In my beginning to study Shamonic Astrology a bit deeper, what it really does is give everyone a valid place on the wheel of life as well as compassion for ourselves and others. The theory is that we all knew (Great Spirit did, to use the Native American word for God) before we came to earth what we each needed to learn in this life and who would accompany us on that journey. Sometimes the decisions that one may make on their path, another may look at and think... if only, or what a waste, if you had only done....The point is that while we are all on the road of life together, we all have different trails that we follow. Each personal journey is unique unto itself.
My friend was explaining to his step daughter that in big cities there are a couple of different options for train transportation. One being the regular train and the other the express. On the express, you get on at point A and ride the train all the way to point B without any stops. He made the analogy that, it's like when a person chooses to go to school and graduates and then gets a 'regular job.' But she had chosen to take the regular train, stopping many times before arriving to point B.
While I thought his analogy was good, I also thought that taking the regular train allowed for many more adventures and life experiences, which yes, definitely can translate to pain. However, it's in touching the hot stove that we know not to touch it again, or not! One of my favorite Garth Brooks songs comes to my mind...The Dance; I could have missed the pain, but then, I'd have had to miss the dance!
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