried to duplicate Christmas from his childhood memories, what he thought he needed to do to make Christmas...Christmas! After every thing he created turned out to be disastrous…he turned to his dad and asked, “How did you make it through so many holidays?” His dad held up a bottle of whisky and said, “I had a little help from my old pal Jack….Jack Daniels!”
I put myself in the category of not fitting into the Norman Rockwell holiday scene and the stress that trying to ‘fit in’ can cause.
One more gift to make, to buy. One more thing to cook, to clean...One more person to visit~
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the preparation that we totally miss the gift, the gift of time and doing what bring us joy.
The question: Can we stay grounded and happy in the Holiday Season simply by taking inventory as to how we wish to spend our time. Who do we want to spend our time with and how much are we willing to give others while still taking care of ourselves.
Maybe the next time a holiday or special occasion comes around, perhaps we'll be able to say 'No' to the things that don't bring us joy....saving space for the things that do! Remember to take some time just for you...resting, playing...rejuvenating! Remember that when you're feeling your best, that will radiate to the others around you.
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