It included limiting my media intake and trying to stay positive thus attracting more positive energy for the collective.
It was returned saying, "This could be helpful, resubmit after the election," and I did. I received it back with a note, that put a pit in my stomach, which in effect said that it was bad advice. After licking my wounds, I was able to see that it was in fact bad advice for the situation. (Remember the most important thing is to think for ourselves! Advice is simply an opinion.)
I was reminded what needs to happen when any disappointment arises is not to stuff the feelings inside but to work through them. Of course, I know this! Stuffing feelings causes dis-ease in our bodies. We need to really feel what we're feeling. Be mad, get angry, think of the worst thing that could possibly happen, feel what that would feel like and then make peace with it. And finally, not to live in fear but to embrace love. That alone can be a major contribution to the whole.
And ask ourselves, "What can I do to make the situation better? Stay engaged? Become an advocate for whatever beliefs that I hold dear." Change what I can change and accept the things I can't.