Why do we care if others like us or not? Why do we care what others think about us? Why is our self worth and self esteem related to our perceived opinion of others?
The past few months, increasingly, my clients are expressing concern over misunderstandings of others that leaves them feeling hurt, alone, lonely and misunderstood.
What makes it worse is that many times the other person shuts us out or doesn't want to talk about it.
What can we do then?
First: Identify why you care? Look deep and see if you can find a little clue to somewhere in your past where you've felt this way before and it didn't get resolved.
Example: A friend that you've felt close to, has for some reason, apparently shut you out without any apparent reason and doesn't want to talk to you about it. You can imagine how you might feel.
The Solution: Try using this current situation as a mirror to see where in the past you have felt this same way before and it never was resolved. For instance, if it's a female friend, I'd look at a mother or sister perhaps, where you've felt shut out in the past.
The Good News: Once you identify it, you can heal it. I've found in my work that these current life issues re-create themselves to show us where there is a past wound that is keeping our energy blocked, thus keeping us from moving forward in our life.
If you need help with this, email me and I'll help you figure it out!
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