Learning self care and receiving are still 2 of the life theme's I continue to work on. Since I've been to Southern California, this trip, my intent was retreat time and the opportunity to go whale watching was intriguing to me...even though it's not whale season! I thought a boat ride for $15 was a bargain! (with a coupon)! A project job came my way which hadn't left much room for retreat time! My stay was coming to an end as Sunday rolled around. The day was beautiful. I had a friend visiting from up north and she was trying to get me to go with her to downtown LA, something I would have loved to do but another friend of hers decided to take her, freeing up some time for me before attending my niece's party. I missed the first boat and the next one was at 3PM, later than I had wanted to go. But, in keeping with the self care theme, I decided to go. I called, made a reservation and away to Newport Beach I went. I bought my ticket...with my discount coupon. As I waited for the boat to arrive, a young girl, in her twenties??? came to tell her friend with a very sad and disappointed look on her face, that they had given away her reservation! I said to her, "Honey, I was going to go by myself and I have a ticket you can buy, if you like." They were both most appreciative and asked me how much was the ticket....$30? Normally, I would have said "No, $15." But, as usual, I was down to my last few dollars, literally and I said, "Yes, thank you!." (WHO ORCHESTRATES THIS STUFF??? (I now have money for the week!) They were thrilled and I was thrilled too! I walked to the parking lot and there was 11 cents with a small bit of gum, wrapped in a piece of paper. I looked up and said, "Thank you! For me, 11 in angel numbers, is angel support. For me, the gum represented angel support sticking to me and the money I had said "yes "to, was because I had honored myself with self care. I followed my intuition to go to the water, even though I could have very easily talked myself out of it. I didn't actually need to be on the boat, just the drive to the beach and be in the restful energy of the sun, water, whale and dolphin! There was a little sign in a shop downtown that reads, "If you're lucky enough to be at the beach, then you're lucky enough! And I am!
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