A while back I had an issue with the Verizon Air Card. For the whole 6 months that I had it, the bill remained the same. Then one month is went up $200! I spent many hours on the phone trying to understand what happened! One customer service representative took the time to explain to me what a mega bytes and gigga bytes were. (see I can't even spell them!) I was still very unhappy as all I had tried to do was download a free song from Starbuck's and something got stuck and my computer froze and wham....$200 later! What made me the maddest was that no one seemed to care.
I was complaining to my counselor about the money situation, when I noticed the words coming out of my mouth, "I consider it tuition for my education! Guess what will never happen to me again!" Her reply, "So you're wanting Verizon to pay for your education."
More recently, having a renter issue this came to roost again. I had to spend $100 serving papers to them because I hadn't been clear in my communications when they signed the rental agreement. I was angry, hurt and felt taken advantage of. Why am I the one who gets stuck with everything and they get off scott free? Why? Then I remembered Verizon. Because you have to pay for your education one way or another. Sometimes it's just the hard school of knocks that we learn our lessons the best from! So, after a good cry, I wrote an addendum to the original rental agreement, this time being very clear and specific in what I expected. Like I always say, "You get as many opportunities and as much pain as you need until you get the lesson!" You get all the time you need! (PS. the longer it takes to get the lesson, the more pain it seems to cause:) Get it now or get it later....it's up to you!
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