While a lot has happened since my last entry and I’m trying to write in the blog, the topic of Shifting into the 2nd Half of Life living, keeps popping in my head, so I’m going to take a little side trip here.
A friend and I were speaking about a relationship of mine and when I returned from my recent Vision Quest, the relationship had changed. (Change is good) I said, it felt like my friend had put their foot on the path of shifting and in my absence, with no support in the 2nd Half of Life living, they ran back to what was familiar. (I actually find this is very common with the people that I work with.) It takes many attempts to stay on the journey.I too personally know how easy it is to cling to the familiar, to old patterns, beliefs and relationships. I know the difficulty of letting go of something in order for something new to appear.
Many times we want to keep the bird in the hand, even if it’s pecking at us, before we are willing to let go for another to arrive. It’s fear of the unknown, what if what I have is better than what is out there? What if nothing else appears? At least what I have is better than having nothing....or is it? ( Well, at the very least, it’s diversion for helping us to not have to spend time with ourselves.)
She was explaining to me that while many are invited to enlightenment, not so many of us stay on the path. She began to tell me a little story of a man seeking the teaching of a Guru. The Guru took the man into the water and held his head under water until the man felt like he was going to drown....the Guru then pulled his head back out of the water and the man gasped for air. The Guru did this to the man 2 more times. The 3rd time the Guru gave the man air, the man felt like he was going to die. The Guru simply said, “When you want enlightenment as much as you want air, come and see me!”
It is not an easy journey, but it is the journey that we’ve all been invited to. We have to examine our beliefs: Are they true for me or are they just things that someone else told me were true. Our relationships: Are they giving me life? Am I being co-dependent in them, thinking someone needs me and so I stay.
Is my life happy and full of joy? Am I feeling dissatisfied? Anxious? Confused?
I ask myself a couple of questions when I begin to feel these feelings: (I have a complete self evaluation paper if you’re interested, just email me, or if you’d like to
1. What would I do if I weren’t afraid?
2. What would I do if it weren’t about money? About time?
3. Would I have regrets later in life if I didn’t do it? If I did do it?
Remember, this is YOUR life, you own it to no one! Something a priest said to me when I was in the beginning of my Shift...Did you ever think your’e giving the others the opportunity to grow, rather than you’ve deserted them?
What is keeping you stuck? What is sucking the life out of you? What in your life is not bringing you joy, peace and harmony?
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