It is the different opinions and viewpoints from everyone that makes the world go around. We are products of our families, societies and cultures. As we continue to evolve through out our lives, our points of view will change and then hopefully will change again and again. Our souls are on this earth for their evolution. The ultimate goal is Oneness with God and heaven. (Certainly just one point of view and opinion, from one persons experience.)
I had gone to the local pub last evening in support of a friend who was doing the Master Cleanse,( Lemonade Diet). When I arrived, she had taken the day off and her husband preceded to tell us how dissatisfied he was with her doing this cleanse. Another friend piped in as well. “It’s not healthy, etc.” he stated. He continued, “He’s her husband and he knows what is best for her!” I was a bit irritated as they all had negative things to say about the cleanse and yet not one of them had read anything about it.
I had only one point that I was trying to make. That we should all support our friend in the decision that she had made about her body. Someone tried to shhhhhhh me. “You’re making him mad!” (about the husband) “You need to pick your battles.” What battles? I was simply stating my opinion from my point of view. I have done the Master Cleanse and read several books on the subject, so I did have an opinion.
This was probably one of the first times in my life, that I stood for what I believed.
I think that it is important to remember that we all have a valued place on the wheel of life. All of our opinions, view points and experiences matter. Our life experiences that we share, help others to figure out what is right for them in their life and visa versa. We’re meant to share, we’re all interconnected. Thanks to all who have the courage to share with me and for the mirrors you provide for me in my life.
I deffinately think like that pati. Although is kind of hard to say out loud what we think if anybody thinks like us, but i think that as long doesnt hurt anyone we should say it. Its like opening our world to the others so we ended up learning from each other. :D