I've been here in AZ, working 2 jobs to try a get enough money together to publish my first book. Something has come into my awareness that I had known about, but never really internalized. I work at Fry's Market for $7.50 an hour and a waitressing job that pays, $4.25 an hour; certainly, they expect you to get tips and the truth of the matter is, sometimes you do and sometimes you don't.
I am definitely not going to be making this kind of money for ever, however, there are many people who do and my heart goes out to them. I overheard someone in the parking lot telling her friend that she just went to The Olive Garden and when asked if she wanted to purchase an item, she replied, "That's more money than I make in an hour." You really have to begin to think about minimum wage and a living wage. While taking a training class, I met a young mother of 2 small children, living alone....and making $7.50 an hour. Come on, give me a break!
When I first arrived at my waitressing job, I met a woman in her 50's who had several jobs and crocheted potholders and place mats that she was selling for $30 a set. I asked her, what it was that she did with all of her money. She said, "Just trying to survive." She lives in a trailer that needs to be torn down, so the heating and cooling bills are high. She has an older Kia car with a car payment and a few cats.
I am trying to be conscious in my living, what I eat and recycle etc. I am not a fan of purchasing chicken after watching how they're treated in chicken farms. So, if I want chicken, my heart tells me that it has to be free range. However, the reality is I have to work over an hour and a half to buy it when the cooked chicken in the store is only $5. While many are against Walmart, I can buy a bottle of juice at Walmart for $3 when it cost $6 at the regular market. Again, I have to work nearly an hour to have a nice bottle of juice.
What this experience has done for me is open my eyes to how many of us are living. It has made me fully aware of why people choose what they do when it comes to eating and the environment. I can get a $1 burrito or $3 happy meal! It's simply about the money!
Until we as a society are willing to pay a fair wage (a people work for it) social justice for all creation won't be a reality. Sometimes it's easier to live with our heads in the sand about where our food comes from and how things are treated simply because there seem like no other options.
When I'm eating fully consciously and giving thanks, the thanks not only goes to a Higher Power, but also, mostly to the one who has sacrificed it's life for my health. I can no longer eat a fish without reverence when it's lying on the platter, looking me in the eye or eat potatoes that just came out of the dirt with their little faces without a sense of gratitude.
The bottom line, working these low paying jobs has given me a new since of compassion and honor for the people who do them. My hat is off to you all!
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