My ex-brother-in-law came to see me while I was in Southern California. After our afternoon together he had the courage to ask, "Did you skip over some of your co-dependency work...intending to come back to it later?" I didn't think so, but I asked him for his observations. One of the things we talked about was how in AA, your walk through life is practicing living life each moment of the day. CoDa - codependency recovery is the same, learning a new way of living, which I recognized I needed to do. I still can work 24/7, it feels good and comforting to me, but to carve out time for me...not that interesting, well, not that familiar. So when the depression set in, I made a list of how I was going to spend the rest of the day. It included exercising, I choose NIA Dance and a walk to the beach...and in the water. This was a great improvement for me as I didn't just EAT! After our visit, I re-read the codependency characteristics and recognized there were a few more that needed healing. In the meantime, I'll make a list and do some unfamiliar things in my daily routine, exercise and meditation we'll begin with!
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